Using guides on your first playthrough

>Using guides on your first playthrough

why would you use a guide on the any playthough?

To get secrets?

don't be a scrub and explore.

fucking faggots using playthrough at all for any reason,

fuck you, you fucking casual

For the sake of pvp

I don't play games to explore every goddamn suspicious texture, if I want to streamline the process when I get stuck I will. Fuck off

This, especially if ti turns out the complex crytpic puzzle was poorly made.

I made fucking notes and had fun and then sheer autistic "step by step muh secret" shit ruined it so I used a guide.

Is this 2004?

I only use guides to find weapons that I already knew I wanted to use before I started

Unlike some who have time privilege I don't have time to play a game multiple times so the first play and only playthrough has to be efficient.

>I need my hand held to beat interactive media created for children

>I want to keep replaying a game until I find that item I wanted in buttfuck nowhere

>privileged manbaby attacks others out of sheer spite
That's why Sup Forums needs a safe-space where people can discuss things without fear of micro-aggressions.

I only do this for RPGs with points of no return and hidden sidequests.

Looking at you, Trails series.

>plans on getting new game
>watches entire playthrough on Youtube before they get it


>I post children cartoon character images on internet to prove my points

>I avatar as a cancerous cartoon character in a show for adhd kids
>I have ground to criticize anyone

loving every laugh, OP

Not him but
>cancerous cartoon

Good luck.

>I make shit excuses for being bad at something children do at sleepovers

I can't help it, user. I want to experience it, but I am poor.
I'm sorry.

Okay I'm bad at finding an item that I already knew existed and didn't want to miss, sorry spongeposter

If a game has missable collectibles you bet your ass I'll have the location guide out

Why don't you try looking for the weapon?


>50 letter scraps
>50 space shit parts
>30 nuclear waste underwater

You're insane if you spent the time to find every one of those without a map.

The weapon could be buried far in the game for all I know, I just like it. It's also pretty average and just a single weapon so it's not like I'm breaking the game with it.

>brother used to buy guides in order to cut out pictures of the characters to play with them

>wasting time finding those collectibles

But how did you know that the weapon would be in the game without looking it up?

Only if the game has a shitton of hidden things that can be lost behind points of no return

Fuck points of no return, seriously

It's consistantly been in the previous games

But DeS and DS1 needed me to. I didn't want to mess up my stats and be all "20 points in each stat!"

Okay have fun finding all those parts in Armored Core. Its literally worse than a needle in a haystack sometimes.
>Reads guide
>"It should be right here..."
>20 minutes later WTF it was so tiny no player would find that shit, maybe one in a million.
>yfw you find something not in the guide...
Those parts were too hard to find.

I beat the entirety of DKC3 without knowing you could water skip.
I beat the entirety of Bioshock Infinite without knowing you could combo spells on enemies.
Plus I've never played it myself but just about every single person I spoke to who played Dark Souls had to use a guide at some point.

>having more than one playthrough

>beat some boss
>no idea what to do next
>waste time for hours
>turns out you were supposed to talk to this random NPC from three towns ago with nothing special about him
>gives some vague info that really tell me nothing
>THEN when I go into some cave, a cutscene starts and I can progress

cause id actually like to complete dark souls alright? i would have quit like 6 times by now.

I always use guides for an area AFTER I'm done with the area to see if I missed anything.
I think it's a good compromise. I still find everything on my own but I get to guarantee I didn't miss anything.

I just wanted to know where to get the Elite Knight Armor

I had so many things spoiled
So many things

I have a limited time to play video games but I also still have the same need to find every single secret I had in my youth and to get the best outcome.

This, they fucking had a dead dude in elite knight armor at the very start but you can't take it. Talk about a cock tease.

I used the wiki to make sure I didn't miss any of the quests in Dragon's Dogma

I'm great at fellatio actually, faggot.


t. someone who doesn't play video games and spends all his time on Sup Forums pretending he does

I don't actually use a walkthrough unless I think the game has bugged out on me, but I go to a walkthrough pretty much every game I play to see how far through the game I am

You'll miss out on like majority of the quests in Xenoblade if you don't use a guide, some of that shit is hidden really well.