Was Charles Lee a decent antagonist?

Was Charles Lee a decent antagonist?
Would AC3 be better received on some level if we felt a stronger motivation to find and kill the bastard

AC2/Brotherhood focused on the Borgia family as the main source of >muh evul conspiracy and to an extent I`d say the villains served their purpose in moving the story further

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Charles wasn't a decent antagonist because the game didn't focus too much on what else his character was besides being Connor's lost chew toy.

But he would've made a good character if it followed George Washington more.

no he was not

AC2's villains were fucking terrible, they were cartoonishly evil. They might as well have been Snidely Whiplash. Granted the Borgias genuinely were like medieval supervillains but still, AC3 and AC1 had much better writing for their villains. If only AC3's protagonist weren't complete shit.

AC3 protag sucks.

Helps the guy that burned down his village.

Doesn't help his native folks that are slaves even though he has the power to do so.

ac3 was just terrible through and through and really showed how ubishit had a dozen studios working on it with each one having no idea what the other was doing.

The early sequences of AC2 were intentionally light and comically.

The entirety of the AC2 trilogy has laughably stupid writing. But Ezio is likable enough to carry it. AC1 had good writing and an unlikeable protagonist, AC3 had mediocre writing and an unlikeable protagonist.

Assassin's Creed 1 and IV had more respect for the main villains, even made the protagonist seem like neutral antiheroes than goody two-boots vigilantes.

III and Rogue were mixed bags in characterizations but way better than Ezio's cast of mustache-twirling old men.


AC1's villains were genuinely fantastic, all of them, not just the main villain. I really enjoyed all the villain monologues where they basically told you exactly why what you did was stupid and short sighted.


holy shit i can still hear him in my head and i hate his voice

Except for Abbas, but he was technically a Revelations character.

yeah an okay character, revelations really went under the radar, kinda depressing

I really enjoyed Malik and Altairs subtle character development over the course of the game too. And then in the Revelations flashback, Malik is like Altair's right hand man. Shit was great. I really had high hopes for this fucking series, I thought 1 was such a great foundation to build on, what a fucking trainwreck.

So what did you guys think of the AC movie trailer?


AC3's prolog was good.

Trailer's better than expected, still almost certainly gonna be a shit movie.

Borgia was a cooler villain. I like my villains uncomplicated, I like really wanting to punch them in the face.

>no books ... no wisdom ... just you, fratello mio

ACII was the only game where you could beat up a pope. Other games, you'd probably just sniper them or whatever.

There is an alarming lack of pope punching games in the industry.

The intro sequences where u play as Haytham actually were good for Lee

What happened to the combat in III? They described it as faster and that you could fight while running or some shit, but it's slowed down more than II with the enemy types forcing you to use one tactic.

While I'm at it why the fuck can't I equip my bare hands or the fucking hidden blade anymore in Unity!?

When you think about it Ubisoft got the balls and got away with having the pope receive a proper ass whoopin

I don't remember much about AC3, but I remember hunting down Charles Lee while we were both wounded and having a drink in a bar or something while he bled out. That was pretty fun

Faster as in you can pull off counters far easier and that you can run and kill by holding the attack button as you ram down an unsuspecting guard.

Meanwhile in Unity, they stripped down everything trying to up the combat challenge so that everyone will try Multiplayer.

yeah thats the ending of AC3, it was really unsettling how both of them looked at each other and said almost nothing

>While I'm at it why the fuck can't I equip my bare hands or the fucking hidden blade anymore in Unity!?
Bare hands+cestus were my favorite weapons in 2. This makes me glad I dropped the series at 3.

Most AC villains are either underused or too cartoonishly evil

Game was unfinished, why do you think it was bugged to fuck when it came out even though the Ezio trilogy was all pretty polished? Ubisoft gave em a hard deadline and the game just wasn't finished. For fuck's sake they cut the monologue that gives you the entire catharsis of the story.

nice cheat engine mate : ^ )

No one's gonna get angry about Borgia getting an ass whooping, his corruption is very well documented.

>tfw hidden blade only run in AC1 makes it the best game in the series
>most people never even realize you can do combat counters with the hidden blade that instakill any enemy in the game, including the final boss

Not cheat engine, downloaded save.

I liked Unity's combat a lot, since it was actually kinda tricky. It even vaguely reminded me of Souls combat. You had your light attack, heavy attack, roll, and parry.

Big shame that they removed grabbing guys as meat shields though

Most people didn't even know you can do air assassinations in AC1, as well as advanced vaulting.

Unity fucked up by segregating the multiplayer instead of making it a simple jump in, jump out affair. Co-op story missions, at least. I imagine it's pretty fucking great if you're playing with friends and not actively trying to screw each over by not playing the game as intended.

But you can jump in and out

why would you download a save of AC3 to begin with

It's more like AC1 had perfect amount of gear you would need for every situation while subsequent games turned the main character into a walking armory.

I lost mine and no way in hell am I repeating the story. I just play through free roam while having fun with the assassin recruit settings.

I fucking wish I can craft darts in bulk in Black Flag, that shit used to drive me nuts while on a mission

Playing as older Ezio near the end of the game just dodging and disarming enemies' weapons and knocking them unconscious.

We even lost the ability to dodge like that somewhere, wasn't it 3 as well? I also loved dodging instead of counter killing when you were young Ezio before being trained, you could slip behind them and just pierce their necks.

Shit, how about how difficult it was in 1 to fight by only countering with the single hidden blade? Compared to how it became a regular weapon afterwards anyway. Then the enemies would get spooked as fuck when you started killing guys with your hand and run off.

>play as Haytham
>Charles is a pretty cool sidekick and upstanding fellow
>play as Connor
>Charles is the most obvious, ugly villain ever seen

What went wrong?

I hated the shit out of Unity's combat because it was slow and that you relied on smokebombs and medicine just to end the forced fights. I mean don't get me wrong, I like a challenge but in parts where you're forced to fight, it gets dragging.

Then again I only finished it with a vanilla run so most of the enemies were bullet sponges.

yeah ok thats fine, i wouldn`t have bothered if my save got deleted, I wasted 3 hours on a full sync at the boston siege mission with the 2 ships where u have to sneak undetected, air assassinate a jacobite and some other shit

Not even once.

Hell AC1 had enemies that could fake attacks and COUNTER. We lost that much in the next games.

Because they had this great idea of changing overall controls in AC3 for some reason even though it didn't need changing and no one was asking for it. Also, for all the blandness of the main campaign DLC campaign more than made up for it by actually being fun.

do you remember that one fucking piece of hair across his forehead that was soaking wet all the time for some reason

>the two ships air assassinate grenadier

The things I did for that buggy Altair suit

dlc pros:
>eagle flight
>hot mom cameo

>the animus retrieve your wolf power shit

I imagine I'd still be enjoy this series if they didn't make it a yearly franchise. Yeah yeah, they're taking a year off now, but open world games are completely blase at this point because everyone's doing them.


>AC1 had collectible flags that unlocks nothing
>They did it making fun of collectibles and achievements

>Fast forward 8 years later

Rogue still had the best collectibles

holy fuck is this unity

im at the end of black flag and Im enjoying the occasional 2 chests on an island errand

>Playing Rogue and Black Flag with the big mouth cheat

and I thought they didn't care

I loved how almost any action you could do in AC1 was pertinent to whatever your mission was at the time. There's a lot of great stuff that game did that got overshadowed by people complaining about repetitiveness.

My biggest problem with AC 3 was the main story. Im not American so it was boring as fuck. I really couldnt care less about red indians, and im a bit of an ameriboo. The main in-animus stories have gotten progressively lazier and more cliched since AC 2.

Another major problem was that there were NO FUCKING GOOD CITIES. if I want an AC game I want a built up city to free run around in, not fucking forests. AC 4 only managed to negate this with its ships.


see The creative teams were a clusterfuck and they had probably retconned several things after the "CONNOR IS A PATRIOT, BRITAIN BIAS" cries during the trailer's release

Yeah but most of them are just chests. There are some coat of arms artefacts but Unity does not even compare to Syndicates map size what you have to do to unlock them and how fucking cluttered the map is.

I wonder if ac3 would have been better if the ship could be used to go between Boston and new york and there was more shit to do at various spots along the coast a la 4.

Yeah. He's not the choice I would have gone with.

>Another major problem was that there were NO FUCKING GOOD CITIES.

That was just a fucked up setting choice they purposefully made. They probably banked on wilderness being a refreshing change of pace.

The wilderness might have been alright if they had more than one tall tree model. Climbing the same tree over and over to get all the scenic views made the entire wilderness feel like a chore.

pretty good desu. I'm expecting good things from a guy who made one of my favourite movie adaption of macbeth.

not Imo, the ship began to feel repetitive towards the end of black flag (Which was twice the game AC3 was) and through out rouge. The game was just irredeemably bad.

well the other thread is pessimistic at best but I can't blame them. Praying that I might have something to look forward to.

come on, man

fuck, responded in the wrong thread

That's because this unreleased beta demo was comfy as fuck, but the end result was meh


Oh yeah I forgot about the assholes that would feint.

I'll have to get that when I eventually get around to starting III over for completion's sake and for a want to go back to when you could leave the simulation to a Desmond overworld.

it was such a bad game, but still somehow better than AC3


Thx love you user



Excuse me, which way is the Observatory

It wasn't boring because you're not American, at first I thought being American was the reason I was uninterested. It was just an awful choice of time period for this series.


Haytham couldn't give fucks even when his sister was kidnapped

Getting to wander around monteriggioni as Desmond was really cool I thought.

I think Connor was more of a problem for III than Lee was. Remember like the first time he goes to Boston with Achilles?

>Connor in bar
>goes up to random dude

I can't be the only one who thought that was awful.

kek, the hp bar and draw dildo button

Well to be fair he's socially inept and unknowing in how society works outside of his homeland.

nah thats when he went with Faulkner and his ship to a completely random bar outside of Boston


Lord knows why they decided to make his primary characteristics: angry and stupid. It's not like everyone else in the tribe came off as autistic, just Connor.

>guys how are we going to top Ezio's character with the fifth game?
>Make him less charismatic so he wouldn't feel like an Ezio clone

Yeah and you had that weird time limit.

They seemed to be hinting at you eventually being able to do assassinations in the real world with Desmond as the games progressed, did that ever go anywhere?

Instead he felt like an Altair clone with all the self righteousness and none of the character development.

Desmond does 2 or 3 assassination missions in ac3 but at the end he just unceremoniously dies.

Tell you what, the main bad guy of Syndicate was fucking useless. Everytime you kill off one of the templars, he just acts like he doesn't care in each cut-scene. For the "ruler" of London, he was no threat at all.

>digging Achilles' grave at the end
>while Achilles' letter is read in his voice

I've felt that way about the last few AssCreeds to be fair, it's always the same deal:
>before mission
>Templars trying their hardest to stop you from killing
>Being the protagonist, you of course do kill the guy
>Head honcho mysterious character is like; "no matter, our plans move forward, this actually works in our favour..."

Every fucking time. Every mission.

He or the guy from Revelations (that no one remembers) are probably the overall worst villains in the series.

although someone mentioned revelations "villain" in this very thread, i don`t remember his name,
It starts with M i believe

To be fair Ahmet and the Byzantines weren't in control of the city and just had a few buildings to themselves. He was a weak antagonist but far from the worst.

Damn, at least he gets something done.