How do you get there Sup Forums?
Keep it vidya related
How do you get there Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
teleportation kid...
blink up there because i'm corvo from dishonored
Hold R1
>not doing the princess peach floating thing
so what would YOU do if you were the manager and had to fill this space?
Some statue or floral arrangemnt/
Stack medkits until someone's able to place a mobile spawn point
I've got a jump pack for this
>so what would YOU do
Ur mum
Seasonal Decorations that only have to be swapped out 4-6 times a year.
Place a golden jigsaw piece to reward those that explore the area
Video Games
There's obviously a platform on the other side that you ledge hang from. Then you shimmy along those little wooden ledges on the wall to get to the side we see here.
Build up speed for 12 hours XD
>position scuttlebug
>align QPUs
>build up speed
2 ez
The obvious answer is to SIDLE
More importantly, what will Sup Forums fuck in this picture?
Certainly not those tiles. Look how dirty they are.
Friends have a character up there that they log into. Get summoned.
Jump across to chandelier, swing off chandelier, jump off to other side.
nice one
Portal gun xdddd
gg no re
My house has the same kind of thing.
It's smaller but it's a portion of carpeted floor next to a window that could easily hold a chair. It's a bitch to clean so I've never vacuumed it and now it's full of dead bugs.
Just jump it, faggot. It's not that far.
>it's an invisible bridge
>This hasn't been posted yet
But how do you get up there?
Dangerously position a ladder on the stairs below it, going the opposite way onto the balcony.
Although it's just easier to press X and jump to grab the ledge and press forward on the analog stick to climb it.
This is probably the best in the thread.
The vase is asking for it
you need the light dash boots
Monster kek
>this is a co-op event only, you cannot use this shortcut during singleplayer
Just do a PoP wall run
be sonic
Pssh, I got this
Just walk across since that's a glass floor.
Portal gun
Wait, I forgot I could just do this!
Keep walking diagonaly against the wall to not fall
waaaaaaaaay too much free time
what if you could use your powers for good user
So good
he's still walking in front of the stickers on the doors and the wet floor sign.
So this... Is the power... Of reddit...
>Being this dumb.
Everyone knows you just triangle jump to that shit.
now do it with those DSP greenscreen shots
>edit is thps3
>song is thps1
Mildly bothered
Wall run up and jump across
Like that one section in asscreed where all the retards who never played prince of persia had trouble
Guess I'd better rewind the clock again and see if I can pick up any other clues
Someone post the one with the Egg theif from Spyro
this is fucking great
I like it
Nice one
well made, too
press against the wall and sidle
Enemy OBJECTIVE spotted
Enemy INFANTRY spotted
10/10 prebby gud
I don't remember ever seeing that animation at the end.
I love you user.
Supreme fucking taste.
10/10 made my day.
>FS bluntslide
>he's actually doing a BS Tailslide
You were the cat all along.
Ghost Trick
I did it!
not bad
What a terrible spot for a sentry.