Neato torpeo

Neato torpeo

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I just tried this in Crash 3, fucking amazing son.

so... it's not really emulation then, is it?

Also to add to this

Is there any way to force the game to render more on the sides with widescreen hack enabled? It seems it uses that offscreen polygon culling technnique to not waste resources rendering things you wouldn't see on a 4:3 screen anyway.

Also how do I get proper fullscreen without those shitty black bars? What did I set wrong in settings?

Please fuck off back to /vr/ you nostalgianigger

nah i don't give a shit about that.
I'm just saying, it's really not emulation at that point. for better or worse.

now don't you feel like a faggot? you should. it's bedtime, son.

/vr/ is a shithole

>Is there any way to force the game to render more on the sides with widescreen hack enabled?

You'd have to hack the game directly for that. The hack displays whatever it is to the right or left of the screen. Even if that's blankness.

It's 8 AM faggot, fuck off.
And the entire point of emulation (at least in my opinion) is to offer BETTER experience than original consoles rather than 1:1
If I wanted 1:1 I'd have gotten the fucking console.

Yeah I know how the hack works, I just wish they'd add game-specific widescreen hacks like PCSX2 did.
Why the did is PCSX2 the only one to do that anyway?
Both PCSX-R/ePSXe and Dolphin only have the "generic" widescreen hack.

Do tell me how the fuck do I get rid of the black bars and texture filtering tho since I have the posterization effect filtering does.

That's pretty fucking cool. I'll still be sticking with mednafen for that lack of input lag and perfect audio emulation, though.

But in order to achieve something better you must fulfill the original's at 100% then overcome it. Accuracy should be first then upgrades upon perfection

>herp herp faggot faggot REEEEEEEE

if it's not 1:1 it isn't emulation anymore, because it's past the original target. I'm not sure what you'd call it, though.

Managed to get rid of the black bars on left/right but there's still on top and bottom for some reason.
And the filtering is still there.

>herp herp faggot faggot REEEEEEEE
Are you having a stroke that you suddenly lost the ability to quote properly? Kill yourself.

nvm fixed it

>>herp herp faggot faggot REEEEEEEE

Bruh that's a straight copy and paste wtf are you on about?

More, please? I love these hi res Crash screenshots

Well I did some googling and apparently the NTSC version simply has those black bars on top and bottom by default even on the original console, to save up on rendering resolution and thus squeeze out a few extra bits of performance to keep it at steady 60 Hz.
PAL version doesn't have that problem since it runs at 50 Hz and thus they didn't have to cut the resolution there.

Here you go.

Literal perfection, user.

>at least in my opinion
proof that an opinion can be wrong

Yeah had to grab the PAL version so it doesn't have those shitty black bars.

It's a shithole because of Sup Forums invading it and turning it into Sup Forums - Retro Games. It didn't take long either, it was an okay board for like what, two months? Christ. At least the Doom threads are good.

when I used to emulate Crash 2 and 3 I always wondered why there were widescreen bars

least i know now that the PAL version doesn't have the problem also i wish the NTSC J didn't have it either

I only wish the widescreen hack wasn't so ehhh.

Well NTSC standard operates on 60 Hz, that includes NTSC-J. This means the game runs at either 30 or 60 FPS.
PAL is 50 Hz so 50 or 25 FPS.
In case of Crash, it's already pushing PS1 to the limit so it runs at 30 FPS on NTSC and 25 FPS on PAL.
So basically you're trading the removal of blackbars for loss of 5 FPS.
Still not sure if worth it.

It's making the original game run.

It's the same thing with better specs.


two months?
shit man, more like 2 hours in and it was already a festival of
>take that shit back to Sup Forums
>blah blah, etc, you get the idea

Shit I forgot how good the water simulation was in Crash 3 (for its time)

Fucking Vagrant Story.

>widescreen hack fixes everything



Just emulate yourself son.
Google PCSX-R, grab latest build then grab the work in progress thing from the OP and you're good to go

the weirdest part is how spyro's geometry peels apart with this
the games looked way better than any others on the system, in part due to an elaborate compensation system to offset the broken rendering hardware. they reduced the jitter and incorrect texture mapping to almost unnoticeable levels
and without that broken behavior, the game ends up over-correcting to broken on the other end. very interesting.

Crash has some issues as well due to this because Crash also has a Software Z-Buffer and doesn't need this fix.

>at least in my opinion
>continues on to say an incorrect fact

Well at least in my opinion blue is often red.

It can't be wrong because I guised it as an opinion.

Fuck off back to your /vr/ cancer containment board where you belong you autistic sperglord

>to match or surpass

Why are you playing an inferior version of Innocent Sin anyway? PSP port is better in every way and PPSSPP is less shitty than most PS1 emulators

Because there is no EPP translation and I like consistency because I'm not a retard like you.

Not done PS1 emulation in forever, but was it something related to how vertices weren't being clamped down due to the nature of how the PS1 rendered polygons and how most devs tried to tesselated polygons closer to the camera to mitigate the warping?

>tried to tesselated polygons closer to the camera to mitigate the warping?
No, no tessellation possible on PS1.

It's due to PS1 lacking z-buffer which causes all the warping.

>No, no tessellation possible on PS1.
It was done in software, particularly in racing games since the lack of perspective correction on the hardware would make anything close to the vehicle bend/warp like a mofo.

Subdivide nearest faces to the camera as a ghetto LoD that works around the limitations of the hardware.

Um what exactly does this do?
Is there like a side by side comparison video somewhere?

I am too lazy for comparison pics.

But it makes lines straight. Like they are supposed to. Original PS the liens could get super distorted.

Prevents polygons and textures from warping and wobbling around, which is a known problem with PS1. Basically this isn't "accurate" emulation since it goes beyond what PS1 ever did.

I thought PS1 emulators were already doing this for years with HLE options/plugins.

Lol no

What was the original cause of that shit in the first place?

Nope, we had GTE Accuracy since last year but that is only a partial fix for vertices, not texture warping.

Read the fucking thread you nigger, you don't deserve this get you lazy fuck.

Huh, would have figured it was a simple thing unless the PS1 just rendered its geometry in such a funky way that it wasn't easily translated.

They had GTE accuracy which reduces jittering.

This is GTE Accuracy AND texture correction, which reduces jittering and texture warping. The poor characters get deformed faces and bodies, the worlds get zig zag lines, etc. All taht's due to texture warping. This fixes it for many games.

Before the tweak


Something still off about the road texture near the sides unless it's just compression artifacts.

You would literally need to implement z-buffer into the emulator which is a fuckton of work, hence why everyone are focusing on workarounds that are easier to do for now.

in what way is this not emulation

Why do you normies only use emulators with "muh WIMP GUIs"?

Call me back once Mednafen can do higher resolutions, GTE Accuracy and now also this.

its not true emulation, at the very least.

>Floor disappearing for moments because the effect isn't well done
Yeah, nah, someday it will be perfected I suppose

what is true emulation? it's either emulation or it isn't. there isn't a kind of emulation.

>someday it will be perfected

What the fuck are you talking about even? Can you screenshot?

>Call me back once Mednafen can do higher resolutions,

There's a port for Retroarch that can. But it's all software.

>you don't deserve this get you lazy fuck.
Wanna try again but this time maybe stop jerking off to thought of sitting on your dads lap while you type?


You are fucking retarded.
There is accurate emulation and then there's inaccurate emulation, there's software emulation and then there's hardware emulation.
You are a fucking retard.


I liked the wobble...

Shit you're right but it lasts a milisecond and I didn't even notice it until you pointed it out.
Anyhow this is still WIP, it was literally implemented like 3 days ago and has daily updates being done.

Why are you cunts so obsessed with that z-buffer integer shit? It's not nearly as annoying. In fact, it's only ever really noticeable if you're the kind of child who plays PS1 games at quadruple internal resolution on ePSXe. Which makes you a fuckstain either way, "wobble" or no "wobble".

>hurr durr muh 320x240 silky smooth 15 fps resolution
>btw im also a pedophile

I'm aware of the difference.
My question still stands.

Good games all run at steady 60fps. Only laughable cinematic experiences like MGS run at 15 fps. Of course you wouldn't know, because all you do is jerk off to Meryl stretched to widescreen until shes almost as fat as your mum.

Please kill yourself you humongous hipster and fuck off back to your hipster cancer containment board that is /v(ery)r(etarded)/

Why is PS1 emulation so difficult? It's been how many years and we still haven't had a good emulator?

We've had good PS1 emulation for years user.
This isn't something that PS1 ever did, that problem was part of PS1 hardware architecture and it was always present on PS1 itself.
This is a new development that makes emulation go even further beyond the original hardware.

Oh, did I hit a nerve there? There, there, boy, nibble on my dick a bit, it always calms you down.

not him but what the fuck are you even trying to say

Epsxe was the lead emulator, and it was closed source. It was "good enough". Closed soruce really hampers development.

Open source helps development. In this case, one guy working in one project tried something, but it didn't quite work. That guy used that as inspiration to create the solution we see now.

Some Russian came up with texture correction YEARS ago but he never released his plugin.

We've had decent emulation, but I wouldn't call epsxe/pcsxr "good". They're pretty shitty realyl.

PS1 was for the most part emulated by, like, 2000.

They're only shitty if you're a 1:1 cancer autist so fuck off back to /vr/

Because Bleemcast was so godlike that everyone else working on PS1 emulators killed themselves and progress was set back for years.

How is it difficult?