Black knight greataxe DS3

I can't believe how many faggots use this unparryable hyper armored staggering bullfuck in PvP. How do you beat this?



Get good friend :)

so, how would a gud player beat this?

By killing the motherfucker holding it obviously

The same way you beat any heavy 2-H. Roll around until they commit, then punish during their long ass recovery.

Just parry or dodge it every time you idiot.

Halberd pokes out range that shit easy, and you can parry the running attacks

Twinking, babysitting homo-faggot here.

Use the Dark Knight Sword, weapon art makes you un-fucking-stoppable, at 303 a swing at SL30? Yeah, I'm fucking babysitting.


Never give then time to set up hyper armor. They want to play dirty you play dirtier

>parry it
2h is unparryable for most of its moveset.

It's completely parryable, though it doesn't give you much room for mistakes so you either get it right the first time or you're fucked.

No it isn't.

Was about to call bullshit as I parried a dude the other day when he did a two handed jump attack, but then I looked up the wiki and it mention that running and rolling are the few moves that are parryable.

>or dodge it
Git gud at reading

Just found these outside the archives.
Might main them, opinions?
Advice for the weapons?

Havel Shield and thrust weapon.

Even with Knightslayer's Ring you need to do 12 2-handed R1 to break a non-upgraded Havel's Shield guard at 40 endurance.

>roll away from the even weapon
No shit this isn't advice, "Don't get hit" doesn't work if they know how to hit you.

git hard

They're great

they don't have bleed

Ok. I'm lvl 90 with 35 str 35 dex so I assume I refine them, right?

is that...

Bleed/hollowed builds are currently really, really popular with the twin weapons. They will bleed you in a combo.

>refine them
If you are ever dex/str, then always refine.

Oh damn. I want my weapon to bleed.
Im not just going to use them for pvp, though. Unless that's all they're good for?
What's another popular quality weapon...that's not a dark sword?

Mainly just the straight swords. Everything else is sharp/heavy/etc focused

I was thinking of respecing and going all STR with fuckhuge weapons soon if I didn't have fun with these twinswords.
Also can I do that weapon art combo infinite even when the blue bar runs out?

>jumping attack

You'll run out of Stam or if a buff, it won't have any effect

>everything else
There's at least one quality focused weapon in every category. Only shit like Katanas don't really benefit.

I've never lost to it and I'm a bad player.

That's why I said mainly and not only

>loved this thing since DS1 even after it got nerfed into the ground
>even stuck with it in DS2 where it wasn't as good
>now it's good again in 3
>but I'm a 'scrub' for using it

there's just no winning is there

people will complain about any weapon that isn't 100% shit. the BKGA is pretty good but it's not stupid OP or anything as long as you don't get caught in that 3 hit combo thing.

I know you're t alking about bkga without you even needing to post it

Sure there is, don't care about the "hardcore" fans; pretty easy.

But it isn't mainly at all

Ok just curious because when the blue meter run out I was still able to do those spinning attacks.
So during pvp I gotta make sure I keep refilling that blue meter?
that blows

if you infuse your offhand weapon/shield with Simple it will recover 1FP/4seconds (still works if dual wielding/two-handing right hand weapons) and you only need 1FP to perform a weapon art.
You use the sunlight straight sword and I can cast its weapon art and get the full buff with just one FP.


I've gotta say parries are slightly easier for casual players since fromsoft finally got a bit of a hang for the netcode, but since I PvP'd in dks1/dks2 for me it was about prediction, which is deadly in dks3.

Other than that, this piece of shit weapon is easily parryable. If you can't parry roll into every swing and once they run out of stamina just backstab/R1 them. Rinse and repeat.

Basically. Like the dancer swords. If I'm out of fp, I do absolutely no damage versus shit damage

>parry fishers crying about based BKGA

I use Lothric knight great sword with less scaling damage + split damage and shit on BKGAs

Learn to bait out their punishable attacks and predict, predict, predict. PvP is like 30% weapon 30% skill 30% prediction 10% luck/netcode

>being a fucking idiot
2-handed ultra greatsword, great axe, and great hammer attacks are all unparryable besides running R1.

>110 percent


When its as fucking basic as this, expect 99% of people to tell your sorry ass to not look at spoilers that are clearly going to be some variation of git gudyet here you are, so clearly you crave the abuse

Roll l1 roll l1 roll l1
Bonus points for bad connection

you can parry rolling R1s too

>giving less than 110%

No wonder you keep getting crushed.

Not all of them, for instance I think the astora greatsword r1 is unparriable.


I give your asshole 110% and I crush it

>I can't add on a first grade level

lol2kat is quality though


die irl

All of them are parryable. Astora GS weapon art; Fume, Greatsword and Cathedral Knight GS R1s are parryable, too.

Just use a simple infused weapon or shield in your left hand. Weapon arts only need 1FP to work.

I've landed picture perfect parries on the astora greatsword rolling R1, shit doesn't work in my experience

The only thing that this doesn't work for are two step weapon arts

But it does. Remember that lag is also a thing.

Shit. I better stop trying to parry those heavy weapons. I kept getting failed parries and just thought my timing was off, didn't know it was futile.


Only one handed move set

Ultra weapons 2h r1 and r2s are not parry able
No jumping attacks of any kind are parryable
Any and all rolling and running attacks are parryable no matter if 1h or 2, great or small

i pretty much exclusively use astora GS and zwei and the rolling R1s and 100% parriable.

it comes out real fast, so your timing is probably off + lag.

>anything with hyper armor
Enjoy your shitty trades. I've not found an axe user capable of outdoing even the claymore.

At low level maybe, at 120 everyone's resists are too high

Fume and the other ones I mentioned are an exception, they all have that DaS2-style vertical smash R1s, those are parryable.

are 2H vert smash UGS R1s parryable? i don't think anybody's ever tried when i was using the BKGS.

Yep. Actually, I only know for sure that Fume is parryable, but I'm assuming The Greatsword and CKGS are too, they have the same moveset.

Spears. Out range. Fast weapon. Punish the non hyper frames.

I just beat Sulyvahn and I just dumped the 170k souls I had stacked up into SL. I'm now lvl 51. Am I overlevelled for this part of the game? Game is throwing so many souls at me I don't know what to do with them.

A standard allboss run will get you to level 90, you should be fine

I'm at the princes and I'm level 50. I'm pretty sure I'm under leveled as I very rarely see summons.

Jesus christ man did you skip content or just hoard souls like a madman?

>might main them
You and everyone else out there

spent them on upgrades, items, or just lost them from some shitty deaths. Black Fire bombs, arrows, and resins, as well as upgrading all the usable weapons in my collection took most of my souls.

You get a mornes hammer and punish them with the weapon art which has super armor

Yeah, that looks fun. That works with 1FP too, right?
50str and 30fth is a lot to invest especially when faith doesn't scale.

>made a str/faith paladin just to use Morne's
>people just roll around my slow ass attacks and whittle me down with pokes
>any player with a brain doesn't get baited by the hyperarmor second swing after the purposely whiffed first or weapon art

Making this character was a mistake

Hits over 800 if you get them point blank since the hammer motion does damage in addition to the WoG

This is at 50/30 with no buffs or rings

well, I'm only level 50 right now, once I get over level 60 I might respec for it.

You're meant to unlock and attack where they are going to roll to

It has the highest stamina costs in the game.
You can just bait their attacks and punish.