what is OUR final verdict?
>its an episodic meme that has a total of 5 hours gameplay (Sapienza included)
this episodic crap will alienate players & people buy games to have a week-long journey not 2 sittings of gameplay
what is OUR final verdict?
>its an episodic meme that has a total of 5 hours gameplay (Sapienza included)
this episodic crap will alienate players & people buy games to have a week-long journey not 2 sittings of gameplay
Other urls found in this thread:
>tell me what to think
>final verdict of 1/3rd of a game
>has a total of 5 hours
>final verdict
>on an early access title
wow you are poor. gotta squeeze all the fun out of your huge investment Jamal
I'll pick up the full release in the fall. If I'm still interested by then.
I'm having fun, stay mad
It's good
>repeating a game over for 25 times
you are a good goyin & IO's wet dream
now game devs can simply release 2 levels & force u to repeat them over & over thru some gimmick ala Ground Zeros
>"stealth" game with spoonfeeding x-ray vision
This alone makes it shit.
Does that mean that Blood Money and Contracts were also shit?
>people have to play it the way *I* dictate
>I can't work out menus to turn stuff off
Maybe you just don't get the appeal of Hitman.
I don't know how many times I repeated the other games when I got them, especially Blood Money. I even just recently replayed BM doing an accident only run and it was fun as fuck.
You can turn that off retard
I'll let you know after I play it. I'll play it after it's fully released and a reasonable price.
>Hitman before Absolution
>having instinct/x-ray vision
Fuck off retard.
>What is map
Oh yeah the thing that showed you every single NPC in the level regardless of how far away they were.
To be fair the map on easier difficulties accomplished pretty much the same thing including what damn direction people were facing
Episodic is a weird decision but the game is actually a huge step up from Absolution and genuinely good.
Perhaps the episodic delivery will work to pay for continued development on the upcoming levels - let's be fair here: so far they're excellent - and the fund the heavy marketing campaign for the full game. IO have always had great advertising.
The marketing here has been a disaster in timing. They should have waited until the first two levels were out along with the first elusives to pull that whole Gary Busey shit and the posters. They blew all of their marketing on trying to get people to pre-order an unfinished product and as such those who bought it trashed it's reviews.
they should have been quiet and waited, then it would have been better received. Basically they are trying to market a non-standard product by standard means, where the focus is on pre-orders and initial sales. Hopefully the damage they did can be made up for by the time they think about a second season..
I like it.
Have they said if they're going to release the full game on disc when it's actually fucking done? Digital only is cancer this episodic bullshit is even worse.
It's pretty fucking awesome and exactly what I wanted out of a new Hitman game.
Let's hope Morocco continues on this level of quality.
Also, let's hope we get those Elusive Targets within the next two decades.
>this episodic crap will alienate players & people buy games to have a week-long journey not 2 sittings of gameplay
It's certainly possible this episodic move is gonna have bad consequences for them sales-wise. Let's hope not, though.
I don't think it even does that in this one.
Besides you act as if the levels are designed around it being necessary to use, which they aren't unlike Absolution.
There is only one case where you are pretty fucked if you don't use it and that is shooting the virus through the glass wall. Which of course can be done in different ways anyway
yes in 2017
>shooting the virus through the glass wall
You can do that? The only thing I had trouble finding was dropping the stalactite on it because it was hidden behind that big ass rock on the ceiling and you can barely see it even with Instinct turned on.
Yes, I've seen some videos
I personally only use Instinct to see what is going on in the next room. I would drop it in a second if they brought back the peek through the keyhole.
>I personally only use Instinct to see what is going on in the next room.
Use your map. Alternatively get in cover next to the door and open it. Though if you're the hopeful type the devs might be working on keyhole peeking since there was a hole in the wall in Sapienza that you could peek through and it functioned just like the keyhole peeking mechanic did in Blood Money, so maybe the devs might be working on implementing that for all doors with keyholes in it.
i think it's pretty great so far, actually.
i just hope they reimplement human shields and looking through keyholes.
not that it matters too much because in most cases you can just look at your map, open the door or use instinct...
I didn't even know they dropped human shields. I liked that too.
>great gameplay
>2 full levels released so far are top quality
If they keep it up, it will be right there next to Blood Money.
yeah, i've just come across a few situations like a couple people alone, such as a target and a guard, which would be perfect for it, and realized you unfortunately can't do it
the worst part about that is how it makes it hard to pull off accidents
but that's the point of hitman games
you repeat the levels with different playstyles and maybe discover some cool shit
then later you can try to silent assassin it after you know the layout of the level
Agreed. Wasn't keen on the episodic idea but strangely it works for Hitman.
hitman absolution was 10/10 so im really hoping this game lives up to it
inb4 blood money shitters, I know this is v but give it a rest.
>funny bait image.png
epic vee meme dude!
Yes, you got me. I work for a marketing company. There is no way I could possible like the game, right?
fucking retard :^)
it's what you wanted, wasn't it?
I have mixed feelings about this.
On one hand it's pretty smart since it forces you to play the same level multiple times while you wait, which leads you to discover new shit in the level.
On the other hand the wait is annoying as shit and I'd rather have the full game in one go, but then I probably wouldn't play each level as much/often as I do now.
Pay now, get the rest of the game later/10
or, just buy the cheapest version and buy other levels if you want them/10
>clay-human shooting
It's very disjointed, the levels don't flow into each other like Blood Money's. When I replay BM I like to play it all the way through with a specific strategy. For instance I'll do an accident only run, or invest only in bombs, or a shotgun run. If I did that with these levels I would miss entire parts of the story through overhearing dialogue and exploring all the other bits of world building. In BM there is very little world building you don't get on the first playthrough, only a few convos and radio exposition. I think because of this the episodic model actually really does fit it, as you need to replay the level again and again before moving on to really get the whole of the story.
>final verdict
OP is a retard.
Bad business decision with having it episodic. The game itself is great however.
Elusive target this friday sometime during European hours. Get hype.
No mention if it's going to be Paris or Sapienza though, I hope they'll not fuck over people that didn't buy the DLC.
What happened to the "thursday update" shit they were talking yesterday?
I have no idea. I was just following their twitter for finally announcing elusive targets. I want to see if they work before buying the next package (though it already seems worthwhile).