ITT: your dream vidya

ITT: your dream vidya

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>Square Enix
>Not Telltale
Eddie will remember this.

Daphne's voice gets me rock hard.

how would that shit even work?

like.. text adventure gameplay where your KACL radio advice gives you insight into later dealing with your mooch dad and bitch brother? which you can then consciously choose to avoid for hilarious results and a 'bad ending'? just spitballing, here.

>you will never feel the way niles feels about daphne


GTA+mass effect style gameplay

You drive around Seattle doing various delivery and fetch side quests. Meanwhile you also have dialogue based decision options that affect plot outcomes.

I.e. you have opera tickets booked with Niles on the same day you are hosting a dinner to gain entrance to an influential social club. What do you do?


"Takin' It to the Danger Zone", a co-op twin-stick shooter starring Michael McDonald and Kenny Loggins.

Obviously you go to the opera with Niles.

Bailing on your bro for societal gain is just poor form.

Nice. I like it

>mfw this bullshit is still going, at Obi Wan atm

it's the entire movie, enjoy

Im literally Frasier

>final boss
>music begins to play "Oh Baby I hear the blues are callin'..."

Fraiser is a great show. It's totally for white people. When I watch it, I feel like how a black person must feel when they listen to hip hop. Never met a minority that liked Fraiser.

Put together best aspects of Renegade X and Savage 2, you get game for which I would sell my testicles.

I love frasier, i used to watch it every day back in high school and still watch the reruns everyday now i'm arab, technically classified as caucasian but not sure if 'white' though

>Whats the dogs name?
>Eddie, but i like to call him eddie spaghetti.
>why is that? Does he like pasta?
>No, its because he has worms.

I know im paraphrasing a bit, but that joke got me hooked quick.

Basically the show is for anyone with an IQ above 100.

I felt really dumb that I never realized Frasier is the same guy from Cheers.


Pretty much this fabmilia.

Minecraft fused with gary's mod, but you do the "components" by actual casting/cutting/etc with microblocks, and the actual working is determined by shape rather than "it's an axe".

An open world third person game based on escape from new york

It's a fucking Cheers spin off, dude. There's more than one ep where the cast of Cheers does cameos, come on.

Why do you think I feel like a tard

so basically any metal gear solid game?

For fuck's sake. Now I want this more than any other game.

Are you just making a stupid joke or are you serious

Cuz you are one?

this is all I ever wanted lads.

the metal gear solid games basically follow the exact same formula of the movie

>guy that looks exactly like snake plisskin has to infiltrate this place controlled by terrorists, rescue and important person, get captured beaten up and tortured, face off against the bad guy, and then escape during a final death run

Well, there's shovel knight.
But if you want a good AAA game or more than 10 games, you're out of luck.

I'm mexican and I love the show. I've seen every episode.

I'm Hispanic myself and I watched Frasier like made back in the day.

Frasier is literally Big Bang theory tier humour but with nerds replaced with pretentious white people.

The actual content of the jokes is still usually lowest common denominator tier sitcom humor - the setting is just different. If you hate TBBT but like Fraiser then literally the only reason you hate TBBT is because it makes fun of nerds and you are one.

>inb4 someone just calls this bait without attempting to actually refute the argument

We can all agree this show went to shit after Daphne ran off with Niles, right?

>tfw no Bud Spencer and Terence Hill arcade-style 2D beat 'em up

Who are you quoting?

Frasier had some actual talent behind it

the first two seasons of TBBT were actually good, though. It went downhill because they appropriated the characters into run-of-the-mill sitcom protagonists and cut down on the actual physics jokes.

Oh, user. You're so corpulent that when you sit around the magnificently appointed Tuscan villa, you sit around the magnificently appointed Tuscan villa.


>I haven't been on Sup Forums at all in the last 7 years
In this post I'm quoting you by the way

Frasier is actually funny though because they set up humourous circumstances and have witty quips

TBBT just throws in nerdy sounding jargon and expects people to laugh
>"My new computer came with windows 7"

More like after season 4/5 when Frasier lost his job/was constantly depressed(and most episodes could be summarized as "tfw no gf") and Daphne started loving Niles out of fucking nowhere

Jesus the last 6-7 seasons of Frasier were such horseshit
Cheers was much better


son, please

Niles loved Maris more than he loved Daphne

t. newfag pretending to be oldfag

So basically The Division

Yes please!

I fucking hated that episode so much

I wouldn't say it was out of nowhere, though. They built up the relationship between Daphne/Niles fairly well, what with all of those episodes that had Niles and Daphne stuck together by chance as a plot point. The episode where Daphne started dating Niles' doppelganger was terrific as well, and then they topped it all off with Frasier telling Daphne that Niles liked her while he was drugged

My only issue is that, like I pretty much said, it came to a head too soon. Last five seasons was pretty much just everyone doing whatever.

It's a slow decline from that moment through season 10. The worst is when they brought in a completely new writing staff who decided to try to build a relationship between Frasier and Roz.

The final season was pretty good though.


>I wouldn't say it was out of nowhere, though.
It was literally out of fucking nowhere
Daphne heard him say he loves her,then suddenly got emotional and started loving him for no was such bullshit

>They built up the relationship between Daphne/Niles fairly well
Fuck no they didn' was cringeworthy as shit
Niles sounded more convincing when he talked about how he loved Maris than he ever did with Daphne

Been here since 2009 and le meme arrows havent been used exclusively for quotes at all for the entire duration of my time here

>We'll never get TimeSplitters 4 with a level of content rivaling TS2 and 3, but with online components including stage trading, plus a PC version

There are other dream games I'd want but this one hurts the most.

Frasier is a shit show and you're all a bunch of faggots.

Frasier should have fucked Bebe

>There's seriously a heated discussion about the Daphne/Niles relationship going on right now

Goddamnit, Sup Forums, I love you guys.

This seems to be the same criticism that is always posed by people who have never seen an episode of TBBT. In reality, the characters being nerds has very little to do with the show and is instead just a set up for generic sex jokes, fish out of water scenarios, misunderstandings between characters etc. Most of the jokes could be taken out of TBBT and stuck right into Fraiser, Two and a Half Men, Everybody Loves Raymond or whatever other shitty sitcom, and nobody would notice. All of these sitcoms blow ass. The only good sitcoms I've ever seen are Seinfeld, Always Sunny, Curb your Enthusiasm, and maybe The Simpsons if you count that (often billed as an "animated sitcom").

>tfw Bebe is similar to Deis from Breath of Fire series
>tfw she's the "agent" of your party and she can get you jobs to get experience points

>Curb your Enthusiasm
Now that was a good show.

>Daphne heard him say he loves her,then suddenly got emotional and started loving him for no was such bullshit
Daphne was a confirmed flake, so it fit her personality

You can tell that the show's endgame was originally Daphne/Donnie and Niles/Mel. They even start hinting that Niles attraction to Daphne wasn't love but was rather an infatuation with something he couldn't have during his marriage with Maris.

For some reason they undid it all at the last minute.

Also, the writers went out of their way to make Mel and Donnie seem like terrible people after Niles and Daphne get together in order to justify it. Mel before Niles/Daphne is eccentric but pleasant, having a quirky yet refined personality that plays off of Niles'. Afterwords she's a manipulative, cold, uptight bitch who only thinks of herself.

>he didn't like arrested development


>The only good sitcoms I've ever seen are Seinfeld, Always Sunny, Curb your Enthusiasm, and maybe The Simpsons if you count that (often billed as an "animated sitcom").
Fuck off you fucking fedora
You know nothing about sitcoms

And Curb/Sunny are fucking dogshit

>tfw Red Dwarf game never

I imagine a mix of Alien Isolation gameplay trying to find some massive monster inside of Red Dwarf and you could take control of each character each having their own special traits that could help.

It'd be a hard game to make, but it'd be something.

Go to bed. You don't want to miss the short bus in the morning.

>You can tell that the show's endgame was originally Daphne/Donnie and Niles/Mel.
Stop right there
Frasier was a sitcom not a fucking Romantic Soap Opera you fucking retard

There's a reason why the show sucks dick after season 5
And that's because it turns into a garbage soap opera

>They even start hinting that Niles attraction to Daphne wasn't love but was rather an infatuation with something he couldn't have during his marriage with Maris.
This confused me as well, but it does show character development in Niles' persona moving from a timid, shy man into a more confident and ultimately attractive love interest

>the writers went out of their way to make Mel and Donnie seem like terrible people after Niles and Daphne get together in order to justify it.
This so much. There's an earlier episode where Daphne gives Mel a massage and Mel talks about how she feels about Niles but lets throw out that character development to drop the cast back down to the basics.

Never seen it.

Daphne changed entirely after season 5 or so(whenever she started liking Niles...for no reason)

She was silly and funny in the early seasons and then turned into a generic bitch in the later season

>feeling superior for consuming the plebbiest of pleb tier media
Next you're going to start criticizing people's taste in pawn store shows

I'm a Native American and I love this show.

Curb/Sunny is the definition of pleb

>Take the action rpg mechanics of the souls games (or hell maybe dragons dogma..or something even better if possible)
>Put it in a large open world. with quests/dungeons with multiple paths/ways to go about it based on your playstyle/type of character you're playing
>Throw rune factory in the mist, with the ability to build/raise a farm. marry a cute waifu, and raise a child. lots of non combat shit for your character to do but get experience/progression in certain fields
>NPC/Party member characterization that isn't horrible. tropes are fine but characters should have their own, goals, nuances, and flaws

TLDR: asking for too much

It saddens me how bad Frasier actually got after season 5

>every episode turns into "tfw no job/no gf" for Frasier
>bullshit romance between Niles and Daphne which is cringeworthy at best

The first 4 seasons when they were focusing on the comedy were so comfy

What's your favorite episode?
Mine's "Ham Radio" from Season 4...I always tend to think of that as the Season 4 finale for some reason...probably because it's the last time I felt so much joy watching a Frasier episode

Hell yeah, im all for some Red Dwarf action baby


Off the top of my head, Dark Victory was pretty good.

Try The Dinner Party from season 6. No work drama, no intense pining for Daphne, just Frasier and Niles at each others throats while trying to organize a guest list. Good stuff.

It still had lots of good moments post season 5, but they're fewer each season. It got especially bad when Daphne's family, Poppy, and Kirby all became recurring characters...

Daphnie Does Dinner is one of my favorites, even though it's sandwiched in a horrid season. Every joke builds on and outdoes the previous. Pretty much all of the Christmas specials are good, too.

I watched all the episodes a long time ago user
There were still some good episodes here and there after season 5 but it largely went to shit and my best hope for a good episode was the annual Bebe episode

Anyone hated how the Radio show got featured less and less as time went on?
Like that was one of the best parts of the show...what were they fucking thinking?

But Seinfeld is better

I did like the one where Frasier got high on cold medicine and went on the air.

>what were they fucking thinking?
that people were less interested in Frasier's condescension and much more interested in the dog's shenanigans and Daphne's newest hairstyle

I think Look Before You Leap was my favourite episode though I greatly enjoy any episode with Lilith.

Thread theme?

fuck those people
why do fucking plebs ruin everything?

this is why cheers will always be superior to frasier
because it didn't give in to the Sam/Diane crowd

They might have if Long hadn't decided to leave and do movies, though. Sitcoms that aren't about kids are more or less doomed to be about romance, which leads to kids, and then they just die.

Mixed Doubles.
Without a doubt.

What's the best sitcom that lets me watch me pretend I have friends? I want to watch a group of friends doing fun things together.

>That ending

There's no way you watched the whole thing.

I have lost control of my life.

you've had two pretty good examples in Red Dwarf and Cheers - personally I prefer Red Dwarf because it perfectly captures the UK bants and condescending camaeraderie