Why doesn't Capcom sell Inafune the rights to Mega Man? His series should be placed back into his more than capable hands wehre it belongs, not with people who weren't there from the beginning.
Why doesn't Capcom sell Inafune the rights to Mega Man...
Also he didnt even do much with the original megaman.
He's the creator of mega man and lead character designer. It's HIS series. He's been there from the beginning.
Akira Kitamura created Mega Man
>He's the creator of mega man
Not really. Some other dude do it, he just got all the fame.
Now if you argued that no one else would use the IP as effectively, maybe, but given some of the issues with MN9 I'm skeptical Inafune totally understands what he's doing and also what the Megaman brand should be.
He can't afford it. Game devs aren't independently wealthy.
>Akira Kitamura created Mega Man
CO creator. Inafune created the refined drawing, ie what MM actually looks like. Kitamura just did some pixels. It' snot the same thing.
Do you remember what happen with Compile?
He did the game design, Inafune just did artwork and some character designs.
What pisses me off most about Inafune is that Soul Sacrifice (I'd also argue Yaiba, at least visually) shows that he's still got some good ideas left in the tank, making it all the more sad that he decided to take the sleazy crowdfunding route and ride it into the sunset.
Here's your (You).
>Inafune does the art design for mega man
>other guys turn that into games
>anons think Inafune isn't the creator of mega man
> creator
> he joined the rockman team late and refined sprites a bit&then slapped together a boxart
The main character was created before Inafune joined the company.
In fact, Hideki Kamiya has even said that Comcept = Hong Kong (glorified mall) when Platinum = Macau.
Apropos of nothing, I hope something comes of the Jap survey Capcom did angling for a MM11 or some other spinoff. Inti is more than capable of soldiering on without him.
> "My mentor (Capcom senior member Akira Kitamura), who was the designer of the original Mega Man, had a basic concept of what Mega Man was supposed to look like. So I only did half of the job in creating him. I didn't get to completely design a Mega Man [protagonist] from scratch until Zero (Mega Man X, SNES). Back when the SNES was coming out, I was asked to give Mega Man a redesign, so I created this character. But I realized that this design wouldn't be accepted as Mega Man, so I had another designer create the new Mega Man, and I worked on Zero to release him as the 'other main character' that would steal all the good scenes!"[9]
Inafune is not the creator of Megaman, and every person that still claims it in this day and age of 2016 is one of the reasons Blunder #9 received excess funding.
It's like fuckers forget that Capcom once upon a time had brilliant teams that could turn things like "The Little Mermaid" into competent games. Everything Inafune ever did that was of any note while working for Capcom is because there was an entire team of talented people assigned to the same project to filter out the bad ideas, or executives that knew Megaman better than him: ZX was what Inafune envisioned for the X series since X1, and ZX series ultimately tanked the franchise with abysmal sales.
Inafune has sameface syndrome with his artwork, hasn't had any really good ideas that translated well to execution, and is just a hype man at his best. He's the Thomas Edison of the franchise.
No he fuck up the premise of Yaiba being Ryu Hayabusa ' s nightmare, the only guy who could talk as much shit as ge did to Ryu, and fight Ryu to a stand still in his favor. That trailer when Ryu and Yaiba fought before the game took place was what sold the hold fucking idea, and then the games come out and it's nothing we wanted thanks to Inafune putting terrible ideas in to the pot. Yaiba could have been good if not for him
>Megaman better than him: ZX was what Inafune envisioned for the X series since X1, and ZX series ultimately tanked the franchise with abysmal sales.
Is it true that Inafune didn't even like the original series? After Inafune was put in charge of MM, around X4, we got these weird fucking spin offs like Z and ZX with weird designs, and elves and shit. They feel radically different from Classic or even X series.
The team that did The Little Mermaid and Darkwing Duck (as well as Megaman 4, 5 & 6) is now Inti Creates.
But I said visually. Yaiba was crap, it had pretty much nothing going for it apart from a good art style.
Still better than NG3 tbqh tho
I just want MN9 to come out already so I can see how much Infanue fucked it up.
Why don't you guys just buy Gunvolt instead of this mighty shit and be done with it?
It had the premise of Yaiba's back story with Ryu Before they back pedaled and ruined it
Inafune started out by submitting a red Megaman design, which he later refined into Zero. Serpent's logo was the original for Sigma's Maverick logo, and they even had the three wisemen as potential enemies. Almost all of that was shelved when one of the execs at Capcom denied his design, since Megaman is blue and known for being blue, which is why another artist created the X we know and love.
Once Inafune obtained a degree of power due to JP business politics rewarding seniority over skillsets, he's gone full Ken Penders mode with Zero being the biggest thing out of the entire franchise, and even had it setup original for Zero 1 to have it where Copy X was the real X, but again, Capcom exec shot that down, since you don't turn one of the most beloved heroes into an enemy like that, especially when they still planned to keep the X series running side-by-side.
Then we have stuff like Legends, which is Megaman only in name, or Battle Network, which he claimed credit for, despite a team already existing and working on the concept before he was assigned to it. It just shows that Inafune was a decent artist, due to his Street Fighter, Resi, as well as earlier Megaman work, but a very horrible idea man. Lest we forget that he was the one that created Donte, by stating Uncle Dante's design was bad and would be laughed out of a bar, on top hot dog arm-wife Commando, and a slew of other things on his way out of Capcom years ago.
Megaman is shit
> has even said that Comcept = Hong Kong (glorified mall) when Platinum = Macau
>Inafune started out by submitting a red Megaman design, which he later refined into Zero.
Who designed mega Man x?
>Can't even get out a mega man clone in time
>expecting him to finish an actual mega man game
There are a million other mega man games. Go play one of those.
It's on his Twitter.
He never said anything about Inti Creates, but judging on the tweet it's Inti Creates = Taiwan and Capcom = main land China
Hayato Kaji.
What other things did he ruin while at capcom
What I'm saying is that I dont understand what he means
Already have, just waiting on the patch for 3DS and the sequel.
Reminder that MN9 were delayed not because of schedule or any further issue, its merely delayed because it would be a launch title for some shitty android console.
Inafune is a fucking business, and every single decision he made is solely for the dosh and profit.
He fucked up the X series story by trying to shoehorn Zero into every aspect of the plot.
That's why the reboot changed the story.
>Inafune is a fucking business, and every single decision he made is solely for the dosh and profit.
And they're all BAD decisions. MN9 show's how terrible he is.
The whole plan was to inherit the Mega Man fandom with a MM clone. He's completely botched that with terrible design ideas. He's ruined all the good will of the MM fandom.
Which reboot, Megaman Zero or something more recent?
Maverick Hunter X for the PSP.
I'm not sure if Megaman Zero qualifies as a reboot, but if it did it fucked up the story even more imo.
I think he means Maverick Hunter. They stated somewhere that the intended endgame of the remakes was to establish X as the source of the Maverick Virus through faulty programming while Zero is just all hero.
He is incapable of making a good decision user.
Who do you think is behind the idea of letting the western studio make a games for Capcom IP?
Megaman 9 and Megaman 10 were already solid games with MM9 being one of the best.
Why does Kamiya hate Inafune so much?
That's kind of a surprise. I'd expect them to try and make everything revolve around Zero, not make him incidental to the plot.
He does not, it's just that Inafune is a producer when Kamiya is a creator.
>Once Inafune obtained a degree of power due to JP business politics rewarding seniority over skillsets,
That's really mind blowing. It's Peter Principle in action. He's a decent artist. But since he stuck with Capcom while the rest of the MM team left, he got promoted higher and higher until he oversaw the entier MM series. Then he was promoted again after that to an even more important producer, again due to seniority.
He's a decent artist but that's exactly where he should have stayed.
Dafuq? I mean yeah I guess you could go with that of a good guy holding the source of the virus, but it would be better to pull a Luna from Casshern and make that person the virus holder
He really had the perfect set up and completely fucked it every step of the way, huh. It's taken so long people are warming back up to Capcom and would likely rush straight back to them if they popped up with a true Mega Man game, even though the hatred of them was the driving force behind MN9's popularity in the first place.
>Trusting Inaphony after Mighty No.900 delays
The reason why they didn't do that was because everything revolving around Zero was what fucked up the plot of the original games. Literally everything was because of the Zero virus.
In the reboot it's for a logical reason. Hardware errors, reploid A.I fucking up, etc.
Also Sigma makes a conscious decision to turn maverick in the reboot instead of "lol Zero virus"
Totally. He doesn't understand that to build a fanbase you need multiple games. You can't just release a game and then make a multi-media empire. He thought he could just inherit the MM fans in one step.
It would have been much smarter to make a MM clone for, say 50,000 dollars. Small team, simple graphics. Focus on gameplay. Hype it as the next Mega Man. If it sells, make a sequel. Each time build upon it and turn it into a bigger budget series.
Capcom didn't make MM1 and expect to make a tv show, merchadise, etc. That took years.
Yeah, it doesn't make a lot of sense. My best guess is that he was just trying to remove any flaws from his favorite character in the clumsiest way possible. Or he really just hates X - the original story draft for Zero 1 had the despotic X as the real McCoy until the devs themselves protested and he agreed to make it a bad copy.
Then he destroyed X's shell at the end of Zero 2 anyway.
>Then he destroyed X's shell at the end of Zero 2 anyway.
Triggered. It hurts
HE wasn't "there from the beginning".
The biggest offense will almost always be the fact that he was instrumental in closing Clover Studios.
Capcom gave him the position of handling oversea development with third parties, which led to a few gems like Dead Rising, but complete bombs like DMC and too serious Bionic Commando sequel.
Like mentioned, Inafune wanted Zero to have top billing for everything. This went as far as for bullshit reasons why Megaman was missing from MvC3, despite being in the previous entries, and Zero becoming the replacement, on top of having a paid-DLC X costume. Because of Inafune, we had Zero in the Onimusha Smash Bro knockoff. A nice surprise, but a very out of place choice.
There were two reboots, with one officially released as Maverick Hunter X on PSP, which drastically alters things and eliminates Dr. Cain fast, so he cannot be in X2+ as a plot element.
The other reboot was never officially released, and involved Iron Man's suit designer onboard for the redesigns, and was shaping up to be an even bigger departure from the Megaman name and mythos than the Legend series, which is an accomplishment for all the wrong reasons.
Inafune closed down Clover, and put Kamiya and pals out of work for a tiny bit, while killing their creative freedoms?
It was like Inafune learnt about the meme of Dr. Light being the true villain all along, and decided to be serious with it. Maverick Virus was remade where instead of spooky computer virus that originated from Zero, it was actually a design flaw from imitating Light's designs causing massive pain in Reploids and being the catalyst for them going insane. Sigma in the reboot never had his ass handed to him by Zero, meaning no psychotic past, and X made the scars, not Zero.
He's decent, but suffers from the same syndrome Toriyama and others do. Bison / Sagat / Sigma / Mr. X (Tyrant) can be compared side-by-side to see that they're not radically different outside of clothing.
>Kitamura is an unknown in the Mega Man fandom
That's not the first time Kamiya expressed dislike towards Inafune. I can understand the ill feeling towards this snake oil salesman I just want to know why.
>A nice surprise, but a very out of place choice.
But he has a sword.
>Because of Inafune, we had Zero in the Onimusha Smash Bro knockoff. A nice surprise, but a very out of place choice.
And BN megaman.
Also SVC Chaos and TvC..and MVC3.
That's four games. And he's damn good in least three of them(Not sure on TvC Zero)
I must be one of the 10 people on Earth that doesn't hate anything about Bionic Commando 2009
To be fair he wasn't that good in vanilla MVC3
Don't forget he also fucked up dead rising 2 and lost planet 2 which were failures commercially
That guy is a horrible ideas man
>which were failures commercially
who cares
(You) got a lot to learn
You mean Lost Planet 3
People holding out for well done sequels? Instead of the horrible aberrations we got
Like lost planet 3 which failed horribly because they thought "oh if the last game wasn't so successful then we have to change a lot of things" lo and behold it wasn't a sequel but a reboot that ended burying the franchise
if you care more about it being successful than being good then you do not actually like video games
Lost Planet 3 was even worse, but was he involved in that too? I forget
>people don't buy game
>creators ruin game sequel to appeal to them
>people still don't buy it
sounds like good riddance
It had fun swinging mechanics, but the atmosphere and story of the game tried waaaaaay too hard to take itself serious, and never hit that "so bad it's good" territory that it could really benefit from.
Also didn't really help that they set it up where only people that played the remake of original and the sequel that they whipped up would be able to fully enjoy the story presented.
Feel bad for Grin or whatever the devs were called, since they were just working to appease a client, and then Square killed them off for good with lack of payments. The JP were not kind to that tiny Swedish company.
DR2 was pretty fun in my book, and I read that LP2 was probably the best in the series due to multiplayer. I've only heard of their sequels under performing, since Capcom tends to have massive success with the number "2" in titles.
If you think a game series can survive by losing money then (You) got a lot to learn.
>Inafune gets Megaman
I'd rather it die out a good series than live on as a shit series.
But that's just because I actually like video games.
The first one was good and it showed, #1 in sales as well, the second one was a huge failure because inafune was given more creative over Jun Takeuchi, the third one was a "let's try something totally different and uncalled for, that will show em" and killed it forever
>second one was a huge failure because inafune was given more creative over Jun Takeuchi
So you're saying it sold poorly because the customer base collectively decided "Inafune has more control so I will not buy this game"?
I would really love a source on this claim.
>Hideki Kamiya has even said that Comcept = Hong Kong (glorified mall) when Platinum = Macau.
What's wrong with a mall?
Zero is alright design. I like how edgy he is.
>But that's just because I actually like video games.
Of course (You) do.
That's why Lost Planet 2 and Dead Rising 2 are good in your book. Even though they're actually inferior to their predecessors, you think they're good because all those mindless sheeple just didn't understand them.
>people say that the story doesn't matter in mega man
>x has nothing but animated cutscenes and dialogues during gameplay segments
Which Mega Man X game had the best storyline?
I have no Idea; I love them.
Talking about dead rising 2. Do you people actually like 2 more than off the record? Or is it the other way around
But Lost Planet 2 was fucking ingenious. One of the best co-op games I've played in a very long time.
Shame it probably only has a cult classic status.
Don't give a fuck about megamen, Keiji did Dead Rising, right?
Best game about zombies, all other good games just fucking ripoffs.
>implying I've played them
Why would I play a cash in sequel and a sequel to a really average tps?
But that's because I care more about games being good than sales.
Tip Top KEK
I prefer Off the Record.
Chuck is too grim and serious.
Also I liked Sullivan.
And scenes with Chuck was great, but you must play Dead Rising 2 to have tfw.
X4 Zero story, or Maverick Hunter X.
The only other game in the X series with any real effort placed into the story was X1 on SNES, while other games just seem to have the story exist to validate gameplay elements.
jesus the neck in this gives me shivers
>Why would I play a cash in sequel and a sequel to a really average tps?
>But that's because I care more about games being good than sales.
Then why do (You) bother defending them saying sales don't matter? Don't you think there's something wrong when a sequel of a game sells worse than the original? That means fans and people new to the series alike think it's a bad game.
Dead Rising was already a cult classic. Expecting a sequel to sell well is ridiculous.
And Lost Planet was regarded popularly as capcom's extremely clunky and flawed attempt at a tps.
>Don't you think there's something wrong when a sequel of a game sells worse than the original?
Anything can sell well with enough advertising, user. You're very ignorant if you think otherwise.
Just look at phantom pain. Or even mgs4. Nothing can stop the mgs series from selling millions.
LP2 was internally developed, and had MH staff involved with it's design. It's a fucking great game.
LP3 was farmed out to a shovelware studio (Spark Interactive hasn't made a single good or profitable game ever).
>Dead Rising was already a cult classic.
It sold ~2 million copies despite being exclusive for one system. That's not bad at all for the first game in a new series.
>Anything can sell well with enough advertising, user. You're very ignorant if you think otherwise.
How does that disprove my point?
All the games he puts out seem like "B" games. Like "Oh I'll buy that if I have time" or the like. He can't make a MUST HAVE title.
>How does that disprove my point?
That sales=quality? lol fuck off
It didn't disprove my point on a sequel selling less than its predecessor, which is the comment (You) responded to.
And when did I say that sales automatically means quality? I just called you out for either baiting or being a contrarian faggot, I'm still not sure which one of those is (You) yet.
I said that the lack of sales form a sequel is suspect because it should at least be bringing in some fans from the 1st game.
Fact: Hideki Ishikawa did more for Megaman than Inafune
>Why doesn't Capcom sell Inafune the rights to Mega Man?
Is this bait?
Because they have a brain, unlike you. The last thing a person would want is to see this Inafaggot recovering the Megaman rights.
>His series should be placed back into his more than capable hands wehre it belongs
Then it shouldn't be given to Inafune, considering he isn't a capable person at all. He is part of the reason both Capcom and Megaman are in this sorry state.
You're talking about the porn he drew aren't you