*teleports behind u*

*teleports behind u*
*spins around with dual shotguns and kills everybody with death*
heh that was easy
*turns into a ghost and soars away*

Other urls found in this thread:


I think its pretty clear that blizzard intended to push any and all tropes associated with any character very hard
Reaper is intentionally edgy


*comes out of the shadow, clapping*

Let's be realistic

his ult is straight outta equilibrium fuckin kids only see memes everywhere

Today I thought about who the coolest character in Overwatch is. I didn't have to think too long. The answer is obviously Reaper. I'm just going to spout a list of things that make Reaper, Reaper:

>His name is the goddamned Reaper.
>He's wearing a Badass Longcoat, complete with hood.
>He's in all black, clearly signifying his inability to be fucked with.
>His mask resembles a skull of some description.
>He's covered head to toe in the slickest of light armor, complete with oversized shoulder pauldrons and knee guards that resemble heads.
>He replenishes his life by sucking the life essence out of his enemies.
>His weapons are called the Hellfire Shotguns.
>In order to reload, Reaper tosses away his shotguns and weaves new ones from the souls his dead enemies. Come on, man.
>His most boring ability, teleportation, has him standing in his signature pose looking unnecessarily cool, and glowing red.
>He can become intangible on will by taking the form of a wraith. Whilst doing so, his eyes glow red.
>His ultimate looks so badass. I'm pretty sure Blizzard designed the way his ultimate looked first, then decided what it did.
>He can't stop yapping about how he's the aspect of death, and how screwed his opponents are.
>He's out to kill everyone.
>Notice how his bare forearms were slightly visible at one point, and how that's no longer the case. Blizzard met up one day and said "this makes him look too weak", and so they covered it up.

Why this is "unfair" is because, frankly, I think it's the pinnacle badass design that Blizzard could come up with for Overwatch. His every design point succeeds and exceeds so unnecessarily at making him every 14-year-old's wet dream that it's hard not to appreciate him at all ages.

I hope that Blizzard can entertain me with another similarly delicious character in the future, but I doubt they can do it.

>Freezing some niggers in the afternoon
>Suddenly some crazy person starts shouting DIE DIE DIE
>I turn into an iceblock from shock
>Hes preforming some sort of dance...
>Notice I'm frozen and defrost myself
>I shoot the nigger and then turn around and shoot the weird black faggot in the head
>He dies...
I guess he only wanted to die.


>Mercy comes in with "HEROES NEVER DIE"


lol that pic.

something that i won't miss when the game is dead in 6 months

>when the game is dead in 6 months

is there any game that Sup Forums don't announce it being "Dead"?

As much as I think OW looks stupid and boring, I want people to like it, I want it to be alive long enough to kick TF2's ass until Valve either kills it and releases TF3, or until they realize they have to optimize it, not releasing new game modes no one will play.

>another overwatch thread
This is my curse.

I dropped 10 hours in the Open Beta without even realizing how long how I was playing it, and I never got into TF2. I just didn't like how it played and looked.
As far as I'm hearing, OW has gotten a wonderful reception through the Closed and Open Betas, and being that Blizz developed it, it shouldn't have a problem having a consistent playerbase for a long ass time.
I also personally have like 8 people I'll be able to play with so that will be good.

>Making video games

>tfw the time you jumped on the point as 5 of the enemy team was capping it and they didn't see you and you DIE DIE DIE cleared them all

I'm backwards, I wanted to like the trailer but I couldn't, it seemed so off, then I saw the gameplay, apparently bullets are magnetic, and that makes it look so simple.

The chicks are stunning, widowmaker, symmetra and Mercy are unbelievably beautiful and hot, but that's it, that's all I can find enjoyable about it.

kill yourself my man

>Apparently bullets are magnetic
What? Soldier has his ultimate, but besides that only a few weapons are hitscan.

Either the Hitboxes are huge or the damage radius of the bullets and projectiles are enormous, or maybe it has some sort of aim assist, which is even worse.

Just a warning, I was banned for making this exact thread last weekend.

It's hilarious that you really can do this line for line and it isn't an exaggeration to make him seem edgier

Try to find a way to play it at some point because that's not how it is at all.

These are the same mods that leave Trump threads and furry threads up for hours

>off topic
>for posting a thread about a VIDEO GAME character from a VIDEO GAME

what the fuck is wrong with you, mod?

What's the problem with Trump threads?

I am literally going to marry Tracer

They're off topic shitposting and don't belong on any board besides Sup Forums and Sup Forums and /s4s/ and maybe /trash/

>yfw your the only person on the planet who finds reaper hot despite his edgy personality

Probably when it goes F2P.


it's a gateway for Sup Forums to leak and use this board as their personal garbage dump
same with bernie sanders or whatever politically loaded and clearly not-vidya OP you might find

>mods that hate fun and promote cancer
why did it have to be this way, Sup Forums

holy shit, this game has domination voice lines? any other good ones?


I don't think it's for dominating, it's just random. There are no "dominations" in this

Go to bed Reaper

Why does he wear the mask?


As opposed to metaphorically marrying her?

how can you even find him hot, everything is covered his appearance is not visible, unlike hanzo for example.

Just go buy it user.

He's so fucking edgy




Not sure what triggerst them but I sniped S:76 as Widowmaker and she said "A legend falls..."

Yes, I'm taking no chances. She's mine

Reaper would have better as a woman


>exposed eye


I feel you
>you will never bully reaper or be his bf
>covered appearance
that's the point

Seeing how nearly every woman in this game is perfect I'm sure all of the characters would be better as women.

I got that once when I solo killed the same reaper twice in a row. Laughed my ass off.

>mfw I smash Reaper's fucking head in with a hammer

Seeing his actual face kinda ruins the character

psss... nothing personal kid

That was before Mercy tried to bring him back from the dead and turned him into current Reaper with his current superpowers.

> What's wrong with political threads on the videogame section?
You're white trasht that's what's wrong and you mom didn't say no to the D

>Playing mercy
>Every is focused on the pharah and widow maker trying to kill us while were defending
>Hear reaper behind me with his loud as fuck teleport
>Pull out my shit pistol
>As he pops his death blossom I just tap him in the head and he falls over

It still the same thing with him and soldier 76, the younger costumes need different voice lines to that it doesn't the voices don't clash like how they did different voices for some skins in injustice and mk9

Also to add he shouldn't be Hispanic with straight edge like that, at least give him some bit of accent or Hispanic sayings made edgy

Where the FUCK do you find this lore? Where do they hide this shit?

>he just makes puns all day and is basically adult Carlos

Why are his thighs so big?

>Mfw I see someone post "Hey guys I think he was MADE to be edgy".

Wow, can I hire you 3deep4me Private Eye Detective man?

If you have Mercy and Reaper in the pregame spawn together, they occasionally mention it in their banter

Yes actually since he's not meant to be taken seriously give him edgy puns

>wipe the enemy team at cap after my team died with a rein ult that hit literally all of them
>my fucking face when mercy comes and suddenly im agaisnt 5 of them alone