Can somebody tell me what the point of dual-wielding is? From my experience it doesn't do any more damage...

Can somebody tell me what the point of dual-wielding is? From my experience it doesn't do any more damage, and the L2 does even less at an FP cost.

there is none because from fucked up everything they improved in 2

nice fucking meme kiddo

>Everything in Ds2 was worse

nice fucking meme kiddo

DS2 did improve a lot of things. It just also fucked up a lot of other things as well.

nice literal meme kiddo


it does a bit more dmg, more wide swing moveset

L2->R2 does good dmg once you upgrade the weapon some, and its quick

more damage than single+shield, less damage than 2h but faster

someone post that webm of the lightning blade miracle sellsword twinblade doign that wombo combo for like 1200 damage

this. it actually made me feel better about loving my twinblades

Buffs, bleed and poison procs faster because of multiple hits. Bleed build is fun as fuck, especially against grratshield fuckers.

Because R1>L2>R2 you fucking scrub

It hits twice per l1 and has its own sword art.
I personally use it to proc bleed twice.

>dual weapons

>I personally use it to proc bleed twice.
Sure you're not thinking of the warden twinblades

It's fun and flashy. Started the game with them, ended the game with them.

What's everyone's opinion on gotthard twin blades?

Poison and bleed.

Can be good for bleed builds depending on the weapon, warden twinblades in particular are very good with their L2>R2 combo for applying bleed. Also, if you add a buff on them like darkmoon blade or lightning blade they can do ridiculous damage.

upgrade the damn weapon you mongoloid and watch the terror of spin2win.

I'm not a fan of automatically get twin weapons. I would have prefered if the dual moveset unlocked when you equipped two of the same weapon, would have allowed for split infusions and would have been better for fashion souls that don't want the extra weapon hanging off their waifu.

Use warden twin blade
get decent amount of luck
get larcency shitty buff or w/e its called that stacks bleed

literally use L1 and bleed procs every 2nd swing

they give a really considerable amount of health when your pontiff rings trigger

i dont know if its because of the bleed proc damage or just hitting multiple enemies in one cleave

but the heal is more generous compared to less "swingy" weapos

>a really considerable amount of health
Dude, the ring is like 30 HP per proc.

Can you even parry the spin2win or is my connection just that shit.

>more damage with L1 than R1

this is objectively false.

Seriously, go to any random enemy in the game. Press R1. Look at the damage number. Then press L1. If both attacks hit, it is LESS damage.

The sellsword twinblades are just a crap weapon. The L1 is completely useless because it is slower than R1, it does less damage than R1, it uses more stamina than R1, the hitbox is smaller somehow. It's just crap.

Yes, the spin weapon art is good, but if you want to use spin it's better to use the grave warden twinblades anyway

60, but its still shit, especially because its balanced for all weapons so it doesn't trigger that much faster than with twin weapons.

I'm pretty sure it isn't balanced, and it's just flat 6 hits in a row, so it procs twice as much on twin weapons.
It's not like life honing in MH4U.

also, it's important to note here that weapon buffs DO NOT fix this problem with L1 being useless. Weapon buff bonus damage is effected by the attack damage modifier, so if lets say normally you're doing 200 damage with R1 and 80 + 80 damage with L1, then if you use a weapon buff you'll be doing something like 300 damage with R1 and only 120+120 with L1, still worse, no improvement. Only bleed build up seems to be better with lots of fast hits, and maybe poison but poison is useless

Hollow them with dex luck build, watch enemies bleed.

If you're going for a bleed build it's way better to use daggers or fist weapons since they're way faster and consume less stamina than this shit.

STILL looking for a crystal sage rapier trade, ps4

I was just checking the wiki and going off my own experience. Wiki shows small weapons (daggers, fists) needing around 10 hits to trigger while medium weapons (SS, CS, Spears) only need 7, Polearms only need 6, but heavy weapons are fucked unless you're a CGS.

you didn't use the soul?

Go to ng+ nigga

ng+ can match with all other ng+ up to 99 and normal ng

Grave Warden Twinblade weapon art with Carthus Rouge procs bleed on the third hit and another L1 anytime after that will proc bleed again
Once the ring is proc'd, every hit will heal you. Twin weapons will give you way more health this way.

The objective absolute best weapon to use with the rings is Gotthard's Swords since those proc on the 4th hit so landing the weapon art gets you 3 proc'd hits.

i'd rather get bleed on one combo with some more damage and better reach than do bleed on one combo with less damage and reach.
Especially in pvp.

I used it on the spell instead
This is my sorcerer build, I don't plan going to ng with this character because it's kinda weak.

Also question about pyromancy, do I need 40/40 int/fai for max damage? I looked up the pyromancy spells some spells require 0/0 stat so does that mean that spell don't scale with my stats? Also the highest requirement for pyro spells is 25int or 25 faith, so does that mean there is no point leveling int/fait over 25?

crystal sage rapier is pure garbage, get a regular rapier, infuse it raw, and use great magic weapon on it, and you'll be doing literally 3x the damage per hit

Why are rings so shit in this game?

Chloranthy Ring only adds like 1% boost to stamina regen
Ring of Favor is only good for the stamina increase but not worth wasting a ring slot.
Resistance rings only add a small amount to the buildup bar.
Wolf Ring doesn't even work as poise is fucked.
Farron Ring is pointless as most weapon skills can be used with only 1FP.
Wood Grain Ring is useless as durability doesn't even matter as it automatically repairs when using the bonfire.
Blue Tearstone ring is useless as DA drops significantly after 20% and most light/medium armor can get you to at least 15%.
Flynn's Ring is a noob trap as only the ultra-light weapons gain anything from it and its only +14% if you can somehow stay below 2 pounds.
Lloyd's Shield Ring has same problem as blue tearstone.
Pontiff's Left Eye Ring takes way to many hits to trigger, even for fast weapons, its not even worth while for PvE.
Skull and Calamity Ring are purposely shit.
Ring of Sacrifice is pointless as soul levels are are gone and souls are extremely easy to get in this game.
All the spell boosting rings could have been simplified into a pair of all-purpose rings.

L1's count as two attacks when both hits connect, same with the rolling L1's. Use Carthus Beacon and Pontiff's Right and you'll get your DPS up as long as you keep the aggression going.

Literally every boss and enemy is a joke in this game when you equip Drang Hammers or Twinspears and use Carthus Beacon/Pontiff's Right Eye and just rolling L1 after everything. But then again, you could just fully charge an ultra weapons R2 and hyper armor through attacks on bosses and trade 10 times to do the same thing.

And if we're talking dual wield weapons in general and not just the shitsword twinblades (all the scimmies save the wardens are pretty ass compared to the other dual weapons,) then the Caestus are the best because they have perseverance which is arguably one of top tier weapon skills in the game when its not on a greathammer in both PVE and PVP. Not to mention the fact that in your left hand you get a reaction parry and the light weight makes the an amazing utility item that isnt restricted to just parrying, but also poise-on-demand. Claws also do the same thing, except they counter greatshields with the bleed build up.

Its got great range, but I only use mine to increase item find.

pretty good with faith buffs in pvp

>DA drops significantly after 20%
No it doesn't.

How do I get the caestus to work in pvp

you go back to DS2

you dont

Perseverance is amazing on a greathammer because that's the best weapon to Perseverance backstab with. It also gives a good amount of defense too.

Put it in the left hand and parry.

triple dubs?

>Wolf Ring doesn't even work as poise is fucked.
B-but poise not working was intended, Miyazaki is a genious

How long does it last? Can you even get around the guy before it ends?

Long enough to poise through one or two hits which is all you need really. It won't work as well on people with fast weapons since they can roll away or turn to face you between attacks unless they're just spamming R1 while locked on.

Put it in your left hand, infuse it with Simple, and reaction parry everything while also getting free weapon skills.

>preserverence backstab
It's really annoying on the red halberd because endless uninterruptible pokes but otherwise most players get wise real fast.

Well obviously you'll have to put points in two weapon style to even hit anything. It's viable with classes with high THAC0.

Man I really wanted to box niggas but they just roll away.

Moveset for fists are shit in DaS3. There needs to be an attack that can close a gap quickly.

Manikin claws have a pretty sicknasty running L1, really the main thing wrong with the cestus is that it doesn't take advantage of the super fast hits at all

What does the simple infusion exactly do?

Claw weapons are fine. They have decent reach and get bleed. Cestus has no range and no auxiliary so its only redeeming factor is that it is a ultra light parry machine.

FP regen


Since most weapon skills can be activated at 1FP you can reactivate a weapon skill every 4 seconds so long as the simple infused weapon/shield is equipped to your off hand (you can two-hand/dual-wield your right hand weapon and still get the simple effect).

I have a Simple infused cestus on my character's left hand and a Sunlight Straight Sword on my right and I can cast Oath of Sunlight (+10% AR and DA for myself and others) every four seconds.

I'm still king of regretting switching over to cestus from small shield though, since now every missed parry on a larger weapon knocks off my full stamina bar. That recovery though.

Because it procs pontiff's right eye on a single L1

I got Dark Souls 3 yesterday and I've been pretty disappointed with it after 3 boss fights. There are far too many reused assets and ideas left over from Bloodborne and it makes the game feel like an abominable mixture that doesn't really capture the beautiful design of the first game.

That said, I just got my weaponfu and it's a straight party now. They told me I can't be a fatass heavy knight, as if the nerfs will deter me.

>the tutorial boss followed by the two easiest bosses in the game
Wait until you get to the first lord of cinder.

I don't really see much that's the same from Bloodborne other than the faster combat. DaS3 feels more like an updated, but rushed, version of DaS1.

Still a disappointment if you compare it to the first three bosses of DaS1: Asylum Demon, Bridge Demon, and Gargoyles.

DaS1 was a rushed version of DaS1. The only visibly rushed area in DaS3 was the highdragon area.

>those weren't a disappointment
I mean gargoyles was good but asylum and Taurus were both tutorial fights. I think Iudex>Asylum by far, and if nothing else Vordt was more mechanically interesting than drop on head man.

>more mechanically interesting than drop on head man.
>mfw Ancient Wyvern

Yeah Ancient Wyvern was a joke. And then you fight his uncheesable cousin in the same area and smack away at dragon ankles for 10 minutes while the AI fails to make it hit you. The dragon covenant area was pretty obviously rushed except for a few well set up fights and the Nameless King.

>Overabundance of Gothic architecture, with the village setpieces and mobs being straight out of Bloodborne.

>Weird shapeshifting tentacle monsters that don't feel like they should be in a Souls game.

>Faster movement and combat with stupidly aggressive enemies made to encourage rolling and aggression from the player

>A broken poise system that means you get staggered by the smallest of hits unless you're swinging an XBOXHUEG weapon at the time

>Descriptions hinting at blood-worshippers as well as all the other church/cult activity that takes place in this game's lore

There's plenty that they took from Bloodborne, it's pretty obvious if you've played both. Whether the changes are welcome depends on how much you liked Bloodborne, but I found it inferior to the other Souls games.

>church/cult activity
Weird cult shit has always been in the souls games. I've not seen the blood worshipers though.

>I don't really see much that's the same from Bloodborne
Undead Settlement doesn't ring any bells?

>comparing climbing up a ladder a few times to actually navigating some battlements and fighting your way through a group of lizardmen whilst the wyvern unleashes fire on you

Whoever said it was Bed of Chaos 2.0 can sod right off

>poise is turned off
>bonfires fucking everywhere
>armor, weapons, magic feel unbalanced and untested
>game is much shorter than DaS1
>Covenants are broken
>most of the items are just reused shit from DaS1&2

this. it was literally Hemwick Charnal Lane

It only flashed for a second on the load screen but I saw something about Drakeblood garments and how they were worn by people who worshipped the blood of drakes, for some reason.

Yeah, that's straight from DS2.

Most the shit you claim is from Bloodborne was already in the souls series. The faster movement was already mentioned as being a holdover from Bloodborne. Poise being turned of and switched to weapons feels more like a last minute change by the developers and doesn't resemble the bloodborne armor system.

>game is much shorter than DaS1
this isn't even remotely true

why do people act as if DaS1 was some huge game with a giant open world

I feel like you're probably right but I feel like the only mention of drakes in the second game was that keep where all the genetic experiments took place or whatever.

I never read anything about drakeblood worshippers and all that.

The sunken king DLC had drakeblood knights that were after some ancient dragon. It didn't end well.

DS1 is some Peter Molyneux let's make the player believe they can do anything even if there's no way in hell they can bullshit

Nice "DaS2 was bad" meme
>better spell mechanics and more spells than DaS1, exchanging boss souls for spells brought back, pyromancy scales
>crossbow and bow improvements
>more weight levels than DaS1
>dual wielding / power stance
>4 ring slots
>Infusion system, boss weapons can be infused as well
>more infusions than DaS1 (bleed, poison, enchanted that makes a weapon's physical DMG scale with INT), no non-scaling paths that enable you to just dump all your points into VGR / END / VIT
>human form matters in solo play as well unlike DaS1
>Red and Blue PvP covenants accessible earlier, some covenants got new mechanics like arena
>working online from launch day
>Estus isn't instant so you can't use it to cheese tank hits
>better PC port than DaS1

Granted it also had its share of bad things too like ADP, Soul Memory, Life Gems (though only the basic ones had an infinite stock) and lack of infinite invasion stones for Red and Blues. DaS3 even went and took the good improvements DaS2 made and improved some of them further, though there were some bad things as well like removal of power stance, Estus heal is instant and can be used to tank hits again or complete removal of Sinner invasions for who knows whatever reason.

What are some of the best magics for sorcerer and pyromancer?
Damage compared to focus cost.

Playing a sell sword character right now, using pontiff and beacon to up my damage.
I want to add in a spell to buff my weapon, should I stick to the pyromancy one, or go for one of the stronger ones with the 30 faith or int requirements?

While DS3 doesn't have the crazy interconnectedness that DS1 did, it does the "You can go where you see" down perfectly.

>that picture
this is madness; chaos at its most pure form.

Soul stream is the flat out best damage for int, with crystal soul spear in second.
For FP conservation, great heavy soul arrow is the best damage for FP cost.
If you want best damage for your time, I dont anything will out DPS crystal soul spear.

DaS1 - 22 bosses +4dlc
DaS2 - 19 bosses +?dlc

Future DLC may add much more to DaS3 but its a shorter game in its vanilla version.


That's why, then. I have still not had the privilege to play ANY of the Souls DLCs yet, it's been vanilla all the way through for me. I haven't even played the Artorias expansion of DaS1.

Noice, I'll look for those.

Copypaste bosses don't count, you only get to count asylum demon once.

Jesus Christ.
You can CLEARLY see that by dual wielding you hit with both weapons at the same time, which adds to certain buffs and debuffs.

>the same as playtime
Come on son.

What about flashsword?

You are right of course.
A ton of the DaS3 bosses are easy gimmick fights, making them real quick to clear.
I'd say knock a good 20% off of the length of 3 because of that.