Installing this for the first time
What am I in for
Installing this for the first time
What am I in for
Okay legs.
you gain brouzouf
Well shit I've got nothing to contribute now
Being very confused at the story and mad at endlessly respawning enemies.
Pretty gud game tho, played a few days ago.
strong legs make a great fighter
>What am I in for
Uninstalling it about 10 minutes in.
Jumping on a coop server, anyone feel like joining me?
shit taste
Holy shit
>this looks fucking boring
>holy shit best game ever
Don't get confused too much by the confusing level up system. Like for example, upgrade your legs a lot so you can run fast and jump high.
Not levelling up psi so you can DRAGON! everyone
Utter confusion and the jankiest design you've seen in a while. It's not for everyone, but it's certainly unique in its madness and can be a lot of fun.
Pretty shit game to be honest my familia
but at least the design is cool
Shitty translations, godawful interface, clunky controls and sinfully ugly graphics all wrapped around a barely mediocre Deus Ex clone.
Don't bother with stealth either. This game has infinitely respawning enemies. This is Serious Sam not Thief. Play the game like a hulking rip-and-tear bullet spewing beast and you'll have a lot more fun.
There's that word again.
There's that word again
Is there a nice synopsis of the story somewhere? I beat the game, and I think I know what the fuck was going on, but I'd like someone else take.
Enjoy not doing this unless you cheat your way to max level cyber tech
>Deus Ex clone
>Shitty translations
fixed since release
>clunky controls
not as clunky as other source games
>sinfully ugly graphics
>muh graphics
Just fucking stop it already.
Serious Sam, essentially.
You have to admit EYE is a little clunky, but it's manageable, Dark Massiah for example is way clunkier.
No, EYE may be a bit awkward and graceless at times, bit it's not "clunky".
Tfw missed out on all the 32 player co op
Don't try to understand what's going on. Just do missons, gain Brozouf and have fun
Its actually designed to be nonsensical.
I'm dusting off my old level 138 cyber legs guy, going to peruse the public servers, see you on there
OP here
Just played through with a fa/tg/uy and some random dude.
This game is great, once I got the hang of things I was popping heads with aiming implant. I went for a run and gun build for my first guy and made sure to upgrade my legs.
Blog aside this game came out of nowhere, kicked me in the nuts, and then gave me the best handy known to man. Will be playing again tomorrow.
Also guy who kept blowing people up and typing DRAGON! everytime, I love you
As much as I hate these clusterfuck collages, I feel like it's justified with this game.
Sup Forums is fucking retarded and doesn't understand that 90% of the time when they say something feels "clunky" they're actually reffering to the animations
the animations in EYE are not very good, specifically the first person animations. They lack weight and easing.
How can it be a shitty translation if the dialogue was written in english in the first place? The devs are not native speakers. The term you are looking for is 'weird ass grammar"
Stop shilling your shitty indiegame
I've played this with my brother a while back and we had no fucking clue what the fuck was going on or what we were doing. I should've actually read the shit it was telling me to.
Imma help you out senpai
You can sum up the plot in about two sentences once you understand whats going on, really.
You're Rimanah, you killed your wife so she wouldn't talk about the shit you two were up to since she was captured doing something she wasn't supposed to do, and now you're hallucinating for some reason (possibly because you're undergoing cybernecromancy?). You relive segments of your life, potentially out of order, which are twisted by your self-hatred resulting in such things as someone who you've worked closely with for your entire career spewing insults at you, being hunted by visions of your wife trying to shoot you and you literally killing yourself at the end of each cycle no matter what you do.
E.Y.E plot explained
I made some OC
Are you the guy who did the one with culter saving Strauss by hypnotic gating the fuck out of a Deus Ex and it ends with Strauss saying bullshit? I liked that ona a lot.
I first tried this game a week ago and went with three MetaStreum like the many images I had seen around here suggested.
It shit me out with negative mental balance and every time a bullet came within 50 metres of me I went mad.
Huan did nothing wrong
There is nothing better than joining a couple low level dudes on new eden, and DRAGONing the shit out of everything they ahoot at.
Then you can laugh as they try to katana you with weak ass legs
No I'm not, I've never seen that one is it as shit as mine?
>Negative mental balance...
Literally how?
The best Source mod ever
Your legs are broken
pressing the v key a lot