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Craigslist Thread
>tfw I see a scalper cuck a collector
no, never again
>first listing
>someone trying to sell a SNES with 6 shitty games and a NES light gun for $170
Not even worth browsing. The amount of bullshit far outnumbers any legitimate sellers.
not bad at all assuming it works
>sticking brand logos on your shit
Sometimes I envy the simple joys of the mentally retarded.
I see that shit a lot at swap meets too. People will sell older games for a shit ton just because they think age adds value.
I saw a copy of Chrono Trigger for $80. In shit condition too. It really depends on the person though since I got a working Atari 2600 and some games for only $30.
It's clearly a scam
>under 200 for a current gen console
Something's wrong with it.
Would pay $20.00 for
Better than the NASCAR 2000 for the N64 I found at a flea market for $60
Non-negotiable according to her
I got a very annoying fag on the Craigslist for my area. Some douche that sells old games and consoles for the prices they originally came out for.
Dude holds copies of Earthbound ransom for $200, though. And Super Metroid for $80 when I asked him about it.
Original boxed copies or just cartridges?
Is this a good deal or should I wait until the 10-series comes out
Don't you dare spend your money on that shit.
Just cartridges.
Fuck that loser.
Thought so :^)))
He's trying to get you to pay for his upgrade. It's worth $200 max.
Or a nigger that robbed someplace
Why does it feel like there's always an underlying motive behind all these craigslist sellers?
Most likely stolen. Dallas is a chimp house.
Because there is.
Probably because there is. Not a single one seems like an honest person is selling something
some of my local posts
50million dongs is somewhere between $2200-2400 i think
>never fell for the collector's edition meme
Feels fucking good.
Not a bad price.
french RP simulator
Gamestop would give him more for all that.
Dong = Vietnam?
good thing he put (point of sales) or I would have read it as piece of shit
>16gb RAM
And to finish off this beastly rig...
>a fucking gtx 680M
>for some reason they felt like saying there's integrated graphics, too
It probably has CFW so its a good deal for pirating single player games
Probably, LA has a lot of weird ads
But isn't it just the PSN account that's banned? Or is it possible to ban the hardware address as well?
Also here's a dude trying to sell some grilled SSDs
charge yo phone bruh
I am!
Is this worth 50 bucks btw?
Yeah the console itself gets banned, you can spoof it if you have a valid address from another console, there is a market for them online
Nice toilet.
What a steal. Tell him you feel bad and you'll pay 75 for it
You can get it brand new on amazon for the same price.
What the shit is this thing?
>and game
oh right because it only has one
>disc face up on a mattress like that
Its probably scratched to hell. I'd ignore
>works great
My fucking ass 'works great', even when they were brand new you had to fight with it every single time you wanted to do anything.
I fucking hate it. Half the cords come out the side instead of the back so it's a bitch to fit in the entertainment center with other consoles.
>guy is selling a good batch of SNES games, including Earthbound, for a good price
>he lives on the most dangerous part of the city
>two guys were just shot dead there this week
I just want your video games. REE
An abomination
On a scale of 1-10, how much does this post make you kek
Tell him you'll pitch in a little bit extra if he'll met you with them at the local police station.
Isn't that above retail for it?
I give it a 9/11.
Also this right here famalamadingdong, is probably a good deal
Well you'd only really want them for collecting reasons, the game is playable on like a billion devices
>Powers on but can't get game to work
>I want $125
This fucking guy.
tell him you'll come over and piss on it for free
They don't look very new
That's not unreasonable. It could be a really cheap repair and would be worth a lot more.
People will buy this shit. Angry Birds is this decade's beanie babies.
You'll have to update me, was beanie babies hyped up in the 90's or something?
what a deal
Took a few pages before I hit gold.
What is that?
What is that?
Ridiculously ungodly popular for non reason other than they existed, only like 1% of them were ever worth anything, and people paid stupid amounts for them, just like angry birds merch.
vape juice.
>pg juice
Why is "powder ganger juice" the first thing I thought of
oh my
the fuck is e juice?
the fuck is pg juice?
this guy wants 200 for this.
Do you fags not even vape?
So would it be a good investment to buy a bird or two and just leave them in the packaging fot a decade?
Sorry I'm not cool enough
>not drinking e-juice while watching e-sports and checking your e-mail
>Athlon 64 X2
>56K modem
What year am I in?
It was a classic Tulip Bubble scenario. You had a product of little to no cost that had slightly inflated value to collectors due to arbitrary scarcity, which caused some people to buy at high volume as a short-term investment. This inflated the price, causing further buy-in, resulting in a continuous feedback loop until prices were driven so high that the market couldn't sustain them anymore. The market collapsed and most went back to being dirt cheap. Sort of like what happened with Amiibos.
I kind of want to sell my computer on craigslists, but I have a feeling I won't get jack shit for it. Most people I've dealt with on criagslist are mega jews.
Something that hideous isn't worth a dollar
Oh shit a GT 220?!? This is too swole to control.
I don't even know anymore
welcome to the retards of las veags.
That's an INSANELY old graphics card
This man is a marketing genius.
Are these a good price for trinitrons?
>will meet buyer within reasonable distance
at least i know i won't get rape
i hope
You gotta admire the creativity.
>Blows away brand name computers with superior parts like a power supply and a motherboard.
>128gb Solid State Solid-State Drive Hard Drive
No, 99% of beanie babies are worthless now. The only ones worth anything were already rare then. You can sell shit to people at the moment, while angry birds is hot, but you'd have to know what's really actually rare now, get your hands on it, and save it for a couple decades. It's not worth all that effort, though.
>are completely sold out everywhere
Oh gee I wonder why