What the fuck is his problem? Bitching and moaning about having to get 10 dex to use greatswords...

What the fuck is his problem? Bitching and moaning about having to get 10 dex to use greatswords, a requirement that had existed on all of them since demons's souls, all while constantly conplaining about every little thing and standing in one spot while he does so. Some of his thoughts are fair but a lot of his criticisms are really short sighted and unreasonable. Not to mention his entitled self-rightious attitude regarding his feedback. And holy shit, the fucking crossbow cheese on every pass through undead settlement, where he yet remains after 19 entries into the playthrough.

Fuck this guy and fuck his pot of tea.

is that vaati?

>Watching JewTube/Twitch personalities play games at all
>Actually caring enough about one to make a thread

How pathetic

"A German Spy."

Nigger everyone uses something for background noise. What else should I do while I take a shit/clean house?

Listen to music, listen to something educational, listen to something enlightening, listen to books on tape, listen to the news, etc.

Listen to anything that isn't stupid shit like this.

I do that too. You're not wrong but if you're trying to tell me you don't ever knowingly partake in anything stupid or otherwise unconstructive then you're full of shit.

I definitely do, I've just never sunk so low as to listen to someone else play video games, I'm not a casual who needs to hear others opinions on a game I'm playing

If it's just "background noise" why are you trying to unironically discuss this stupid shit.

>he watches other people play videogames on the internet

He writes strategy guides
What did you expect? he was trained to learn each enemy back and forward so he can cheese it the safest way so people who cant play can buy a guide and learn the scrub way
That plus the fact its his first time playing he will try to cheese everything because he will grind the fuck out off screen and run the same enemy over and over till he learns everything about its AI so he can 2 shot kill in in someway later

If you cant stomach that, stop watching and maybe go watch his BB playthough, since he already had published the guide and all you get is him beasting though the whole game like it was nothing

Now you're just setting arbitrary goalposts to raise yourself above me. I'm married, I work full time. I'm not going to get into a huff or let you make me feel any kind of way about the stupid things I do to amuse myself, and I'm definitely going to post about it on Sup Forums because it's harmless and marginally gratifying.

>Since Demons souls
That's incorrect, I think the reason he's bitching so much is BECAUSE he's used to Demons souls. The Claymore and Bastard sword only required strength to wield iirc.

This, DaS3 weapons are almost all balanced to the middle of the road starting class so a knight can wield almost all weapons while a pure strength build will have less DEX than necessary to try out most weapons
Its like they made the whole game first than the starting classes stats so the warrior type has 1 DEX point less than the bare minimum from most STR weapons, like a silly fuck up that got all the way to the release date and beyond

I generally like blind stuff and have little interest otherwise. Generally if I enjoy a new game I like to see what other people are making of it. Watching some asshole make a game his bitch is not palatable for me at all.

You are right, I misremembered because it had good scaling both ways. It's still been that way for quite some time now.

You'd think with his "thousands of hours" playing the souls games that he'd remember the Claymore being a quality weapon since DaS.

You made a thread to bitch about a JewTuber, I'm just trying to help you since apparently you can't help yourself. Watching whoever this joke is has clearly affected you negatively since you decided to make a thread complaining about it. Please put your time towards your wife or job instead of listening to some autist who's opinions are worthless talk about a game you can't form your own views on

>Bringing up e-celeb threads for discussion on Sup Forums

Kill yourself mate, if you are so excited to discuss your favourite cocksucking youtubers you can do it on their own videos comment section.

Go fuck yourself.

If you're claiming you don't ever make threads to bitch about erroneous shit on Sup Forums then once again I must point out that you are pretentious and full of it. Just saying.


Seriously. The last fucking episode he spent 30 minutes in firelink alone just standing and talking. Can't you fucking progress and talk at the same time? If not, maybe making blind let's plays aren't your thing. Not even ENB has fucked up that hard, and his playthrough is actually mildly entertaining(really enjoyed watching him try to "figure out" the last couple bosses instead of just straight up destroying them, which is completely opposite of german spys "complain about and make fun of every gimmick this boss has because I died to it like a moron and am salty about it" DSP shit. Furthermore, whenever he's figured out he's wrong he just blames the game or the developers that he claims to know so much about, whereas at least ENB while making many mistakes in terms of lore interpretation and boss mechanics at least TRIES to own up to it when he figures out he's wrong).

Isn't he almost fucking 20 parts in and STILL hasn't made it to Abyss Watchers OR Deacons? He should have done at least ONE of those by now. Hell, has he even done Crystal Sage? I just literally zone out whenever he makes run-on sentences, so even though I've been watching I honestly have forgotten his progress. Jesus. This guy is actually considered a respectable member of the community. I'm about ready to drop his playthrough and the TBF one(Pat fucking grinded off-camera like a bitch and still plays like ass).

He didn't even leave undead settlement
This is 95% complaining and 5% actual gameplay

I for one can say that I have never made an e celeb thread on Sup Forums, to bitch about or otherwise because I'm not a pathetic casual who can't form my own opinions on games. I can't believe people like you come on Sup Forums at all and don't stick to reddit or some other awful site. Chances are you probably just watch people play games and claim to have played them yourself, and then come to Sup Forums to echo their opinions on it. Take your e celeb cancer somewhere else faggot

Haha i dont even know who you're talking about fampai like why don't you just play the game

Fucking christ. Really? I could have sworn he at least stepped foot in Road to Sacrifices. Does he actually expect people to put up with that shit? No wonder he can only barely break the 10k mark on these videos, most people probably open the video and skip around just to see if he's actually doing anything only to be disappointed and immediately close the video and eventually giving up.

He has the same style as plague
But even plague new his way of playing was much better suited to a stream where chat input would preventing him from going on and on and on on a topic

Baseless ad hominem and projecting lime a motherfucker. I made my own opinion of the game and haven't quoted anyone elses. I think it's great. I may even like it more than 1. I beat it on my own and wnjoyed the experience before I talked about it much at all and it made me curious what others were getting out of it. Go fuck yourself, complaining about me making a thread to discuss this shit is just as petty if not moreso than the thread itself.

Yeah. I can't understand how the fuck watching someone else play a game start to finish is something people legitimately do on the internet.

Short clips about really skillful plays or something is fine but the LP phenomena is fuckin autistic.

Eh, I didn't mind Plague staring at bricks and talking honestly. I was usually playing DaS at the same time though.

He did
then he went back to farm everything the game has
He is way too locked up on his guidebook mentality
He claims its how he always plays Souls on the first time, but the last time he actually played a Souls game blind was DaS1, he wrote the guides for DaS2 and BB, so now his playstile is 100% focused on repeating an enemy over and over and over till he knows it like the back of his hand to make a report on it
And that is not something fun to watch
It might be fun to play like that, but its not a really good way to play for a LP


Just when i almost started to not completely hate him.

He's not even making a guide this time. It's like the ritualistic behavior autists display.

To be fair, I've not watched Plague, but I'm sure it IS possible to do what german spy is doing in his, but still be entertaining. Spy seriously just isn't. It would be nice if he could go two seconds thinking about Demons Souls and NOT prematurely ejaculating in his fucking pants. At least ENB tries to suppress his inner-das1-fanboyism and shit.

Personally, I like to see how people react and discuss games that I've already played and beaten. I already do that with friends, sure, but I don't necessarily consider expanding to people I've never met to be bad either. Noting the differences between their gameplay and my own can be just as fun as playing it again myself.

I see. I can't really relate to or agree with the mentality(from an LP standpoint I mean), but I can definitely see it as the case for people who have had experience in writing guides and whatnot. If turning the game into a laborious chore for yourself is fun, then more power to you I guess, but it helps to remember you're also doing this for an audience as well as yourself.

Plague had already played the game before so he knew what to do to not waste time on combat and the real meat of his LP was his point of view on things
With DaS3, he wouldn't be able to deliver that because it was his first time playing the game

Same goes with Spy, his channel and his content are mainly for lore/mechanics/information about the Souls series
His DeS LP is just that, both of them, same goes for DaS, DaS2 and BB
But with DaS2 he cannot be insightful on the lore, he can discuss how the mechanics work and he cannot give backend information, all there is left is how he reacts to something new, and his default reaction is "Let me see how to exploit this AI to the max instead of just gun jump" and complaining about minor details that to be fair are stupid but on te game's fault
His rant on fan service was decent, since DaS3 is all over the place on that front

It's not exactly autistic, but who's to say there's no overlaps?

People desperately want to believe there's hundreds of hours of renewable fun/distraction/meaning out there, right within reach. The allure of this fantasy collapsing into reality is so strong it's almost unimportant what object brings it (fast food, facebook, youtube, drug abuse, "lets plays" and other life-rotting junk).

People can't handle that meaning is a part of an energetic dance with life that comes, goes, transforms, etc. They want the same, unchanging meaning with no exertion whatever (probably because their guts are rotting, and they have no energy to exert). The Lets Play shit basically mirrors this morbid state, which is why it seems stupid to anyone who hasn't declined to a similar degree of sickness.

Among LP fans is a total resistance to the fact that it's obviously stupid as fuck to watch unfunny people play games. It really is just some sick person's demand of games/art that they be turned into some stupid shit to talk over.

He doesn't care about his "fanbase" too much anyway
Anyone that doesn't like his style of blind LP for obvious reasons is just shrugged off as muh shitposting minority, while all the people that suck his dick even if he will complain about dex until the end of time get a nice reply

>His rant on fan service was decent, since DaS3 is all over the place on that front

Do you have a link/timestamp for that? I've probably seen it, but most likely glanced over it due to being bored out of my mind. I've enjoyed ENBs interpretation of the matter and found it pretty well-thought-out(I'm thinking he'll REALLY like the final boss but we'll see).

Personally I didn't find it too terrible since From has been doing it in a lot of their games and not just souls so it feels very familiar yet somewhat lazy at the same time.

Yeah, I suppose that's fair enough. It's counter-intuitive but you can honestly do anything if you simply don't give a shit about your viewers.

>turning the game into labor
Yup, that is what he does now
Honestly, Spy is MUCH MUCH better replaying games he knows about or remixes of a game he already knows but with some new content
His P4G LP is pretty good, but shows even more how prone to grinding he is
>Spending 6h long streams in a dungeon lvling up a new party member so they can all be at the same level and not even advancing the calendar
Its Spy Uncut, but the chat interaction helps a lot since he is really dedicated on it
Meanwhile he was horrible on the pillars of eternity stream, a game he never played before, and the only reason those streams were fun was because Pat and Plague bickering and pat telling stories, exposing how insane he is

Last episode just hover the skip bar till you see the character not moving for a good amount of time

Here are your pseudo-science and pretentiousness degrees.

>dun dun dundun dun dun dun dundun dunduuuhn dun

Man you don't even want to know his views on fashion though
He literally goes around Berlin in a trench coat during winter, he is a full blown fedora core weeb but he can be endearing to listen to when he actually knows what he is talking about

Haha, fair enough. Thanks.

>It really is just some sick person's demand of games/art that they be turned into some stupid shit to talk over.

Hey, that's an interesting/unique take. Never really thought about it like that before.

I see. Unfortunately his DaS3 playthrough is the first of his videos I've actually seen despite knowing who he was for awhile. I like P4 too, but it's not exactly one of those games where I care to see other people play it and discuss it(though, hypocritically, I enjoyed the hell out of the Endurance Run from Giant Bomb), if that makes sense at all, but those sorta LPs have their niche so I can't complain.

I'm actually interested in checking his DeS and DaS1 videos now whenever I get the time. It sounds like he's a little less annoying in those videos, albeit far more fan-wanky.

His DeS in depth playthough is pretty good, he uses over 10 different builds in it
At the time I wondered just how he had such perfect example builds ready at hand for each episode, and now after watching DaS3 and P4G I know, nigga loves his grind

Holy fuck. I take it he cuts a lot of that out? Or at least I hope he does. That sounds pretty cool honestly.

It's all done off-screen, he switches builds nearly every episode.

I'll definitely have to check it out then. Thanks for the heads up on it. At the very least, I started the series all the way back to DeS just like him and while it's not my favorite I'd like to see someone do it justice.