Blizzdrones will defend this

>blizzdrones will defend this

this literally never happens

Only blizzdrones will know what the fuck you're talking about.

it does in the brawl

innervate/Shifter Zerus master race btw

>complaining about brawl

they always shitty

>in the brawl

The whole point of that mode is that it's silly and broken.

Too inconsistent for me
T2 Y'shaarj is hilarious when it works

> I-it's suppose to be shitty!
Found the cucks

>Too inconsistent for me
I only did it because I'm too much of an unlucky poorfag for Yogg or Y'shaarj, but it manages to work some times

ice block is way worse than mech rushing desu

I wouldn't touch Yogg in this, even with all that Innervate. At least with Y'shaarj you're guaranteed a 2nd body on board.

>i will misinterpret something to use my favorite meme word

it's not 'suppose' to be shitty, it's just shit and no sane people will play that mode more than one time to get the reward.

Look what Sup Forums did to me, i'm responding to actual retard, god dang.

Shut up faggot.

I went alarmobot and blood of the ancient one.
Shit was cash.

I don't understand Yogg in general, why would you ever want to play a card that's just as likely to fuck over yourself as the enemy
Maybe I'm misunderstanding something about the card

A little context for non blizzdrones will help

Well, most importantly, it's a fun card.
But also on average Yogg helps you actually.
You don't play him when you're ahead on board though, he's more of a panic-button if you desperately need an out.

the point of Yogg is as a get out of jail free card when you're already fucked anyway, so you play him and there's a chance he dumps burn into your enemy's face or clears the board and saves you

It's a last resort.

Otherwise, hearthcucks enjoy RNG dictating their win/loss rate.

Yeah, I wish they'd rebalance every existing card for a four day event.

If you're playing control and you aren't about to fatigue you can save yourself an AOE. It's not good competitively but it has the capacity to give you at least a small out when you'd otherwise be dead 100%

>Blizzard creates a special game mode where your deck is 15 copies each of two cards
>having more than 2 of certain cards in your deck is ludicrously broken
that isn't even the worst outcome, if his opponent was a mage he'd have lost from turn 1

>not running mana wyrm and frost nova

Played Innervate + Yogg Saron deck, it was fun, even if it mostly lost. Good moments.

After all, Hearthstone is an imbalanced random game, and you aren't meant to power game in it. Have fun trying things out for an hour a week.

aside from kezan mystic, how can you beat ice block + any burn spell?


>a card that's just as likely to fuck over yourself as the enemy
It has a slightly better chance to fuck over your enemy.

>not running the patrician version: ethereal conjuror and frost nova

Auchenai soulpriest + circle of healing against mech fags