So this... is the POWER.... of PC....
So this... is the POWER.... of PC
Why did they make it so colorful and cartoony? Doesn't fit at all.
How many expansions will it take to make this playable?
The want the mobile phone audience.
>not wanting rich, colorful landscapes
One you turn on the grid and all of the tile icon you wont see any more colors
It's going to be a fucking mobile game, wait for the microtransactions
Would you still be mad if they also made the leader screens like this?
Man that would be the worst!!!!
But after the initial 50ish hours I stopped playing with resource icons and grid.
I like the more real and authentic feel of the naked map.
Your tears sustain me.
Top lel, but come on man, manga looking people is in everything nowadays, I could understand it if the game was 100 percent asian or something but is not
But it would fit the new colorful and playful visual style, and bring new people into the beginner friendly game they are making.
Meditate on it.
>i-it's a new innovative art style! So much better than the old
Every fucking zelda fanfaggot who drools over 256-colors windwaker.
Seriously, go in photoshop and edit an in game screenshot of wind waker in 256 colors of whatever and it won't change. This is solely to save costs, it's NOT an innovative new art direction.
>weeb shit in Civ
For what purpose?
is that canada primeminister?
No, thats me on the left.
>not liking weeb shit
Suzuki yourself.
So this is the power of the lack of originality and running out of ideas.
Honestly, the series is fucking dead as shit.
Beyond Earth was shitscum and Civ V was literally Civ IV taken apart, stripped of core elements from its expansions (religion, espionage), just so they could be implemented in Civ V in its OWN expansions. top kek
>liking weebshit
Toyota yourself.
>So this is the power of the lack of originality and running out of ideas.
Civ5 reformed the unit portion of the game.
Its first expansion reformed the religion aspect.
Its second expansion reformed the social policies/ideology aspect.
Civ6 will reform the city portion of the game.
It will have two expansions, which will further alter the formula.
They are quite clearly making changes, and I think at a good rate, just tweaking mechanics rather than dumping the whole game and starting anew, like the transition from Fallout 2 to Fallout 3 for example.
The ideas might not be original, as Warlock already does the building-per-tile thing, but they will feel different in a game with man more buildings, and many more resources to manage.
I for one am looking forward to seeing how its handled. Feels good to not be a bitter broken cynical cunt who can't enjoy things.
>wind waker
>new and innovative
user are you stuck 15 years ago?
I like the new artstyle, reminds me of AOW3
Man, Age of Wonders 3 would've been so good if only...
>there were more buildings to construct, and more reason to do so
>you could play out your turn while other people are doing combat in multiplayer
Those are my main two gripes with it. It focuses way too much on fighting, to the point where any other aspect is a waste of time, you just have to always be working towards conquest.
I know thats by design, but I wish they had chosen a different design.
And MP goes by too slow, when your mate might do 2-3 fights per turn, while you just want to get form A to B, and it all takes you 15 minutes or more.
I think AoW looks a lot better, but then again it wasn't made to run on mobile.
>not wanting as much weebshit in all your games as possible
>you could play out your turn while other people are doing combat in multiplayer
I want you to take a moment and think about the logic behind this.
Looks like shallow streamlined shit that gets boring after a few hours.
>Civ6 is a PC title
[citation needed]
Did any of the expansions for AoW add the ability to raise ground from the sea or create mountains or sink earth underwater?
Just plain elevation tweaking on tiles, basically.
You can have simultaneous turns while players are at peace, and regular turns when players are at war.
I just want to kill neutral beasts while my mate does the same, instead of taking turns doing it, and at any given point in time at least one of us being mad that the other is taking too long.
Multiplayer should be two or more people playing together, not one person playing for 2 minutes, then another playing for 2 minutes, etc.
Four units? Fucking really? That shit is what bothered me the most with Civ 4, a large scale game like Civ needs large scale armies.
Bad photoshop job, lad. And we already know its not free, because it is listed on Steam as costing a whooping 79,99€.
>It will have two expansions, which will further alter the formula.
Just like Beyond Earth was supposed but then it bombed so hard they gave up on salvaging it.
If you want rich and colourful done right you got to play EL.
>reminds me of AOW3
HOW?! AoW3 is detailed, not cartoony simplified.
>master of magic
>hobbit slingers are the lowest cheapest troop
>an army of them destroys anything
>they make it to veterans quickly
>become death gods
Such an overrated game. The balance in units and spells was disgustingly bad. And the fact that you could just get a fast unit to run around capturing nodes or however they were called and annoying your opponent was the cherry on top.
AoW 2 is my favorite on this list.
>Age of Wonders 1
>Stack vs Stack
>up to 8v8 units
who made this shit? they all had the adjacency mechanic from the beginning
>who made this shit?
Someone who only reads the wiki, and didnt play the games too much.
I didnt even notice that though, just took it as a graphics comparison.
Is Ghandi teaching him Hokuto Shin Ken?
He's teaching him dragoball-z.
You want korean shit then?
>visible breasts
Triggered. Cover that slut.
She's a strong womyn that needs a man (for sacrifice)
>needs a man (for sacrifice)
>It focuses way too much on fighting, to the point where any other aspect is a waste of time
That is the point of AoW games. AoW1 barely has any constructing other than spamming units, you can't build new cities, you can just upgrade like 2-3 different buildings in cities.
>That is the point of AoW games.
I know. I am just saying, I wish that it weren't the point. I wish there was more.
Looks like Age of Empires online
Guess I'll just finally give in to my meme life and buy a PS4 with Bloodborne.
Why are so many games being announced recently?
Like what.
the new cod and battlefield got announced too and I'm sure 3 other games have but I don't keep up anymore. I thought a couple other things got announced.
The entire genre is PC exclusive :^)
Beyond Good and Evil 2, World of Warcraft Vanilla realms, Max Payne 4, Total War: Ancient World, Quake V, Elder Scrolls VI, Cyberpunk 2099.
If by recent you mean last 5 years, then sure lots of things got announced.
user you are triggering my sweet tooth.
i'll show you power *unzips dick*
>meanwhile in France
>meanwhile in Civ
>meanwhile in France
Nigga it doesn't matter worth a shit if it's innovative or not, Wind Waker is still good-looking to this day due to that simple art style.
Je suis montè
Civ II is the only good game in this series.
test of time one
can't wait till weekend, I need to fuck unbidden's portal quick, they already near my borders
stellaris is so much fun
>Sup Forums
>Civ is a PC only series
>looks like a fucking iOS game
Who are you quoting?
>Civ is a PC only series
?? this game is likely for consoles too
it is being sold with a controller for fucks sake
>not knowing the many uses of green meme arrows
Go and splash your face with cold water you fucking animal.
This wont come to consoles. The only Civ games that have come to consoles are gimped down version, the mainline series still looks like dogshit
>not bad at all..
Civ5 was on tables and the biggest phones though. It isnt a "PC only game", it will obviously be on tables, and possibly also on consoles with the controller support.
Meant tablets, how the fuck did I get it wrong twice?
I'm still waiting for the expansion that makes it good
and it's not like it hasn't been done by a 4X already, endless legend did it a couple years ago.
I already preordered the digital deluxe version
I can't help it, I already know I'm going to sink another 500 fucking hours into this like I did V even if I end up hating it
>only 17 hours
what the fuck user, it says you've had it for 4 years now. What's your excuse?
alright, not him, but now you're triggering mine
Why would you get triggered by delicious food?
don't test me, user. you have no idea the amount of sweets I can shovel in my mouth and instantly regret doing so, only to continue to do so
Don't be silly user, food can't harm you.
not with that attitude, but I'm damn sure gonna try
It can only end well.