Dark Souls 3 good character builds and funny stuff

Post your character builds and what they do.

Also share funny gifs, pictures and webms if you got em.

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I'm making a knight character who's gonna be built purely around brute strength. Pretty much a tank. Any tips on certain weapons to use?

Be a man, go fume ultra greatsword
>50 fucking str req

How's it's defense?

I host Fight Clubs

I made him before it got big, now I just feel like cancer in it's purest form. Kill me

o shit waddup!

It's dat boii! Oh shit waddup

Grats on stomping that village, OP

O shit wattup!

Tried to make Geralt


daily reminder

>wanting to play as a person who's body has started to deteriorate


I'm going to start a female knight/paladin build today, I hope faith magic won't suck.

Wish me luck!



>giving a shit about face in a fucking souls

Post the stale pasta, plz.

>Complaining about the looks of a literal meme character

Have you fucking brain damage, friend?

>I hope faith magic won't suck
I sure hope you're planning on using it for healing and buffing only

>ashen one, literally undead
>rotting in a grave for ages
>d-d-don't care, he's a teenager and in a great shape!
totally makes sense

shitter detected

Oh fuck, offensive miracles are shit again?

I guess I'll just use knight's crossbow if I need ranged.

Pyromancy is amazing. Saw some japanese pyro PVP videos and inspired me to git gud at free aiming fire balls. and yuria is my waifu

>"I hope faith magic wont suck"

Im sorry user but Faith sucks terribly in this game, you need to go balls deep on it and even then your damage will be crap as hell unless you throw lightning spears at point blank range.

Supportive miracles are fine though, but iirc you need 30 to use them all. So yeah a couple points on it is fine as long as you dont overdo it.

Sunlight spear is incredibly powerful.
With the right buffs stacked, easily one-shots retards who run away from fights.

>you need to go balls deep on it
t. every build ever

So is the pvp meta 120? I haven't been playing much since release

Hell yeah it is. I didn't even have lightning clutch on in this clip.

After that PVP begins to peter out, before that it's a bit boring.

Oh that happened to me too.

>invaded by pyromancer
>he uses iron flesh
>I start swinging
>tfw sacred flame

It would be Ok if at the very end your damage would be enough to make you feel like it was well worth the investiment, but for Faith it clearly isnt, Spears have a very high damage fall off throught its trajectory, so point blank is where you can deal the most damage, but good luck casting your miracle right in front of the enemy in PvP.

I have no idea what happened. I aggro'd Anri and those icons popped up when I locked on.

I have only seen lightning spears thrown by anyone land a handful of times doing 400 damage or less, emit force is so slow a braindead child could avoid it, wrath is equally slow and only really usable with one talisman, lightning stake is so obvious a blind man could see it coming, lightning storm is worse, divine pillars of light is basically a flashing sign saying BACKSTAB ME NOW, and both versions of gnaw will only hit if your opponent runs straight at you. Lifehunt Scythe may as well not even exist, and all of the above do piss poor damage unless you turn yourself into a glass cannon.
Literally the only use is nailing someone in the back of the head with it when they run away, or treating it like a shotgun.
To get offensive miracles to work you need to get 60 faith, use more or less all your ring slots to buff them, buff yourself, and then pray they land. To make melee work you just need like, 30-40 of whatever stat if that and smash R1 until exploded. Making normal magic work is less painful, and making pyro work is easier still.
Making hexes work doesn't happen.

Why would you engage on someone with iron flesh?

I didn't realize what it was until I was too late.
He one shot me

>invader uses iron flesh
>see him 2 hand a tailisman
>throw kukiriki or w/e its called at him until iron flesh runs out
>he does it again
>he dies

>Saw some japanese pyro PVP videos

That reminds me

>jap nico invasion videos
>players are actually skillful
>creative builds (e.g. 300% overweight super fat build)
>entertaining even if they died so many times in the video

>western invasion videos
>all about creating more meme builds
>rely on editing to make it looks funny
>focus on results, show you how they owned the host

quality knight /w claymore

30 IƱ faith, use support miracles only
32 str to use most shields and great shields
Spread the rest on vit, Stam and whatever the fuck the equip load stat is called to wear the heaviest of armor

>western invasion video

>hide from invader
>more cosplay


>invaded by one dork
>pulls out talisman and iron fleshes up
>walk backwards as he whiffs flame after flame
>another dork arrives and does the same thing after looking at the first dork
>switch to DSGA and destroy ass in one L2




>had two people attempt to do this to me
>first guy just fat rolled at me while i throw fire orbs at him
>second guy realised his little trick isn't going to work, pulls out a great machete
>dies to curved sword spam

I'm beginning to see a pattern here

If you see someone going through with a porn star's name, that'll be me.

Best name I've found so far was Burnie Cinders or Mittens.

Why u fight bad people then pretend pyromaniac is gud

60FTH Yorshka's Chime represent.


28 luck and i do the same damage with bleed stacking


>60 fth lightning blade on dragonform

Why are you so mad?

Pyromancy IS good.

show stats

1600 on armored? I don't think so. Only reason that hit for 1200 because that was their life.

I like bleed a lot but it makes me unnecessarily over aggressive.


>tfw invader tries to use sacred flame glitch
>doesn't work so he pulls out an estoc and goes ham on R1
>have two more invaders in an hour do the same shit and even switch to estoc R1
>solo each one and stomp their asses
>sip my estus over and over one's corpse then squat
>get message calling me a faggot

Absolute trash players.

Yeah but that guy was bad literally kept swinging till out of stamina and then u just whip him


This guy too.

what armor is that?

Karlas soiled clothes.

Stats on this?

Fuck saw the wrong post you replied too. It's Cornyx garb with the sages headwrap.

60 faith +10 yorshka chime REPRESENT

The range is nice. I still we had combustion/flames as good to punish R1 spammers like in DaS1.

fire whip seems like it might be good

>getting this butthurt someone didn't like your old man with beard #3076 OC

I like catching R1 spammers in full fire whips.


You having DMB + Sunlight Spear makes me cry thinking of FP if you miss the Sunlight Spear.

kek. I think it was like 20 attunement or something, i could only cast 2 sunlight spears. I got DMB on that character and respecced stuff around to play with it and then jumped on my pyromancer for the last 30 hours.

Mainly using gas pyromancies

I hope the fucking lower the mana cost for miracles. It's really too much.

Actually the same as you. I've been using a DEX?FTH build with Lightning Blade Sellswords, but I easily oneshot people with it. Went to pyro and it's so hard if they keep chasing you non-stop.

34 actually.

Why sellswords and not gothard's?

Yeah me too, dex faith with the dragonslayer sword spear, after i got DMB i fucked around with gotthards and the oneshot combos were beautiful.
My pyro has 16 vigor, it sucks dealing with phantom range straight sword spam. I'll get hit by an R1, roll out of the 2nd one, get hit by the 3rd hit in his combo when im not even near him. Messing around with the bloodring to avoid that phantom hits out of my roll.

Got any links to some good ones?

Gotthards scale better with quality builds than with just pure DEX. Also, the end part of the one-shot combo does not sweep around, unlike the Sellswords.

If lucky, you can one-shot two people with the Sellswords, but with Gotthards, only one because of the final move of the L2 R2. But it still is a very very good weapon.


So why is everyone's understanding of humor an overly exaggerated ugly looking characters?

Are you 12 by any chance or what is going on?

>Greatlance is irredeemable dogshit despite looking baller
>That fucking neck gap for so many helmets and armor hybrids
>Miracles are shit
>That insane dmg output that magic ricard's will do with weapon arts

I just want my lance to work but it's slow as fuck and not even that great

Well, atleast it looks like his CE statue

Damn right it does

> neck gap
This is so fucking annoying, can't wear my cathedral baller knight helm on most armors



What's your favourite place to invade?

Lothric Castle or Crucifixion Woods.

Need to find a better place where there are a lot of enemies.

This was my first run at Oceiros.





never used to mind fatrolling in DaS1 but after bloodborne I couldn't stand it and had to have the best movement.


Post ending in 7 determines my new cosplay build (Souls or not Souls related). Will try to stick with first option but I can't cosplay a character I don't know shit about.

How is this shit possible?