Get amazing heals all game

>Get amazing heals all game.
>Get Res's at opportune times.
>Vote for Bastion for LMB Turret at the end

It's like you guys don't appreciate your healers.

Marcy literally can't do anything but heal. Atleast the nigger and the robot can kill shit while they heal. You are wasting a slot if you're marcy

I don't think anyone plays this anymore. Free weekend was fun, but meh. Got the gist of it.

>Ignores her damage boost
>Ignores her resurrection
>Ignores her ability to jump directly to any team mate in line of sight

Nigga, you ignorant or what?

>damage boost for ONE team mate where blacky increases the speed of the entire party making them get to the objective or defense points faster. Not to mention the boost doesn't make up for having one less player do damage
>resurrection just revives teammates into gun fire
>speed boost again
>ignores her no damage

Why are Mercy mains so much more whiny than everyone else who plays this game?

>giving a shit about commendations

They don't do anything, mate.

Mercy literally wins games for her team.

>everyone dies at point
>drive enemy back to spawn

>get zero commendations despite 10k healing

>brushing off how useful the resurrection

first off, it's hard as shit to kill players against a good Mercy. And if you do manage to wipe them, she comes in and res's. Instead of it being 6v6 at a point, now it's 10v6 or 11v6, counting the extra lives.

The best is when your Mercy revives you in the middle of 4 enemies where you have no chance at coming back and doing anything, essentially wasting an ult, prolonging your death timer, and making your stats even worse.

Don't worry user I'll always make sure to commend supports like you.

Good you read this. I'm never going to buy this fucking game you piece of shit. Fuck off with your Overwatch shilling.

Because they will never get a play of the game by being a heal bitch.

>"Just remember to keep that beam on me, healslut"
>"y-yes, mast-"
>"What? Speak up, slut"
>"what type of b-beam do you need?"
>"I'll tell you when I need it and if it's the wrong type I'll stick MY beam up YOU"
>"Y-yes, master"

When will Mercyfags learn their place?

see And if your entire team has died at the same time to make this "useful" then you're really a shit healer

>ever ressing all 5 other players

Except this never actually happens. At best you might get 3 of them, but if your team already completely fucked up once, chances are they'll do it again.

While I'll give her the damage boost if used correctly, she's virtually just a character down unless the player actually knows how to use her, which most don't because she's simply seen as the defacto healer.

>caring about potg/commendations

>mercy player never heals me
>lucio and zenyatta players do
Fuck off you useless slut

This usually happens if I get focused down first, and the team manages to survive for a while on their own with no healer until I get back. Then it's a full 5 res, take the point, and usually ends up as POTG. Happened twice now in the 6 hours I've played.

>caring about epic reddit upvotes inside a game
Fucking healsluts gotta suck dick for them votes too

forgot image

But he's shit.

This, victory is its own reward.

Roadhog is garbage.

>Wasting time being tethered to a full health Reinhardt with shield up when I can be healing or buffing others.

It would be pretty hard to play it as it's not out yet.

>damage boost
Useless because it always feeds some Bastion shitter, or even worse a Reinhardt instead of characters that can actually make use of it.

what's the point when the only people she rezzes are the idiots that run into an ambush face first, just to come back to life and do it again

>her ability to jump directly to any team mate in line of sight
which benefits the team how? it's still garbage when it comes to movement options since it requires a friendly player in your LoS or else you're completely fucked. but at least it's better than Zenyatta who has literally nothing.

Mercy is hands down the worst support. She's only there as the braindead support class and has no real viability outside of a few niche uses, compared to every other support character who bring way more to the table

>heal + dmg boost a friend playing pharah
>he have like +10000 hours of tf2 playing comp soldier
>opposite team doesn't exist anymore
>mfw you're full of shit

Sounds like the exact same deal with me and my pocket friend

>Useless because it always feeds some Bastion shitter, or even worse a Reinhardt instead of characters that can actually make use of it.

Describing a bad Mercy player.

>what's the point when the only people she rezzes are the idiots that run into an ambush face first, just to come back to life and do it again

Describing a bad Mercy player

>which benefits the team how?
She can jump to any teammate she can see near instantly and heal them. How in the fuck do you not see that as a team benefit? Widowmaker up top taking heat? Hop up there and heal her. Oh, now Bastion in the back is taking damage? Fly over to him. It writes itself how it's useful.

You know what I think is most surprising about tumblr and Reddit having issues with the female characters and diversity?

They skipped over one single thing.

Blizzard made a blue eyed, blonde angel. Signifying that only a blue eyed, blonde woman is the purest of woman and the most ideal woman on Earth; Angels are shown to be beautiful, unrealistically gorgeous top tier woman.

No one blinks an eye.

I think we should clap for Blizzard, even through all the shit theyve been given, no ones seen the truth.

>A character is bad because people playing said character is bad

This further cements in my mind that Mercyfags are mentally damaged. I have not yet met one who is not a waifufag, an avatarfag, or a healslut.

Mercy gains her ulti way too fucking fast, that shit needs to be nerfed. She can use it, defend/attack a point for a min has it back asap

>Ignores her damage boost
You don't need it if you're constantly being healed and winning with Lucio, plus his shield ult
>Ignores her resurrection
>see above
>Ignores her ability to jump directly to any team mate in line of sight
map is fucking small and it sucks more that she has to follow teammates to heal

I like Lucio and Zen a lot, but I feel as Mercy I get a lot more healing done, I'm always watching teammates and healing them if they're in range/won't get me killed, I damage boost when possible for characters such as pharah, junkrat, and 76, resurrect if it's more than 2 people or my pocket. In an average match I usually end up with 10k+ healing.

I just enjoy her because it feels like I can make a difference in the game if my teammates aren't completely retarded.

Double Support comps are the best. Lucio is the best support because he can contribute by existing but Mercy/Luc is a blast. I don't like playing Lucio myself but know people that do.

>needing healers

the voting is stupid and pointless anyway. Do you even get anything?

The one time I got a really sick POTG the enemy team all voted for their dude. Probably because it was a premade since they kept stacking characters

>She's also German
Mercy confirmed for Omnic final solution.

She's Swiss

It is pointless, all you get is a little extra xp, xp isn't good for anything


>You will never BLACK the Aryan perfection that is Mercy
End it now lads.

2 Bastions, a Zarya, and some patience.

Or a Pharah

On a slightly unrelated topic

>Read up about Roadhog's backstory
>The Judgement Day happens
>Robots fuck everything up
>Australians too
>Australians offer their own country to the robots as a peace offering


makes sense why they hate omnics then.
Basically the arabs with the jews taking their land.

It's especially the whole "we offer our own country to the race that almost exterminated us" part that I don't get.

>two lucios

it's like a never ending tide. You go in and out and just pick people off like a mother fucker.

>All the tanks bully me
>Pretend to get mad
>I actually love it

Because omnics needed a place that wasn't full of people that hated them.

Basically the entire world. Australia I guess got shafted so they gave them australia.
If omnics didn't like it they would have probably started another war too.

I usually piss on my healers after the match as they sit patiently on their knees.

Except her gun is fucking great and auto reloads if you swap between healing and shooting people constantly. Try not being retarded when you play her

Ok that make some sense.

It's worse when

>party cries about having no healer
>switch to mercy
>actually gets something going and win

Bastion gets all the votes

>No one uses green or amber Mercy for these shots


>Implying I'd heal a Roadhog before a D.Va or even a Reinhardt
>Needing a healer when you have a self-healing skill

Enjoy flailing your chain time and time again as the Reinhardt laughs at you and gets everything done.

Race war was over. Australia gave the Omnics a small chunk of land to smooth feelings. Also to kind of segregate the Omnics since a lot of negativity had remained. A bunch of hillbillies got pissed about this fact and attacked their commune, essentially nuking it and turning Australia into an inhospitable shithole.


I don't play Mercy for votes. I play Mercy because it wins games. She builds ultimate so fucking quickly and Resurrection is amazing. One of only a handful of necessary heroes in my opinion.

And nobody fucking mention because Lucio because Mercy+Lucio is also a must.

>and turning Australia into an inhospitable shithole.

How's that any different than it is now?

The problem with mercy is that you're only doing one thing at a time compared to the other healers. In the time it takes mercy to fly to a team mate and heal them zen already placed a healing orb on the the guy, discorded an enemy and has started shooting murder balls. Lucio can easily pop his E and heal his entire group or speed them up all while constantly popping out suppressing sound damage. Mercy is either healing, buffing damage, or shooting shit. Shooting shit requires weapon switching which takes time, all for a pistol which has decent damage but not really enough damage to justify the hassle of getting it out vs just damage buffing the best guy on your team. Damage boosting is kinda shit too, especially compared to an orb of discord. You can toss an orb and your ENTIRE TEAM does more damage or you can damage boost some one and they alone do damage. Plus, from what Ive read discord orbs make enemies take more damage percent wise than mercy boosts to one person. Plus, once again, you can toss an orb and fire on some one, mercy has to keep on one target.

While I'm probably laying it on thick I think mercy needs some mechanical buffs to compensate.

Frequent resurrections alone make Mercy, if anything, too good. This factor you mention
>Mercy is either healing, buffing damage, or shooting shit
falls away when Mercy players start getting good, even after a few hours I'm efficiently switching between each rapidly without time wasted on anything extraneous. Balance assumes players know what they're doing.

Zenyatta is slow and extremely fragile. Also Mercy's heal rate is higher than Zenyatta's orb which you have to actually be looking at a team mate to place, anyways. Mercy can quick fly between allies, allowing her to remain mobile and to quickly retreat from a fight. Zenyatta's ult is great for a payload or CP map if you're attacking, but Mercy's revive ult can literally make or break a game. Lucio's speed boost is good only for the beginning of the map since otherwise there are never enough people around to justify using your E to boost it to being worthwhile; and again his actual rate of healing is very slow and his AoE is very small. The bonus shields are nice during his ult, but again they only delay the inevitable by a few seconds -- but at Least Lucio can skate on walls.

Zenyatta works if your team isn't taking a lot of damage and can afford to have an ally focused on hurting and debuffing the enemy. As Mercy you should be flying behind your team mates, keeping their health up while they soak up enemy fire. Actually using your pistol should be a last resort.

What? Can you explain the auto reloading?

This. Once the game matures and Mercys are switching modes and partners like a prostitute Sonic the Hedgehog then the Reses will just put her over the top


Someone got hooked, didn't they?

Think tf2 medic except not as brain-dead with a focus on switching between teammates instead of pumping up ubercharge.

Theres a commercial with a hero in it i cant find. She looks like a vampire. I wanna know who she is

Recall had a lot of other heroes, too.

Reminder both Lucio and Zenyatta are better characters that can do more than just heal.

The problem isn't that people can't learn how to switch its that she has to switch in the first place. When I play mercy I almost feel guilty getting the pistol out because I feel like I should be looking for people to heal. It feels like doing damage shouldn't have to be a choice when the other two get to heal and damage people with no delay.

You say zen is slow and fragile, but he move's just as fast as everyone else and mercy only 50 more health which is still peanuts to back flankers who can get the drop on her. Her guardian angel gives some movement options but it requires people or corpses to work. It can also easily telegraph where she is and some times make her vulnerable given how high she can fly some times. It can also set up pretty bad situations as you fly to some one in a area rich with enemies you didn't see. Its not a bad skill but it can't hold a candle to some of the cool shit a good lucio can pull off.

If you where playing TF2 medic as one who wasn't switching between teammates you where already a shit medic.

Which skins did you get during the beta

Which ones do you actually want?

I got Mercy's Legendary about 2 hours before the Beta ended.

I was able to by Pharah's Anubis alt, which was fine for me, but man I want her legendaries

>below 20% heal score on a losing team

And yet you healsluts are still always bitching you don't get the headpats you so desperately crave.

I was, you didn't need to though and shit medics were rewarded with free ubers.

Healwhores beg for attention and want to be noticed, what else is new?

There are spiders in the current shithole. In the Overwatch one there isn't anything. Which is unfortunate because spiders are extremely important to the world and you should refrain from killing them.

Bedouin and Bloodhardt
I really want Pharah's mecha skin and one of Reaper's mexican skins, and sorta want D.VA's Junker skin.

on a serious note it's a nuclear wasteland now instead of just a wasteland.

I actually feel bad for Mercy being so useless in the game when her design is so good.
I hope they add extra skills for the characters when the full game comes out.

I always made an effort to vote for my support team mates at the end of games.

>one of literally 8 people who mic'd on PS4
>always thanked a teammate for a heal/save

>Sup Forums's go to 'complaint' is PRESS X TO Y

oh shit they pressed a button, like they're playing videogames or something. You act like Overwatch is complicated to begin with.

Hey, I never figured out how to do this in game:

I know that you press C to open up the regular emote pattern, but I've seen some other actions crop up in chat. Is there an 'advanced emote menu' like TF2 has z,x,c?

>those black chicks
>the robutts

I need them

I got reaper's blanca mexican skin and's shiny emerald/sapphire junebug skin. They were fun to have while it lasted

>eu servers
>bastion with kills in the upboat system
>nobody picks him
sounds like an america problem

She's one of the strongest characters. Don't let the hive of shitters that think Bastion/Mei are broken or that Winston/Mercy are weak tell you otherwise.

>6-man with more skilled friends
>Reinhardt main for most of the beta, nobody else plays him
>Last day of the beta, one member switches to him for fun
>"This is so fucking easy!"


>can res entire team back to full health

What a strange meme.

Daily reminder Mercyfag cucked by huge dwarf dick

>it's a healslut complaining no one is sucking him off for doing his job season promo

Fucking Mei shitters. Why is her range so good and then it slows you down so can't do anything. REMOVE HER PLEASE. SHE IS ANTI FUN.

>>caring about potg

Yeah but if you get PotG as Mercy it feels so good. It means your team was absolute shit but you still managed to carry their stupid asses.

>cucked by huge dwarf dick
I don't think you know what that word means.

being a dwarf doesn't mean you can't have a big dick

and for all you know Torbjorn might have a fat beercan dick

So did you switch to Japanese voices yet, user?

And lose Tracer's cockney accent?

I want my tank to "appreciate" my healing if you know what I mean.

I want him to pound my ass and call me a good girl while he roughly fucks me. That's what I mean.

Mercy/Lucio combo is in about 99% of competitive games, it's objectively perfect.