Any left-handed Sup Forumsirgins around? Have you experienced any trouble with games due to being left-handed...

Any left-handed Sup Forumsirgins around? Have you experienced any trouble with games due to being left-handed? I vaguely recall some DS and Wii games being a pain in the ass to play.

It took me a while to get used to Starfox Command.
But that was probably more to do with the fact the controls were generally shit.
It's not really something I think about, and if anything, having the main thumbstick on the left side is an advantage.

learn to do both hands you fags

>Being a genetic freak of nature

Fuck off Sup Forums
From, a right handed person

>born left handed
>grow up playing RTS
>acquire mixed handedness
I misplaced the fucks I should be giving.

How the hell does being left handed mean I would have any trouble at all with any control scheme when every single one requires both hands anyway?

Being left handed or right handed has absolutely no bearing on which hand you prefer to work movement versus which hand you prefer to work the camera.

I normally play with my wii with my left hand. It's pretty great.

Reminder that lefthanders are significantly more likely to be in gifted and genius IQ ranges than righthanders.

>tfw left-handed
>tfw never had trouble with any type of games

And also prone to schizophrenia

I agree, assuming you're referring to masturbation that is.

Reminder that lefthandeders are associated with evil.

The only time I've ever had trouble as a leftie is with the DS, the fucking stylus plus a lot of crossover as well as many games not having a lefty control system means Jappos ruin my day.

Fuck that left hand side KBM setup. Plus we can jack it at the desk easiest

I'm left handed and no trouble whatsoever with vidya.

I'm okay with this.

Metroid Prime Hunters was a bitch to play. Then again it was a bitch to play even if you were righthanded and it's a shit game anyway so whatever.

I'd rather be an evil genius in my lair full of traps than a good dumbfuck.

Because a lair full of traps sounds like lots of fun.

>Plus we can jack it at the desk easiest

Which hand do left handed ppl use to finger their own butthole?

Yes because all the dumb ones die out from misusing some tool meant for righties

right one.

I'm left handed but do a lot of things with my right hand that is not writing.
Might as well be ambidextrous

I don't understand why people aren't bimanual jackers

We should only make left-handed tools then.
The world would improve significantly.

Kid Icarus Uprising is fucking pain and suffering to play left handed.


Grew up using the mouse with my right hand but I write with my left. Really the only thing I use my left hand for is writing and fapping. I even use my right hand to eat.

With that said my handwriting is shit.

>be left handed with large hands
>tfw Xbox hueg Duke controller
It just feels so right

Only with those shitty one button atari 2600 joysticks.

I'm left handed.I learned how to do pretty much everything with my right hand other than write.
It's never given me any problems with vidya, noting that I've only ever used PC mice right-handed, and never even assumed left-handed people actually used PC mice with their left hand.

That could mean two different things, but I know you meant both of them.

Super training in Gen 6 Pokemon is a pain in the ass when you're left-handed. Luckily I usually do horde EV training anyway. I wanted to get into KI:U but I heard the controls are pretty fucked for left-handed people so that's kind of turned me off from it.
Kind of sucks, usually DS games that involve using your left-hand on the D-pad/Circle Pad and using your right-hand for the stylus are a bit difficult.

I need both my hands, so I tend to use nice, big toys instead.

I met one guy who used mouse with left hand.
Fucking weird

I'm right handed, but I use my mouse with my left hand. I use my right hand on the arrow keys, which makes playing some games awkward, but I've found a control scheme that works well for me.

>arrow keys
But what about all the all the extra buttons your hand ought to reach, as in shift/ctrl//e/f/c/whatever

Pretty much this, but with throwing and the occasional DS game that needs a stylus. I can underhand with both hands but overhead is all left.

I tried that once, it feels really odd.

>I'm right handed, but I use my mouse with my left hand
Your brain isn't wired properly

Good thing that I'm right handed then considering my IQ of 167. Guess I was lucky both ways.

Mine is 300 and I'm middle handed

Arrow keys for movement.
CTRL for jumping.
0 for crouching.
Shift for sprinting.
Del for reloading.
End for use.
Page down for weapon menus.
1 for flashlights.
4 for the scoreboard.

If a game requires anything more than that, I'll use enter or more keypad numbers, it works perfectly fine for me, but I do wish I had started PC gaming using WASD, but my family computer that I used since I was a child had the mouse on the left, so I got used to it can't use WASD no matter how hard I try.

None whatsoever. Using a southpaw control scheme or holding a mouse in my left now is completely unnecessary if not detrimental.

My writing, on the other hand, looks like it has tracers unless I use particular pens.

>middle handed
>not having 4D hand/3rd eye coordination

This is why aliens don't communicate with us.

Yeah DS and Wii games gave me trouble too. I use mouse with my right hand so PC games don't give me any trouble and with MHFU on psp I can actually do the claw grip more naturally since I have to do it with my left hand.

Maybe your arrow keys are situated differently than mine, but that really doesn't work for my keyboard, I'd constantly have to lift my hand completely to reach those buttons, or at least completely twist it around

>Would somebody really do that?

I'm left handed but I don't understand people who use the mouse in their left hand.

I mean what the fuck?

X-handedness is retarded.

Ambidextrous masterrace.

t. lefty

This is how the keys around my arrows keys are positioned. I used to have a really nice keyboard without the gab between the arrows and the keys above it which was really helpful, but it looks like nobody makes it like that anymore.
I genuinely fear for the day when people stop making keyboards shaped like mine.

I'm left-handed but I'm really strange. I mean, the only thing I do "left handed" is writing, everything else I do like normal.
I mean, I've heard of other people that hare left-handed that have to do stuff like using the mouse with the other hand, being unable to use wasd and so on. But... I do everything the same to "normal" people.

The other difference is that I keep the knife with the right and the fork with the left and I was told I should do the opposite as well.

I'm strange.

I think that's the point

I don't think I've ever met a dumb lefthander.
Except me, but I haven't really "met" me.

Left handedness pretty much implies ambidexterity and ambidexterity pretty much implies being born left handed.

"Ambidextrous, not left handed" is like "agnostic, not atheist", when 99% of agnostics are atheists.

Pretty much the only thing I can't do with my right hand on a mouse is draw.
I remember playing the first Harry Potter game on PC when I was a kid and having way too much trouble with all those "draw the spell" minigames.

Yeah same layout as mine, guess you just adapted to that because I certainly wouldn't be able to play like that
Like, the big advantage of centered layouts like WASD or ESDF or whatever is that your pinky and thumb can comfortably reach stuff like ctrl, shift and space, while your WASD fingers can easily reach E, F and the like without having to move a lot, that gets completely lost with your setup
I'd recommend you to try and bruteforce your musclememory to get used to a central layout, it's probably better in the long run

i've always been shit at FPS with kb+mouse and i've wondered if it's because i'm a lefty. probably a bad excuse though. do you guys shoot with M1 or M2?

The DS family and the Wii U are in general really hard to use, since they're designed for you to have your left hand on the dpad, and pen in right hand
I never did learn how to hold a pen properly in my right hand

>tfw can't use sculpted mice properly

I tried once, but it was so frustrating and I wasn't having fun that I gave up. I know it's gonna bite me in the ass when keyboards start shaving off more keys, but I'm hoping I might just be able to pay someone to make a custom keyboard for my sake, I guess.

No, it doesn't. Ambidextrous people can use both hands equally in all tasks. Most left handed people can't use their right hands for certain tasks and may also find they can't use their left hand in other areas.

I'm left handed and I can't write with my right hand but playing sports I can't swing or throw with my left hand.

It's because they trained them like that, simple. I do remember not being able to use a mouse when I started, but it was the same with both the left and the right hand. Since everyone used it with the right, I just learned it like that.

Sometimes I think I am simply not left-handed. I just picked up a pen with the wrong hand when I was little and that stuck, leaving me with a life of ink-stained hands.

Do you remember those ink pens you could erase with normal rubber? Those were the WORST, gosh.

>Have you experienced any trouble with games due to being left-handed?
not really, i recently realized that we have it easier when it comes to jacking off

Not that I can recall.

>Ambidextrous people can use both hands equally in all tasks.
Then ambidextrous people don't exist or have very limited manual skills.

Everyone learns to perform actions with given limbs. Everyone has a preferred side of everything. This is just how brains work.

Left handed people quickly learn many skills with the right hand, unless for some reason they're trying really hard to stay pure.


But there's typically huge space between arrows and other keys around them.
I always thought people used numpad.

any wii games
skyward sword made it extra shit on top of shit

What the fuck, I remember using a pen like that. I spent about 10 minutes trying to erase the ink and it wouldn't go away, what a fucking scam.

I'm left handed because this is my right hand.

How do one even become left handed?? Everything's made for right handers so surely every child should grow up adapting to that?

Unless their parents were left handers too and all the stuff in their home was designed for left handers. But that means THEIR parents would've been left handers too, and their parents before that all the way back to the stone age because back then all the tools were stones and stones fit both hands equally good so back then I think it was 50/50 if you were a leftie or not.

I write and draw with my left hand.
For everything else (scissors, mouse, sports, etc) I am right handed.

Am I alone in this?

Eh, it works for me. Using the num pad would probably be even more inconvenient when I'm forced to use a key that I can't rebind.

I was forced to use them for the entirety of my elementary school life, it was a nightmare because the ink isn't really "stuck" to the paper and the skin on the back of my hand would get all sweaty and erase it.
When I started middle school I begun using liquid ink with stylos and other strange pens and not only my writing improved a hundred folds but any kind of stain disappeared.


Does it feel like a child is jerking you off if you do it with your right hand?

>tfw your thumb is your penis

Write and mouse with left, but I fap with right

I'm pretty much the same. Scissors I can do left or right these days but I had problems with right handed scissors as a kid.

Do you fap with it?

Nah, it feels better if it's a real child.

Fuck, I know how you feel my man.

I actually just adapted to playing vidya the way everyone did and never really had any problems. Using a mouse with my left hand would feel weird as fuck and also playing vidya with my right hand on the keyboard would be just uncomfortable.

genetic mishap or cursed by the devil

Well obviously but y'know... the screaming parents and the cops and the jail and all that. This looks like a decent replacement.

They tend to be forbidden in many schools because the 'ink' can easily fade completely, which kind of sucks if it's something important

Reaching for the DS stylus was always awkward for me. Other than that I've been using a computer mouse with my right hand since I was like 6 years old so it's second nature for me.

No problem so far, but I'm staring at Kid Icarus. I want to try that game so bad, and I watched tons of people playing it ( I was watching mainly the controls and their hands). Maybe that'll be the first game to give me a pain in the ass. I remember also playing The World Ends With You, and it was fine. Not bad.

Gee, I wonder who could be behind that post

Pls dont breed

I would say it's just genetic. Some family members on my dads side were left handed, I suppose that carried on.

You just start doing things naturally and feel like using your left hand instead of right feels actually more natural. So you stick to it and you become left-handed. That's quite it

Weird, Im lefty too but I usually different keys:
Heres mine:
Arrow keys - movement
Delete - melee
End - Push to talk
Page down - prone
Right control - crouch
Things like flashlight/use key are left default, just move my mouse hand (left) to hit controls

dont fucking have kids

I'm ambidextrous. Tend to write and do more refined things with my right hand, but do more powerful things with my left, like swinging leftie and shit like that.

I may be completely wrong wrong as fuck, but I've mostly assumed it's because some kids tend to literally mirror any activity they would attempt to copy (and parents not intervening) was the reason they become left-handed.

exterminate all lefties 2bh

That shit is the fucking dumbest reason ever

>HURR the latin for left is sinister so lefties must be evil

Jesus christ

That's interesting, sounds like a pain to leave those other controls default though.

lmao I'm saving that pic

you seem nervous lefty

My hand would occasionally cover up things on the DS that it wouldn't if I was right-handed. That could get a little annoying. Otherwise, I have no problems with consoles or handhelds.

I have most trouble with playing computer games, since I use my left hand for the mouse and constantly have to switch default keyboard controls. When a game doesn't let me change certain keys it fucks me up.