Overwatch Characters


Other urls found in this thread:


>multiple images in last panel


fucking faggot ass bitch, those are the best type

got the template?

I probably over did the last panel.

Mei is cute


>those are the best type

heres a single image for you

im just trying to encourage better quality images

>Sup Forums
Good one m8

glad to see your trying to help too

>on Sup Forums
>expecting there to NOT be multiple images
>>>/tumblr/ is that way le *SIGH* man

can someone make one with mercy and have the bottom panel heal slut stuff thx!



Kill yourself.




Mahh nigga

...So you basically got exactly what you expected

This is 9/10, would be a solid 10 if you put a sniper scope over the thumbs up.

It's perfect.

Honestly the only time Mei is good is when she's with teammates. On her own if you're any good you can kill her way before she freezes you

I got Metroid Prime with an aimbot, dude.

And also Call of Duty, shut up user.


I just meant the sprint/ass-salt rifle

What did he mean by this?


>expectation not the same as result
??? ???


Exponentially better charge rate = exponentially more arrows

>yfw battleborn fags are fuming in blind red faced rage at how incredibly popular overwatch is becoming.
>yfw their game will be at evolve tier populations







>ghost dad

>tfw no one remembers grey fox

Some short comic drawn by Andrew Hussie that's about rap duels and robot duels.
It's pretty awesome.

Holy shit, that's actually pretty damn accurate.

Genji looks like of a like a weird mish-mash of Gray Fox, Mr. X and cyborg Raiden, imo

It's not that, it's just more extreme than grey fox.

I see Genji as Ryu Hayabusa though

source on that butt

Rather just "looks like". No idea what happened there.

To be fair his ult is basically Ripper Mode/Zandatsu



I think he's supposed to be a generic cyborg ninja. And yes, there have been other cyborg ninjas outside of MGS.

They need to create a good count dracula character

Trent Kaniuga, one of the artists involved with Overwatch, is a huge Metal Gear and Shinkawa fan, so I'd absolutely say there's some stylistic references filtering through into Genji.



One of Genji's skins is straight up Raiden.

good one love.


oh my god





I tried

Oh boy.


Why do people cry about Mercy "pocketing" Pharah so much? Pharah's are great to use as an escape option and give you a bird's eye view of the rest of your team so you can fly down and help them out.




the damage boost destorys teams if done right.

here, have my shittier version

For now seems everything in this thread went better than expected

One of Genji's skins is pretty much just Grey Fox
One of Soldier's skins makes him look like Naked Snake too.

because pharah two shots people with a rocket so giving her a damage buff and staying airborne all game is op as fuck, pharah is probably the most broken champ in the game. Mainly because her kit counters the game, her E knocks everyone off a point in a game where it is only point based. Her mobility and aoe damage are also fucking mental.

it's destructive, but so easily counterable, being in the air as mercy for any longer than a couple seconds is garunteed to get you snipped by any competant widow or hanzo.

Confirmed for best ass.

for me it's the reverse

>The Mask
It's fucking perfect.

tru. but those two members alone do alot not counting the other 4 who are also pushing/defending probably.

I didn't even try

Did all those "Brevity is the soul of wit" posts pierce your asshole that hard?

The only good ones of the thread. Probably because they aren't reddit meme trash with 6 pictures on the bottom.

>Dat pic of the woman lifting

After playing the beta for awhile, have you ever had such a strong urge to stick your tongue down a woman's ass hole? Like a real fucking strong urge.

>doing this unfunny meme shit with fucking CHARACTERS
What's next doing this shit with League champions then stacking twenty reaction images at the bottom?

gem among garbage.

yeah pretty fucking much

how is this character classed as a tank




>aoe damage are also fucking mental.

The blast radius is 1 meter and it deals 10 dmg at max radius you fucking casual. You HAVE to score direct hits or your dead.
She is easily countered by widowmaker, mcree, bastion, and hanzo.





You forgot Roadhog

The deal Mcree


Don't steal my image you son of a bitch.

Fucking yes, perfect


Just let people make the content they want and stop being so fucking autistic

Dual PPCs for D.Va when?