Is there any more?

Is there any more?

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Someone post the webm of the engineer's play of the game where he's dead on the edge of a cliff.


This is the funniest fucking thing.

Thanks user, this is the best thing to come out of Overwatch.


>dead as soon as the video starts

This is fucking killing me.
What is the original video?

I fucking love this thing, every god damn time.

That IS the original video.

Fucking Overwatch

why is this game so fun

God that laugh every time.
It's just contagious.

I don't get it? It's just a ragdoll falling off a ledge. Unless it's just a stab at the game for having terrible timing at capturing the moment it thought was worth of constituting a good play.

Torbjorn is basically the TF2 Engineer.
His turret is racking up kills while he's dead. But the camera is focused on the player model.

>Stuff tied to a player persisting after death
Sounds like bad gameplay design.

>play of the game is McCree using his fucking aimbot

Even Bastion is more respectable

You mean you want the turret to just blow up for no reason, just because the player who built it died once?
Now THAT is a bad gameplay design.



Every Deadeye multi-kill is deserving of praise, that shit is hard as hell to pull off.

McCree killing anyone with his ult, let alone getting the potg is quite impressive.
Now Soldier's aimbot is a different thing.


m8, even's mechs' peashooters can put him out before he gets his shots off.

>Play of the Game
>It's just a Reaper ulting in the middle of a group of retards who didn't think to take cover

Then why do i at least get 3 kills with every dead eye?

is it time to become pro overwatch player?

>McCree ult
> e
ez game

>doing that
>not having D.Va use her AT field to just shut it down and laugh

fucking gold

>12 more days until release

I don't think I'm going to make it.

Also, what time on the 24th will it be released? Right at midnight or sometime during the day?

>playing reinhardt
>holding RMB 95% of the game
>the last stretch
>team comes in trying to spam ulti
>press q
>it's hammer time

It's always fun.

i mean there's that too

but still

Ahahahaha what the fuck. This is amazing.

Does defense matrix block all it's shots, or only the one which would hit D.VA?

did i do good

Just after you begrudgingly go to bed from exhaustion after wasting the entire day waiting for it to unlock and not doing anything else.


It's not the same without the audio:

I took one out mid ult with Mercy's gun. It ain't hard. It's his problem for not using it strategically.

Defense matrix shuts down anything that enters it. D.Va can be on the side and pointing her defense matrix at Pharah while she does her ult and every missile will get shot down.

>Playing as Mccree
>Ult ready
>Dumbass reaper puts his teleport cloud right in front of me
>It's high noon...
>Put a bullet in him right as he pops

Should have been POTG.


>Play of the game
>This fucker
>as Junkrat


No that's balanced game design. What you're thinking of is "bad realism".

nice juggle with bastion at the end

Every time


Can you do one with soldier 76 anbd "it took way too much skill to hold LMB during ult"?

Its almost as if the game had a wave of new players that stand together in groups like retards and that lets people get loads of really good Q's

Somebody post the Turkish midget Genji edit


>done with work
>get blind drunk

seems all in order

Oh god it hurts to laugh

I swear this gets funnier the more it's posted

>reaper players

Nerve gas?!

>Using your shield
>Not just ramming McCree away

Lmao do you even play


That Reinhardt head bonk


I dont get why this is occasionally posted as a "overwatch sucks" kinda thing.

Same shit happens in TF2. If not more since a full upgraded tf2 turret is OP as fuck compared to a none-ultimate Overwatch turret


So what do you get,when you get 5 or 10 of the commendations or whatever they are? I get 5 commonly and have never noticed them do anything.

I think if you get ten you get a minor xp boost
So basically nothing.

It's posted as "overwatch's potg system sucks".

Nothing but a slightly bigger penis.

It's more a showcase of how dumb the whole play of the game thing is, because it seems to determine it by kills in a small space of time, not any particular display of skill.

Nothing but XP
Its sad as fuck that people actually care about it.
Its even more sad when medic babies get upset when they don't get commened.

is there a video for this? I want the sound

>I want the sound
What for? All you'd hear would be BRRRRRRR from Bastion's left mouse button.


I want it with the "heroic" music they play with "play of the games" just because it makes it all the more ridiculous.

Google it and play it while watching the webm then you retard.

That's not a potg though.

>Raining arrows from above killing attacking team on Anubis
>Ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau gets fully charged
>Suddenly shotgun blast to the back of the head
>Kill cam shows REaper nothin personal behinds me then death blossoms my whole team and they get the point
>it's PotG
I should've heard the sounds but that shit was embarrassing

I also want to share it with irl friends who I played open beta with. But they don't go on Sup Forums and trying to link them a webm on a site where posts get pruned and 404 often doesn't work so well. Linking a Youtube video where it was more persistant works better for that.

Characters with consistently the most deserved potgs:

>First match playing overwatch
>"holy shit, there's some kind of weeaboo character? what does it OH SHIT WHAT THE FUCK ITS A GIANT DRAGON"
>about a minute later

It was pretty funny hearing him shout the dragon chant and dying before he finished


>It's not High Noon anymore

You know you can save the webm yes?

She's at the bottom of the list. But at the very least she doesn't have a kill everyone button like half the cast and has to aim.

>it's a neo/v/ humor thread

upvoted on 9gagbook

To be fair that's their reaper playing reaper exactly as he's supposed to be played.

Problem arises when morons try running up the middle of the street with him, headfirst into the enemy team.

it's over isn't it
this game is going to be a hit
I'm going to play it on a regular basis for at least three years, aren't I

I giggle like a retard everytime that happens. And it happens a surprisingly large amount with Mcree and Phara

Yeah he absolutely did well. I'm saying I was the retard in that play and it was embarrassing because everyone saw me completely oblivious to him as he snuck up and killed me and the whole team. He probably could've emoted and I still wouldn't have noticed

yes, but I don't even know if they can view webm, or where I could post it where it has some persistance.

I mean, god damn, is there a video that webm was made from or not?

yep, even a fair amount of people on Sup Forums like and most of us have been burned by blizz before Which sounds pretty good for it all in all.

It's also pretty neat shooting down a pharah with high noon.

Pharah players must shit their pants whenever they hear mccree announcing the current time whenever they're midair vomiting missiles.

Very nice user.


I don't think I've seen Sup Forums become this fucking hysterical over a game so close to release. Usually the hype and excitement simmers down after the 1 month left mark and you start getting scepticism. But even with only a 2 week gap between the beta's end and the game's release, so many people have been blogging about their withdrawal symptoms and how desperate they are to keep playing.

Don't Breed.

It's more sad that you can't do one click for a mechanic included in the game.

my only symptom is the tfwnogf syptom
and i want mercy to be real

Should have been shameful display of the millennia.