Overwatch will be the next LoL

It's just ridiculously popular. Every young person I've talked to this week know what it is and even most of the girls have played it and loved it.

How the fuck did Blizzard smash it out of the park this time?

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Because Blizzard are the absolute masters of lifting game design wholesale, injecting it with user-friendly features and design, and turning it into a massive success.

because (like LoL) it's taking an already popular idea and dumbing it down to be so casual a toddler can play it

Viraling on Sup Forums obviously

You act like that's a bad thing

I like it. TF2 can finally fuck off. rip

Are you a pedophile OP? Why have you been talking to little girls about video games so much this week?

Ridiculously popular you say? But it has ridiculously little content.
Sure, there's plenty of heroes, but there's only handful of maps and couple of game modes.
Knowing Blizzard they won't allow custom servers and probably won't release a level editor, so they'd have to create the maps themselves. And Blizzard is THE laziest game devs out there.

LoL doesn't cost $40 to play.

There's 12 maps and like, 4 modes or so? The lack of deathmatch is very weird but I feel like that's coming.
Regardless, 12 maps isn't a "handful"

It would be if it was f2p

There are more maps in OW at launch than Hots, LOL and DOTA combined have ever had.

If Blizzard has any sense at all there will never be deathmatch, but I'm sure they'll cave to the "but muh arena" faggots as usual.

>comparing an FPS to ASSFAGOTS just because heroes have "ultimates"

I can't tell the difference between ironic shill posts and actual shilling anymore.

What should I do?

It just looks fun and interesting.
It has cool characters and the artstyle is charming.

It's a shame you can't filter out teams that play with their friends. It's one of the things I hate from team based games. Random pubs get ass raped vs a coordinated A-team full of faggots.

>How the fuck did Blizzard smash it out of the park this time?
I don't know Mr. Shill, why don't you tell us more?

Kill yourself.

>Sees the dragon coming
>runs in a straight line away from it

I've heard, though I have no confirmation, that teams with parties are significantly more likely to get matched up with other teams with parties.

By copypasting the dreamworks face on all the characters.

They apparently don't want to add a DM mode to Overwatch.

They'll break down though.

Maybe OP is a little girl as well

I love playing OW, but it will not have the same popularity as League for these reasons

1. It's not Free To Play
2. You can't run it on a toaster like you can with League

CSGO has only one map.



Get a fucking job I'll gladly pay 40 dollars to keep out f2p shitters

>don't even bypass lols views in twitch
>the new big thing

I will laugh so hard when this game dies the moment Legions comes and you cuck will start playing WoW again.


People forget it was an open-beta on weekend, the 40e paywall is going to keep a lot of people out in the end.

I really hope they stick to having a solid price on the game, it really keeps out at least the worst of F2P scum.

12 maps isn't a handful, it's nearly as many as full priced COD games.

A handful is 4 maps, which is what battlefront had.

Because I viral'd it for them. I'm premium. $0.15 per post.

Overwatch was made by the A-Team

A horde type map on the moon where you fight gorillas

No one would play the normal modes if they add team death match. I really hope they don't add that. The game dynamics were never meant for tdm.

You just have low standards, user. Just the fact that you use COD or BF as an example says volumes.
Back in the day games shipped with dozens of maps.

>add deathmatch
>all other game modes now have zero population

This is why deathmatch is retarded.

If they were smart they'd add deathmatch to brawl

>Beta of unreleased game doesn't exceed well established game with millions of players

It's not the worst game I've ever played. I'd probably buy it on the cheap or play it once it went F2P. And maybe it will keep the babbies out of my adult games

Hey steve are you coming to the pub tonight

>add deathmatch

S-so you're saying i can find a real GF in this game?

Nope. Gotta start getting my content ready for the Dark Souls 3 dlc.

well if it becomes the next meme it'll just give a lot of people for me to dunk with bastion


b-but its a b-b-beta BETA

I can only think of UT that really shipped with dozens of maps. Everything else was

This is some pretty pathetic trolling, dude.
Do you really think anyone would expect OW to beat out LoL even after release.
LoL is one of the biggest competitive games on the planet.
You're acting like OW fans are saying it will kill LoL.

You will now provide a recent example of a beta exceeding the views large well established games have.

If you're in a team chances are you get paired with other teams. I was in a team with just 1 friend and we got paired with another team of 2 people and continually fought a team of 4. The extra 2 slots on each team were lone players because they were shuffled around each game.

Same with level, if you have a high level you'll be paired with a team of similar level to your own most of the time.

Problem is though when playing in a team is half the time we raped the other team because we out-coordinated them or we got paired with an infinitely more coordinated team and got our asses handed to us. This was only a problem when playing in teams larger than 3 people though.

>You're acting like OW fans are saying it will kill LoL.
literally what OP implied

>this time
Implying they didn't do the same with WoW back in the day.
They know what the majority will like so they use smart design for all the games aspects, top it off with fun gameplay (hard or casual) and GG.
Besides not really that hard with an FPS

Reading pretty deep into nothing there, bud.

Yeah, that's what I had in mind.

>shilling your own videos


I always typed gg ez at the end of every match won, salty tears taste great

Stop posting your shit videos, son.

That's unacceptably toxic behavior. I always report those people.

can i post my shit video its only 20 seconds long and i think its really funny so please let me post it


Quality > Quantity

Of the hundreds of maps for CSGO people play about 5 over and over. The same is true for almost every mulitplayer game.

12 maps + 21 classes is more than enough and the quantity isn't relevant because you can play the same multiplayer game over and over if it is fun.

These kind of posts are problematic

These kind of post only make my dick harder

white knight beta faggot keep getting BTFO by my MLG Bastion POTGs ayyyy

at the end of the melting dream

ty user who liked my video


LOL- moba, f2p

The game is honestly not that bad.

>nice art style that will age well
>responsive controls

literary the only thing they need is balance (which will never happen cause it's a Blizzard game and they didn't have a balanced game since SC:BW) and ... that's it.

Absolutely no reason to hate on this game what so ever.

>gg ez

You're either a masterful bait supplier or young and fucking stupid.

Quality of OW maps leaves much to be desired too. Especially the old ones like Gibraltar or Hanamura. They're full of chokepoints with no alternative routes. There also virtually useless areas like the one between the first and second capture points on Volskaya. No one ever organizes a defense there, there's never action going on in there. It exists just to make the defenders waste time getting to the first point.

Although the new maps improved a little in that regard.
I quite like Nepal (except the Sanctum) and Ilios.

>tfw overwatch is the next evolve

Except all of the Overwatch maps suck rancid shit.

Outside of a couple details most of them really weren't memorable at all from what I played of the OB.


>tfw tf2 is dead

It's got a really well made, easy on the eyes art style.

It's easy as fuck, so anyone can play it and do well.

It's got more variety in playable characters than most people are used to and that makes it stand out.

Did Evolve have a beta where everyone loved it?



>Was in the CB
>Wanted to talk about the game but absolutely zero people cared about it
>No hype, no buzz, no anything anywhere
>People were legit mad at the game and hated what Blizzard was doing
>Open beta hits
>Commercials every 10 minutes
>Everyone going nuts over the game and spamming about it everywhere
>People pretending like they've been interested in it forever
>Can't join in on any discussions because it's all completely new people flinging around terrible opinions because they know nothing about the game

Honestly I have no idea what happened, one day no one cares and the next it's like an alien ship landed during the superbowl halftime show.

That might have something to do with the fact that people were actually allowed to play it, compared to the CB where you either had to be incredibly lucky to have been invited in, or were stuck watching a streamer struggle to be enthusiastic about playing it.

So yeah, big surprise, people are more likely to want to talk about a game they can actually play.

The big differences are the Blizzard seal of polish and the symmetrical gameplay

Because nobody else on this whole site got into CBT. It was all streamers and youtubers with lots of viewers for better marketing coverage.

So why did Heroes of the Storm fail so badly?

What, people were buttmad for months because streamers were already playing it but they couldn't


Problem there is that everyone would go Lucio/genji/Tracer on those maps.

KotH and Escort have the advantatge that your character mobility doesn't matter. It's tricky to balance gamemodes around characters with different mobilities.

Those who are interested in the genre already play LoL or Doto, those games eat up so much time that you don't really need another one

Yeah but like I'd try to talk to people I know about it and they would just get angry, everyone was giving off the impression and some outright stating they wanted nothing to do with the game. Now I check and they haven't gone 15 minutes without talking about the game and fawning over it.

I don't know, just feels weird to me after so many months of getting the cold shoulder everywhere.

People suggested disabling abilities as long as you're holding the flag
It would work I guess, but it'd probably be boring as fuck

They executed the "beta marketing" tactic in the right place at the right time nearly flawlessly

They needed something to keep them from going bankrupt with the shit they are doing with WoW so they pulled out their apparent best.

Whilst the game is sort of fun, I still don't see myself paying the price it is at the moment because it gets compared to TF2 which was only $20 originally and now even free. Sure, they aren't the same game but it's just hard to get past that Overwatch is at least $70 where I am from.

>people I know
Your friends must be codfags or contrarian neet Sup Forumsirgins.
People were a bit frustrated they didn't have an invite, but nobody outright hated the game. It is a very fun mindless time waster FPS.

Nah it won't even come close to LoL just because it isn't free to play.

Also it is not a moba so uber casual and 12 year olds who can't aim will refuse to play it.

>Yeah but like I'd try to talk to people I know about it and they would just get angry

Yeah because of Blizzard's head-up-their-ass policy of inviting a scarce handful of common peons and then almost entirely just streamers/youtubers besides.

>Now I check and they haven't gone 15 minutes without talking about the game and fawning over it.

Yes, because they've actually had a chance to play it for themselves.

Pretty simple really.

Oh no, look at those sell outs, making something they think will sell.

That's no way to conduct an honest business!

I don't understand what your problem is
>game is not playable
>not a lot of interest because can't try it out, not a lot to talk about because no experience
>game is playable
>a lot of interest, a lot to talk about

because it was a BETA A BETA

They smash it out of the park almost all of the time.

>They needed something to keep them from going bankrupt with the shit they are doing with WoW so they pulled out their apparent best.

If Overwatch is Blizzard's "apparent best" I think they have a lot more problems than WoW's declining popularity.

Blizzard hasn't really been on a very good streak as of late. They've likely burned up a massive portion of their consumerbase's good will on all the schlock they've put out in recent years, and I really have to wonder what the hell they're going to do once Overwatch is out. I don't think there's anything else for them to work on at this point that people might actually look forward to.

This a joke m8?

Except with HotS and Diablo 3. But Overwatch will probably be ridiculously popular for a little bit

that's why heroes of the storm is much less popular than lol or dota

>I don't think there's anything else for them to work on at this point that people might actually look forward to.

WC4 thats literally the only game people are waiting for don't know why they gave us a fucking tf2 rip off when they could made Warcraft 4.

>This a joke m8?
I mean outside of HotS, all of their games are usually super popular and sell really well.

I mean Diablo 3 sold 30 million copies, 11th most sold game ever.

Well, yes. That's basically what I was saying.

They have Hearthstone which gets played a bit and Diablo III expansion which also has less and less people playing it so you're right they have nothing left at this point other than Overwatch which isn't that wonderful to begin with.

Needs more modes for me to commit, personally. The beta was very fun, but towards the end felt like you had seen and done everything and that can only hold my interest for so long. Not worth full price on release IMO