So, I just finished that so I could keep up with the new game and

So, I just finished that so I could keep up with the new game and

Is the guy at the Mars simulator thing kyle or klim? or sigma?
how does phi knows everything from the start, why didn't she switched too?
how is luna even participating into that game?
why is quark so useless?

I'm not opening the spoilers user, because I'm going to play it soon.
I completed 999 yesterday. It was one of the best games I ever played. You should play it if you haven't.

>It's Klim - 63 year old Sigma in his young body
>Phi knows because she had been through a few loops while you were still on your first
>She did switch, she'll be in ZTD with you
>Luna is a robot in VLR in the game to monitor it
>She's based on a characater called Diana who is in ZTD
>We don't know exactly why she is like that, or everything that happens in ZTD

Get hype of GOAT GOTY!

Was there ever a fix for that game-killing bug?

You did play 999 before, right?

No, but it was never a big deal. Just don't save in puzzle rooms.

>no 3ds
>no emulator
>have to watch it on youtube
>only two channels have it
>one stopped 18 hour-long episodes in
>the other tries to voice act it in the worst way possible instead of just playing the fucking game

Just buy a 3DS.

Buy a 2DS. You can get them for the same price as a new CoD, but it's much better value.

watch supergreatfriend's let's play stream of it
chat is horrible though

Much appreciated.

If you're a fan on 999, I'm just gonna go ahead and save you the trouble – VLR was garbage.

Nope, the plot is worse but the cast and puzzles are better.


Only the atmosphere was total shit and the models suck compared to 2D.

>Nope, the plot is worse but the cast and puzzles are better.
I can agree with both of these.
Only the atmosphere was total shit and the models suck compared to 2D.
I can also agree with both of these. So it had a shitty plot, shitty atmosphere, it looked like shit, the characters were shit, it had plotholes connected to 999, could crash and wipe all your save data, but it had better puzzles. Gameplay is important but Chun dropped the ball on VLR. Probably why it didn't sell so well.

>watching other people play video games
I fucking hate summer.

What do you mean?

Go go, Horny Sigma!

Chun dropped the ball because they sold out trying to appeal to Japan more since 999 didn't do well in that country, hence why there's also less gore compared that game and why they completely ruined Clover. Luckily, it looks like they've learned their lesson with ZTD.

Did you get all of the endings?


Reminder that 3ds version of ZTD looks shitty as fuck so you better buy Vita or play steam version.

I have both handhelds. Thinking about going for the Vita version this time. Save corrupting bug got me in the edge of my seat in the worst possible way, and i used my cellphone to write shit down.

Sweet, now I don't need to borrow my friend's 3DS to play ZTD.

What did he mean by this?

Quark is such a useless character

Reminder that the Steam version will come out later than the 3DS/Vita versions.