Why isnt there a horror game where you play as a mermaid? Deep sea has been barely explored in vieogames...

Why isnt there a horror game where you play as a mermaid? Deep sea has been barely explored in vieogames. Closer I can think is Eco the Dolphin (I finished las week and im really glad I could never get past the first few stages as a kid. That final boss would have terrifie me)
>Pitch your vidya ideas

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There's only so much you can do with water levels until they become normal levels with a water filter on.

I don't know about playing as one, but I'm always up for the idea of oceanic horror.

Seems like an underused concept in games.


>never played Ecco on Genesis

>no current gen seaman

I have a hard enough time knowing I have a skelington inside of me, I definately don't need to see it

le spoop XD

>tfw no Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea game where you manage the Nautilius crew in a steampunk setting

give me a gameplay idea and I'll literally make it if it's good and feasible. I'm used to doing 3d stuff in unity. Something with a submarine.

Y'know, now that I think about it, why isn't there a single porn game where you play as a mermaid?

amn it would be awesome to maul down ships just for fun an scare the shit out of the world

The deep sea is spooky as fug there needs to be a game about it yo.

no sea monkey games

You underestimate japans inie games

Capcom's Little Mermaid was pretty solid

>Water levels

You are thinking of games with sections that happen to have water so they mix it up by making them slow paced a mermaid would be fast as fuck in water and would move even faster than you do on land

Ehh, best Deep Sea game you have at the moment is Subnautica.


SOMA's great, but it's hard sci-fi. I'm thinking of something more Lovecraftian.

But in Subnautica you feel like an outsider. Someone who doesnt belong there.
A deep see mermaid would move on it´s own territory while being hunted.
No air supply. Just you in your home being stalked.

So, you want it so you start out at a "home" location some kilometer down and you can choose to surface but be hunted, or delve deeper and encounter fiercer beasts to fight?

something simple, like you're exploring a dark cave with a sea monster in it, and you have to stealth it and make it to the exit

Just like in real life Space is more explored than sea.

>tfw no controversial game where you have to be a jew surviving the holocaust or a nazi managing it.
Something like this

But not complete shit

>be a jew surviving the holocaust or a nazi managing it.
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.

It could go both ways
Its either a story that dwells within the mind of a tortured man and treats the subject with respect and dignity and it kickstarts a new age of gaming or LEL SO EDGEEH GAS DEH JEEWS XDDD

Im going to guess it would be option 2

Damn, forgot about it. That games needs a remake.

Is that the only big monster that game has? I only saw it being posted every time this game was brought up.

It's the biggest apparently, but there are others that are bigger than the player and more that are bigger than the lifepod.

Is my perception wrong.
That is so patheticly small compared to what you could do with a bit of imagination

They recently added this into the game

Ah sorry, the largest lifeform yet is the Reefback actually, though Passive.

>Early Dev Build

Wasn't this game in EA for like a year? It's still in early stage?

There's still a lot of work to do on the game from the distance I've played it.
LOD transitions are very obvious and disruptive especially in the Mushroom Forest areas, but everywhere is obvious.
Several missing icons in places, missing dialogue, etc. It still needs a lot of work.

>300 meters deep is maximun depth
>Maximun depth irl is 10,994 meters in the Mariana Trench


There's a list of Fauna on the Subnautica Wiki.

marine bio here.
the shit that lurks in the deep is actually quite small due to food scarcity.
this scarcity caused some pretty horrifying adaptations to develop, but also small sizes to compensate for lack of food.
playing a game with a tiny bioluminescent mermaid-skelly like in the OP would be incredibly cool though
I'm imagining the gameplay being a mix of journey and bloodborne but at a slower pace, would be fucking amazing.

Actual game depth before "void" is 3 kilometers.
The Seamoth can only go 200m before its hull is crushed under pressure without Pressure Compensation modules. A MK3 Module allows for 900m depth before being crushed and in previous patches, they stacked for effect. Not sure if four MK3 modules = 3.6km depth now or not as the modules were revised into the tiers.

oh no, I just realised the machinery update dropped but didn't read the notes. I had just planned on playing through that another time again for that new patch.

Yes, I would say it is still in an early stage, but it's come a long way from what it was before, there is quite a lot more to do and it's much more fleshed out than it was a year ago.

Hopefully it keeps it up for the next 2-3 years and we get a solid game.

I'm sure there'll be more later with concept art like this.

I hope interest doesnt die before they reach a stage where they cn do at least SOME of their amazing concept art

If I saw right, they're doing work on the Lost River at the moment.

user, you just spilt out a million dollars idea

That shot doesn't give too good of a perspective for the size of that thing, it's head is roughly as high as the player is tall, I'd argue the submersible is as big as its head. Sure you can go BIGGER, but you can always go bigger, and the devs are planning to go bigger.

Why is it that in deep sea games you are always on a submarine?
Make it a spiritual succesor to Eco the Dolphin

Its head is as big as the Seamoth.
It can grab the seamoth and stare you down as it slams it into things.

i personally use long pipes that pull air to the ground instead of the sub

sub is boring

Even in a thread about deep sea mermaid game nobody gives a shit about Aquaria(

Can you do that to pump a base full of air?

I can't believe nobody mentioned yet what a bunch of fools.

What is this Subnautica thing? First I've heard of it with what, a little bit of concept art? There's hardly anything interesting in the screenshots beyond a big spooky thing and a poorly coloured submarine?

>Why isnt there a game where you play as a mermaid?


tfw budget used in a generic FPS could have been used in a game with an original idea


because it sucked?

What didn't you like about it?

>no response
See, you only said that because you wanted to hate on my post. I bet you never even played the game fucking asshole.

>Why isnt there a game where you play as a mermaid?

Kingdom Hearts.

For a small section of the game
and one of the best

He obviously meant good games where you play as a mermaid full time

But mer-Sora is so fuckable!

Not so. Make them a whale like mammal to include some tension based on depth and entrapment.

A couple minute timer did wonders on making Metro 2033's surface threatening and alien. It would be the same for your mermaid. She's at home at the surface... but that is a place for prey.

Idea 1/2:

Assassins Creed Multiplayer made good.

Three players taking over main roles. Those roles are: "Target", "Hunter", "Assassin". The Target's objective is to survive as long as possible until extraction is possible, the Hunter has to kill the Assassin, no matter what, and the Assassin has to kill the Target and then successfully extract. It would play in a steampunk setting, in an autorian city, where the possession of guns and ammunition is strictly regulated. That means every role has very limited ammunition and weaponry. Both Assassin and Hunter have access to grappling hooks which can be used as blades. The target would be a simple civilian with no ties to the underworld and having no ties to the government, means he will have to improvise with weapons and traps. Assassin and Hunter have their ties to both government and underworld, which is still limiting the range of weapons they may use, but it's better than nothing.

It would revolve around realism. Bullets kill, bullets penetrate walls. Armor is just as weaponry limited. No CoD-faggotry whereas you need entire mags to murder a single guy. The more creative the kills are the more points the murderer scores. The more points the murdered had the more does the murderer recieve. The target can hide in buildings, can blend with the environment. Both the assassin and the hunter have tools at their command to track down their targets.

Suspicious actions will arouse the environment. If a policeman sees you with your gun drawn then you will get into trouble. Climbing rooftops will make civilians talk about it, perhaps even shout, moving the attraction to you, allowing your adversary to find you faster.

And also if this is a "undersea"-vidya-only thread then I'm sorry for that post.

Because mermaids are fucking dumb.

I know it's early access, but what a fucking waste of potential. You have a great engine and gorgeous visuals, and you waste it on no story and no interesting sea monsters. Fuck you. I don't want "reaper but bigger", I want genuinely terrifying "you can't escape" lovecraftian horror.

Well, I'd describe Aquaria's atmosphere as comfy for the most part.