Dark Souls 3

What weapons would you like to see in the future DLC?

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Some really cool boss soul weapons that have really super unique movesets but cannot be infused and have bad attribute ratings and ultimately deal piss-poor damage

I want them to bring the gold/silver tracers back.

Chain and weight or an axe on a chain like the man serpents.

A snake.
A big leather bag with a bundle of chains in it.
A dead guy.
A statue being used as a great mace.
A frying pan.

I like you

Bring back the twinblades from Ds2
Puzzling stone sword
Some actual good scythes

This. I also want some transformation stuff ala Bloodborne, maybe something in the same vain as what is happening with the outrider knights of Boreal Valley.

Some huge epic great swords with blades so thick they probably deal blunt damage.

Pursuer's greatsword, art glowing neon death.

>The god hand in there
Every time it never fails to make me laugh

Something with a good weapon art

Cathedral knight greatsword senpai

twin princes greatsword

They're already in the game as cut content, so will probably be in one of the DLCs.

Some kind of forged iron weapon, tempered and sharpened.

Perhaps it has a hilt and guard to protect your hand while you use it.

Could be beneficial to sharpen the tip as well so it could be used as a weapon to pierce through armor or slash through flesh...

I want some actually varied spells

The return of power stance and Bone fists or improved fists movesets.


Shitloads. That's what I want to see.

DaS3 is right back to DaS1 levels of choice and variation in weapons. Meaning that 70% of the weapons are so badly balanced and stupid and useless that they aren't worth using.

It's easily one of the biggest weaknesses of this game. The weapon variety and viability is fucking miserable.

>Always see posts like this
>always see people shit talk the claymore
>Still literally one shotting people with it's r2 and leo ring
Mate what is this shit you speak of.

More lightning oriented stuff would be fucking great, because while putting gold resin on your weapon and throwing lightning bolts is cool and all, I'd really like some more dedicated lightning weapons like the dragonslayer greataxe or dragonslayer swordspear with more cool weapon arts.

I'm being very clear. You're the fucking shitstain who doesn't make any sense.

>Hurr people always whine about weapons but my Claymore is fine!
What the FUCK does that have to do with anything?

Because saying 70% of the weapons are meanless is a fucking lie I can name more weapons that are under used but can get over 430+ AR and are perfectly viable in pvp. Seeing people complain about viable weapons is retarded were everything even fucking whips can get good damage with the new infusion system.

>Because saying 70% of the weapons are meanless is a fucking lie
No it's not. It's the fucking truth. 30% of the weapons are actually "good" and the rest are varying levels of shitty.
> can name more weapons that are under used but can get over 430+ AR and are perfectly viable in pvp.
Good for you user, that doesn't change anything about how poorly balanced the weapons are.
>Seeing people complain about viable weapons is retarded were everything even fucking whips can get good damage with the new infusion system.
Yeah, you're an idiot. Infusions aren't suddenly going to fix how shitty most of these weapons are.

Did you even play Dark Souls 2? Do you know what it's like when one of these games has GOOD weapon balance? Because nearly every fucking weapon in DaS2 is viable, well made and well balanced. Fucking forget how miserable the variety is. There's a million Straight Swords, Greatswords and Ultra Greatswords and hardly any variety in other categories. Not to mention how fucking shitty they made the infusion system. They kept all the convenience of DaS2 but forgot to make the infusion ores actually accessible. You get like maybe 3 gems per infusion per playtrhough.

It's shitty game balance user. It's a symptom of Miyazaki's direction.

the things that rafael has

A dex greatsword
A str katana
A faith staff
An int talisman

Opposite day the dlc

>A dex greatsword


- that whip-sword thingie from DkS2 (looks like Ivy's weapon from SC) with special attack akin to the Witch's Locks, but with dark magic imbued, nay fire
- the horizonatal dark magic sword slash (would compliment the vertical variant in '3' and allow for a full dark magic build sans off-hand mash weapon)
- that non-usable staff of the Aldia warlocks

This "DS2 was the best souls" meme needs to stop.

Archdeacon's is a faith staff, and caitha's chime and sunless talisman are both affected by int as well.

still a better love story than DkS3: Pandering Edition

DaS2 isn't the best Souls necessarily. But it has the most content and the best mechanical design and game balance.

Well that's neat. Now I'm prospective for the str katana.

Non rehashs

I'd like to see more weapon types. It's always cool to get a badass sword but it's repetitive. Unique and odd weapons that make duels unpredictable would be great.

Something like logarius' wheel from bb

Hexes/Dark magic that doesnt blow balls
The nunchuk things with a blade at the end forgot what they're called
That poo in the loo sword whip

>try out the notched whip
>figure it should be decent
>it sucks in PVE and PVP also
what the fuck...

Its works alright to freak out shield shitters with

>he forgot the havelyn meme

I think maybe a variation of it but more like the whirligig saw would be awesome

Post build

Dark bead

>He thinks Havelyn is worse than the cancerous shitpile that is DaS1's meta.

DaS3 is too early to judge for that since every Souls game gets a lot of rebalancing done in the early stages.

Fuck I remember seeing a painting in an Art History course this was based on
>Also fucking Ubik just chilling in there

An Ultra Greatsword that has higher than C scaling besides the Fume Ultra Greatsword

Wasn't the havelyn in the first one too?


mfw slaying invaders with ease using anal beads + pursuers

>A good faith weapon or two
>Mother fucking bone fist
>The Tracers
>Gough's greatbow
>Pursuer's UGS
>Moonlight butterfly spear

What would the point of his greatbow be

>Outclasses the Dragonslayer Greatbow in both range and damage due to better stat bonuses.
Why not

A chaos infused zweihander, as a joke.

>A statue being used as a great mace.

DaS2 had a statue on a stick being used as an UGS, and it was one of the better UGSes until FUGS showed up.

I want lances to be buffed so I can cosplay Maldron properly.

Flamberge is better.

All of DaS2's main pvp memes have been patched. Avelyn has been nerfed into the ground for example.

>no thrust moves

I just never saw the point in any greatbow in the games so one more seemed pointless

They're useful for knocking people to their deaths. They're good for being annoying.

A goddamn flail.

Ah okay. The only time I've seen one used effectively was an invader using it to finish off an estus chugger/bonfire camper running away in a straight line with almost no health left

This shield and its pair.
Unique weapon art of its own.

Goddammit, this game really have shitty weapons compared to the previous souls.
The weapon balance and scaling is out of whack and the fact that they recycled item and make it a boss souls weapon show how fucking lacking they are in these department.

The dlc better bring a fuckton of new weapons.

>doing over 1k damage with a claymore thrust


>But it has the most content
People always say this, but it's not true. At least not in the way they mean.
More content is meaningless when the game itself is crappy. Quality >>>>>>>>> Quantity

Didn't they have Quelaags corpse? Furysword. More whips would be cool. Painted world/Priscilla's dagger.

Power stance
I miss my dual poison spotted whips and I want to do a dual crossbow run

This. Something like the DLC hexes would be great.

>Can't power stance Pontiff's swords or get his set
I am legit mad

A multi-magic staff/talisman that specializes in dark. Kinda like the Black Witch's staff from DaS2. How the fuck is it fair that I need 3 casting mediums to do my magic when sorcery/miracle/pyro fags only need 1?

>Now I'm prospective for the str katana
Black Blade.

Try it on a bleed build.

thats like its only purpose. but the low damage makes it unusable. it's an outdated mechanic in a game with broken poise.

>mechanical design
>game balance
Everything about Dark Souls 2 is shit. Post-SOTFS updates gutted the viability of Sorcery, Pyromancy, Miracles AND Hexes as mainline builds so you're pretty much stuck using melee weapons.

>game balance
When over half the bosses and enemies are weak against blunt and thrust I'd hardly call that balance.

Dark Souls 2 is fundamentally broken. It feels like shit to play, it plays like shit, it has performance issues, the lighting system sucks even post-SOTFS (le everything is dark meme), and it's disgustingly easy.

You can't fix DS2. DS2 is just a shit game. I'm not even saying the whole "It's a good game, just not up to the series quality" no, it's just straight up a bad game.

If anything Dark Souls 2 is actually what I would expect from FROM. Demons Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne are definitely anomalies in quality compared to standard FROMsoft.

Instead of a powerstance, how about a secret weapon art that happens when you wield two specific weapons? Like if you have both the Pontiff's swords, you get his rape spin slash of death and misery.

Threaded Cane style whip sword
Portable Ballista that shoots great arrows
A good looking spellsword that doesn't have pointless faith requirement.
A fist weapon that can be pieced together to form a shield (it's just a spiked shield split in half and latched onto each arm).
Hook and Chain
Chain Mace
Miracle that boosts luck and item-find
Stamina Boosting spell for pyro
Weight reducing spell for sorc

Twiblades back please, there was no reason to remove a weapon type with a unique moveset

Also they might as well just re-use all the weapon/armor assets from DaS1 and 2 just for the variety.


Make them available early. I shouldn't have to clear Cathedral of the Deep to get my first offensive dark magic spell considering DaS2 I just had to get to that depressed dude in the chair.

>all these references to DS1
>the best one isn't even there

We better see All the pinwheel masks and Giants Armor



Dual weapons were a mistake. There should have been something that would recognize of the play had two of the same weapon equipped and change over to dual mode. Being forced to carry both weapons fucks up my fashion souls.

What about dark miracles? You can get those as soon as Undead Settlement.

Dragonslayer Armour set
Yhorm Set
Missing weapons/sets that are in the game.
More STR weapons, more scythes/paired weapons.
Significantly harder bosses
Better NG+
More infusion types, maybe add a "flatten" infusion, which gives the weapon strike damage. Would work well on big weapons but bad on smaller ones.
Buffable and or infusable boss and special weapons.
More magic/faith/pyro spells, add cryomancy spells while we're at it
Changable weapon arts, limit certain choices to certain weapon classes so we dont have darksword w/perseverance

thats my wish list

This. They were cool as fuck.

You don't get any offensive dark spells until Deep Soul. All Yuria has is buffs and shit.

But yeah, putting all the dark-dealing spells back into their own category is a much better idea than having them spread out. Then again magic's fucked in general so whatever.

And where's my fucking Dark Bead?

What about Gnaw?

Fire Whip seems fun.

Silver Knight Straight Sword please.

dark sorceries/dark miracles/dark pyros should have been called hexes and should have been usable for all catalysts (including flame).

Something new for once

Deep Braille tome, not Londor. Sorry senpai. You gotta get to the cathedral before you can start slinging dork majick, and it'll suck ass until you invest, which takes even longer.


And spear. I have no idea why you can't get 'em with the rest of the set.

There's Dead Again, but that is some shit when you mention it.

>There's Dead Again
>you can blow up things that are already dead
Good for setting traps but that's about it. If you want pure dork majick, you have no viable offensive options until 40% through the game.

You can get Boulder Heave from the stray demon, but that's almost as far as going to the Cathedral.

Not dark magic, but yeah, you can. And it does take a while. That's also the place where you get your first offensive miracle, too.

Man, everyone but sorcerer and pyromancer got the shaft. There's zero reason to start as a cleric except muh heal.

more scythes
more greatbows
basically just more weapon classes that don't have a lot of weapons in them, do we really need so many straight swords and UGS's? There should be at least on titanite, one twinkling, and one scale weapon for every weapon type by the end of these DLC's.

Frost magic and frost infusion path.

Blue Flame

It was the best.

We have every infusion under the sun and not an ice one. Why introduce a new status ailment when you can't even apply it to weapons?

DS2 vanilla had poorer variety.

Warped sword