Why do PC gamers buy the most expensive GPUs when they have literally no games to push them?

Why do PC gamers buy the most expensive GPUs when they have literally no games to push them?

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Are you mad you don't have a good pc?

------- ---------------
My specs:
i7 5750k
Asus Titan GTX SLI
32gb 1866Mhz RAM
Razer keyboard

why do people start these redundant threads??
PC got more games than all consoles combined.


0/10 bait, are you even trying?

Poorfag is envious? poorfag is sad?

you overpaid for your gpu and kb, how does it feel?

those old ass games from 30 years ago like deus ex and thief dont count user

To praise the Omnissiah

As someone who has been on Steam since 2006, I don't know anymore

>PC has no games
>some of those games PC has dont count


Depends how much he bought them for, fagotron

why do console gamers buy consoles when they have literally no games?

How does it feel to be poor?

165hz monitor

nostalgia bait doesnt count user. we talking 2008-2016.

I think he means games that require a modern GPU to run at 1080p and up, anyone can run Roller Coaster Tycoon on your average computer

>pc games still only use a fraction of the power available
call me when they can use multiple cores and more than 4gb ram

they just work. And only 30% of PC gamers have equivalent specs.

>Library is filled with nothing but indie games
wew lad

im financially comfortable, not rich but not poor, i buy things that are worth the price, no need to double my expenses for a marginal increase in performance.

Why do Car drivers buy expensive cars when they have literally no roads to push them?

The last console i owned was Playstation, the first one, and after i had that a couple of years Id gotten a job and could afford a more mature system so i built my first PC. Thats 20 years ive been master race and not once have i run out of new games to play.

> 32gb 1866Mhz RAM
> anything Razer

check my 8

>pc mature system
>gaben's slot machines for 12 year olds (dota, cs, tf) most played games
wew lad


Guess you never built a stacked park friend.

>no games to push them

you are aware of the fact that visual quality scales with GPU performance right?

just because you play it on a toaster AMD APU and 'console settings' @ 30 FPS

doesn't mean you can't push the quality even more

> only 30% gamers have equivalent specs
> equivalent specs

a fucking pentium g / core i3 and a 750ti

60% of pc gamer a couple of years ago has at least an i3 and a gtx660

currently the most popular gpu on steam is the gtx970/390

>not being an idort owning all systems, getting the best experience possible while also not missing out on games you want to play


meant for this

I dont play those games though.
DESU i think every system has its market, im a big fan of RTS and FPS so PC was the obvious choice for me, console has barely any strategy games and the fps they get tend to be watered down easy mod shit compared to the PC counterparts. If i was more into raciing games or RPGs id probably have gotten a console, or if i wanted some couch multiplayer.

>mfw PC cucks ACTUALLY BELIEVE that multiplat games are good

Why do console owners buy 4k TV when consoles can't even run 4k


so ps4 has literally nothing again

>mfw Console cucks ACTUALLY BELIEVE their $400 toaster is on par to a $1000 PC

Name a 3 good multiplat games in the last 5 years, I'll wait.

I swear to god if you dare say the Witcher 3 I'll find you and punch you in the face.

this is just as dumb. but it's true that buying a console in 2016 is stupid because the immense majority of good games are playable on a $300 PC

Witcher 3 is good tho

even if you dislike it its your opinion and not a fact even if you want it to be a fact user :3

of course it's not Witcher 3

> how can Witcher 3 be good on consoles- stutterfest slideshow

Fallout new vegas. Deus ex human revolution.
Oh, and witcher 3 of course.

>Emulating older games at ridiculous resolutions
My insides feel good

>Game is an exclusive
>Game get's ported
>Psht, that game was always shit, no one ever liked it, enjoy your shitty multiplat scraps loosers lol!

I was so tired of seeing this shit when I was an idort

Poorfaggots can't even comprehend 4k 120fps gaming, because they'll never experience it

you fell for bad bait, how does it feel?

>Not 240 Fps
>Calls anyone else a poorfag

>Fallout New Vegas
Literally has the same shit gameplay of Fallout 3 but with a SLIGHTLY better story because MUH LORE.

>Deus Ex Human Revolution
I thought this was widely regarded as a missed oppertunity? Dogshit boss battles, 2003 animations and tiny maps with nothing in them.

>Witcher 3
There it is. You know what makes me laugh the most about Sup Forums's obsession with Witcher 3? The fact that everyone seems to praise the story and quests

>the characters are great!
>the environment looks amazing!
>the story is well written!
>the gameplay? uhhh.... L-LOOK HOW MANY QUESTS THERE ARE!

If anybody mentions Uncharted 4 on Sup Forums you get waves of people shitposting

>lmao "game"
>nice movie
>characters and story? what about gameplay?

The EXACT thing can be said about The Witcher 3. It has great characters, a good setting and some of the quests are well written, the actual gameplay itself is laughable bad yet it gets a free pass because it's the only decent thing the PC has got to have in years.

>he believes that because it's more expensive it automatically makes it better

You expect a good story and characters from rpg, you expect good gameplay from action games

> 4K 120fps
> needs 3-way 980ti just to get to 60fps

>Deus Ex Human Revolution
>I thought this was widely regarded as a missed oppertunity? Dogshit boss battles, 2003 animations and tiny maps with nothing in them.

Because a game having flaws means that the game is completely worthless?

this is true mate

To brag at /r/pcmasterrace



thing is they don't, they only like pc exclusives, of which there are next to none

I need to upgrade but I have no idea where to start.

What kind of GPU should I invest in? any recomendations?

was thinking about this

>i have contrarian opinions therefore you are objectively wrong for enjoying a game

Sup Forums has gotten to the point I can't tell if you're a fucking idiot or if this is bait

if you want to talk about mech keys, at least talk about good ones, jesus
kailh switches are fucking trash clones of cherry mx
i'm not saying you have to build a $500 ergodox with gateron browns and pbt doubleshot miamis or something, just buy a good mechanical keyboard at least

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

Oh fuck it's this guy again
Go back to Sup Forums scum

Because I have $700 and judging by my last card, I'll use it for 6-7 years


How you liking those downgrades, ḟam?

Even with the latest hardware, a single GPU can't achieve 4k/60 in most games. Uncharted 4 has taken the crown as far as graphics go, but only because no games are actively trying to push graphics on PC. All we're stuck with is high resolution multiplats that look so-so.

Witcher 3 is good


>Uncharted 4 has taken the crown as far as graphics go
Good bait I read it

>de ebic contrarian 'Witcher 3 and MGSV are bad games maymay
Wow you should be so proud user, your tastes are so refined. I wish I could enjoy my entertainment media as little as you do

Running the latest games like the new Tomb Raider in ultra at 4K is hard and gives a much more rewarding and enjoyable experience than console children will have until the PS5 and Xbox 2. Also VR.

Modded Warband
Modded Crysis
Grand strategy
SupCom FA
Black ops 2
Dragon's Dogma
Dark Souls 1
Bullet Storm
Mark of the Ninja
Black List
>Uncharted 4 has taken the crown as far as graphics go
Go take a look at Battlefront EA, then back at UC4

Wait for the 1070 if you can save enough.

Will the 1080 be enough for 1200p :^)

>Uncharted 4 has taken the crown
g8 b8

Literally no one will buy the 1080.

I'll just leave this here

You need to double up your RAM, son. It's practically free, so you may as well fucking future-proof yourself now, rather than later.

Other than that, your main concern outside of a GPU upgrade should be investing in a better tower and cooling system: I don't like my HD and SSD getting above 40, and if my GPU hits even 75 it damned well better be under "Mod Skyrim 'til it crashes" load.

Because you need a modern GPU to play the latest sloppy console port. Sad but true.

because people are fucking morons?

this was a fact when Sup Forums started and unless the much needed genocide of the retards happened the world is still fucking retarded

On the bright side, once in a while, a dev actually, truly develops with PC in mind and maxing THOSE settings is like a glorious sunshine hitting your face after a decade of darkness.

You mean Crysis right?

I am considering it, but I will wait for AMD, because their cards are often cheaper with the same performance. And I really want future-proof card with HBM. Plus I have a FreeSync monitor.

GTA V is also an amazing port. I was a little upset about how long it took them but then it came out and I forgave them instantly.

Pushing even 5 year old games at 1440p and 144 FPS with 2XSSAA takes a lot of power, m8.

I'm buying a 1080.

CoD battlefield and 2k on console
Big deal

You'll have to wait for the Vega release of the Fury X

The Fury X has already been confirmed to be the beefiest GPU until 2017. Big Pascal is literally impossible to mass produce so Nvidia are charging 10,000 per order.

It looks as though Big Pascal is a 5000 shader monster but we won't see it any time soon.

The GTX1080 is only a massively overclocked R9 390. People a fucking freaking out for shit that's already out. If its anything like the GTX980 just leave it for the impatient people

The sad thing is they will pay top dollar to max games like assasins creed, I mean when a $300 machine essentially replicates a maxed out game settings of a $2000 PC it really goes to show how shitty PC is as a platform and how badly it's lifeblood is unoptimized console ports.

Please, I still can't run Crysis on max settings.

Ran well on a potato and looked great too

They could have done a half assed job but they made it happen. Unlike XCOM2

Fuck you xcom2

>no games
>somehow multiplats don't count
>Playing multiplat games on console at sub 30 fps with jaggies and blurry gfx

For a smoother, visually pleasing experience.
Most of my mates are console friends but every time they come over they get jelly over how much better GTAV looks on my rig than on their PS4's.

of course, it's optimized only for dual cores

Blade and Soul, TERA and FFXIV all need good GPU to play with full graphics.

Asscreed Unity can barely manage 60fps in 1440p.

Hopefully with 1080 it will do 60fps in 4k

Of course, xcom2 ran on the shit Unreal3 engine. My god, why did all these games use the goddamn Unreal3 engine? It needs an infinitely better machine to run a fucking game that looks as good as any other engine on a normal fucking PC.

>He doesn't know about ENB, Or ICE enhancers.

Fucking Ignorant Bavarian Nuthead.

But DmC ran fine using Unreal engine....

>good gpu to play with full graphics


so if I had to upgrade now (HD 7970 GHz owner, no regrets), I should get Fury X, if not now, then wait for Fury X equivalent?

Still better than Arkham Knight on PC