Halo SPV3

Final trailer for Halo SPV3 came out.
What does Sup Forums think?

For those of you who don't know, Halo SPV3 is a Halo Custom Edition mod that extends and remasters the original Campaign with new shit, as seen in the trailer.

Looks pretty neat.
I miss the halo Sup Forums nights

looking forward to it

isn't halo ce/pc ruled by mexican pirates now?

Probably. I think the dude who hosted the Sup Forums halo server was Mexican

I want more el dewrito updates

Until there's feature parity with Halo 3 Mythic (minus theater mode and split screen because who cares), El Dewrito is dead to me

Oh, also, a proper mod manager. The only way to install mods is a complete nightmare.

They're trying I think

Neat. Won't play it though, I've got some fucked up memories connected to Halo CE singleplayer (I was on acid at the time).

tell us more

uhhhh story?

The Custom Edition community is fucking fantastic.

how many people are online at a given time. say right now. where do i go to play some halo

When I was playing a few months agove, several hundred to 1000. Most of them are South American these days.

Australia has been dead since 2009

If it has co op, I will find my halo 1 disk then find a copy for a friend and will we play it.

And will will enjoy it.. because halo is a good game regardless of what people say.

I enjoyed TSCE more than anything 343i has ever made so I am fucking hype.

>still no Halo clone
Are fun vehicles with good physics too scary to code?

Wait, is it finished? Holy shit.

yes its happening my son it is time.

I feel tears coming on, user.
I have to find my fucking disc now FUCK



Come on now, stop cockteasing us and tell us what happened.

You feel it too, don't you?

>hunter arm cannon

That's really cool.

I disagree, I love the game but everyone online is a dumb Brazilian who never shuts up and only plays Rockets on Blood Gulch.

And the quality of the mods ranges from pretty damn good to absolute fucking dogshit with no good in-game way to filter.

>That Halo 5 Halo theme

Fucking amazing