"The new doom is too slow" they said

"The new doom is too slow" they said.


Other urls found in this thread:


>This gameplay is from a PC running Vulkan on a Titan X at 120 FOV - with the player's personal upgrades and rune perks set for advanced speed and movement capabilities.

>Requiring optional upgrades to make the gameplay not shit

seriously excited for this game! Gameplay might even be too fast!

I for one can't wait to pick up a couple copies! Me and my wife's son are looking forward to duking it out in Doom's fast-paced multiplayer mode!

Is there any demonic imagery on this game, or it's going to be all the same metalic spess station environment all the time?

>Stuck in a room with a bunch of enemies that continually teleport in

>the game is good they said

>forced upgrade tree
>forced cutscenes
>you HAVE to do glory kills to have enough HP and ammo, even if you turn them off, and the game ranks you lower if you avoid doing them because you don't want to be stunned for multiple 3 second periods
>not enough enemies
>enemies are glowy immersion-breaking health/ammo pinatas when they die, exploding in glowy shit which overpowers the gore
>shitty modern fps tropes like cheevos/compass, "weapon bash" is identical to the modern CoD's "weapon bash" instead of good old fists which were an icon of Doom
>visual design reminds me strongly of Halo, especially the armour, less so than looking like a sequel to Doom 1 and 2
>colour palette is muddy grayish-brown (though it's definitely a step up from piss yellow), Hell could definitely stand to look a lot more a place where humans suffer, instead of just a muddy cave
>the whole "doomslayer" shtick reminds me of fucking Terrorblade from Dotard, the guy who was too edgy for Hell so they had to put him in Hell prison and then he broke out
>that shitty MP does not bode well
>gauss rifle is some sort of powerup shit rather than an actual gun like the BFG was
>wub wubeth
>no mod support? """Snapmap""" is fucking barebones, with no custom assets allowed

And yes, the game IS slow in MP, which is why they're saying it, moron. Strafing in doom 4 is at the speed of fucking walking in doom 3

I take it you haven't played other Doom games.

I've seen a few hell levels but i'm not sure how many there are

I will admit their depiction of hell looks pretty sweet

A lot of the time they were more set up, sometimes a big meat wall, but they come in in various corners compared to the older Doom games.

It seems you havent too.

This is the thing right here. Doom 1 and 2 let you run out and aggro entire stages of you were retarded. Unsure how you could convert old styled Doom levels into a newer game without running into checkpoint/frame rate issues but they should thing if something. Quickly running around, dodging enemies, and fighting off big groups in complex stages is what made Doom.

That and the cinematic take downs look bad.

Keep shilling this turd of a game.

What is the draw of Doom 4?

It looks like alot of other shooters, but has demons as enemies rather than humans.

Reminder to report Zenimax/Bethesda shills.

maybe you haven't the only level where this would be similar is dead simple which is the base for slaughtermaps and games like painkiller, serious sam etc

>"The new doom is too slow" they said.
>shows me slow gamepay
like what

>First Doom games were FAST
>posts speedruns

Oh god don't act like the original doom was that fucking fast

also you can't just spawn monsters into a level

>the game is totally fast, fellow kids!
>just look at this gameplay from the end of the game when you've spent a ton of upgrade points on movement only!
>see it's just like the original doom but with far less enemies and shitty level design and it only gets fast near the end of the game if you forgo damage upgrades that the game is undoubtedly balanced around!
Fuck off marketer

>All these babies complaining this isn't like the original doom

I mean shit they should just remove the ability to aim up and down, right? you cunts don't know what you want

I never understood why Doom needed 2 shotguns. Why not just have the super shotgun shoot one bullet with rmb?

Yeah because everybody despises Quake right?

Doomguy ran at fucking 90mph. This is a real metric derived from how the maps were made and scaled, before you bitch about it being a made up lie

SSG has much wider spread, it's for group control and meaty enemies versus single weak targets with the standard shotgun.

Looks great! I'm really getting retro vibes from this game. Already preordered!!

I'll just give it a month or two before it's like 15 on kinguin, then I'll think about getting it.

this never happens
vanilla doom lacks the appropriate triggers to lock you in until all the enemies are dead, outside out of one particular level

>fast is automatically better

Just gonna leave this here

normies really are too stupid to comprehend fast paced shooters anymore

This a million times! LOL! rip and tear bros ;)

The SSG was added in Doom 2 and I don't think Doom 2 originally supported alt-fire. Also, the SSG had a different and wider spread pattern than the regular shotgun.

Yes, only a minority of entitled whinebabies like that buggy piece of shit.

ironically shillposting is still shillposting
you are beyond saving op
what happened to you ?
you're but a shell of a man

Sir, i believe you're posting confidential and private moderation information, please delete it and keep in mind slander against people(including corporate people) is punishable by federal law


Where is this quote taken from?

>I can't find caps lock
fuck off please gen Z faggot
>I mean shit they should just remove the ability to aim up and down, right?
pic related

being able to aim up and down is good

forced upgrade shit, stunlocking your character into QTEesque animations every ten seconds, and an uninspired, muddy aesthete is not good

>claiming strafe-jumping is something they regret when they literally patched it into the game
>calling it a bunny hop
retarded CS baby detected.

>muh fast
>muh fast
>muh fast


face it, nobody wants to see the whole level fly past in one frame, you only move that fast in doom now because you're running it at 3000 fps on a modern machine, old games were balanced to be run on shitty computers that couldn't keep up

this is closer to the original intent

This game would literally be fine if it were just a little faster and had no animated executions

Couldn't they have just done melee combat the way killing floor 2 did it? traditional but animated well enough that it feels satisfying?

>lacks the appropriate triggers
>then states that has the appropriate triggers

>Call of Doomty
no thanks

You are literally retarded

He never said that.

More like DEWM

And you're a figuratively retarded shitposter.
Cease your activity


>You can't use your fists and run around punching everything

shit game


Is this some autistic troll or actual shills in this thread?

Actual shills. Bethesda is known to market here. Were you not on Sup Forums when Fallout 4 was being marketed non-stop on here for months before release and for a short time after its release?

No amount of shilling will get Todd a GOTY for 4allout

I never really cared about fallout, sorry user


>This gameplay is from a PC running Vulkan on a Titan X at 120 FOV - with the player's personal upgrades and rune perks set for advanced speed and movement capabilities.

Actually, it won The Best Gamers' GOTY award.
You didn't have to care about Fallout 4 to see the countless threads made shilling the fuck out of the game, or to see people defending it seemingly en masse any time it was shit on in any other threads. Sup Forums was crawling with marketers around its release time.

>29 ips 54 posts
not that bad in this thread, its twice as bad in Overwatch threads

Did they ever patch out that retarded color filter? That shit gave me headaches.

>clearly being played at a slow pace for demonstration purposes

have you literally never seen a stage demo before? is this your first promo gameplay video ever?

it's literally nothing holy shit neo-Sup Forums is retarded

>Upgrade system

Look, this actually pisses me off more than the speed and glory kill shit.

Why are developers always feel obliged to give the players upgrade systems now? Why not just max the player out from the beginning but throw harder enemies at them? This shit always kills the pace of a game for me, especially a single player shooter where all I wanna do is wreck shit.

Looks too linear.

So you're telling me there's a 'walk' feature that he was using the entire time for the sake of demonstration and that the game isn't actually that fucking slow?
Wow, that's good news user.

Gota have a crafty system like all the cool games.
If it means anything I think someone here said that someone on the id staff said you could do the game without it.

movement speed =/= framerate

I play Doom locked in its original 35fps, and its still fast

Is quicksaving/quickloading even in game? I noticed that there's only an option to restart from checkpoint at the end of the video

If you ever used manual saves in the original Doom you need to kill yourself.

>big title being released in a few hours
>people talking about


can't wait to rev up that kat.ph

>removing features the game had 23 years ago is acceptable
Enjoy your wave-based arena checkpoint bullshit

From what I gather in this video, its mostly linear, with a few arena rooms that require you to kill the wave of enemies in order to proceed. Bleh.

I really wish modern devs would stop aping off Serious Sam and Painkiller, and you know, actually make a game that plays similar to Doom 1 and 2.

>people shit on doom
>people shit on COD:IW
>people praise Battlefield 1

>no reloading
>no regen health
>no perks

How the fuck is this like Call of Duty?

i can deal with doing some shit differently, if they balance the game around all the new shit like ammo popping out of enemies and runes or whatever the fuck i can see just about anything working. but why do these videos always start with all fucking weapons? do you even pick them up anymore or do you just always have them? or is it just this map?

>glory kills

instantly dropped. fuck that fag who made brutal doom, he's the cause of this cancer

I think you just aquire them over the course of the campaign

I assume you get all the base weapons relatively early (aside from the BFG) but it takes awhile to upgrade them to max

You start off with a pistol apparently, but I have yet to see any footage of it

He never said that you fucking mong.

*haven't either

Get your shit together user

>>no perks
But that's wrong.

All those sounds are incredibly unsatisfying

Nice bullshit false quote. He literally never said that.

Both strafe jumping and rocket jumping weren't planned in the original Quake but the community figured it out. Quake 3 was then designed entirely with both strafe-jumping and rocket jumping in mind. They could have easily patched it out by then but they didn't and had no intention to. Hell they could have patched it out by Quake 2. Quake 2 even had a secret that could only be found via rocket jumping.

Too bad you can't git gud you fucking faggot.

>run through corridor filled with cannon fodder
>enter arena where enemies spawn for 3 minutes like some hord mode shit
>return to corridor till the next arena

Yeah the level design really looks fucked.
Don't like the enemy design either. They just look like indistinguishable hunks of meat.

>i'll watch the vid for a chance..
>stops to open door
>close video
sure its fast shill

quake 1 also had a secret that could only be reached through explosive hopping

and they tried to patch it out with quake 2, they completely removed air control but ended up creating strafe jumping

I'll pirate it and maybe buy it when it's at $10.

>quake 1 also had a secret that could only be reached through explosive hopping
oh yeah that small grenade jump into the portal

You must be a really depressing person to be around.

don't you have more important things to do todd

It's Bethesda we're talking about. Look at the prices of old Doom and Quake games. It's unlikely to happen in the next few decades

Well, then when I buy it in 3 years i'll be even more eager to play it after so long.

i completely forgot about that but that too. can you reach dopefish without explosive jumping or something?


So far people have been pretty worried about BF1 actually, given that the promotional statue seemed to be a mish-mash of sides (the only explanation for the black soldier that makes sense to me so far is that it's a French soldier who picked up weapons that weren't his). As for gameplay we have no idea yet, but Battlefield games are usually alright compared to other series.


>Bethesda delayed the review embargo so that no reviews can be published until after release

A red flag if I ever saw one.

>suddenly Sup Forums needs reviews to form an opinion

>This gameplay is from a PC running Vulkan on a Titan X at 120 FOV - with the player's personal upgrades and rune perks set for advanced speed and movement capabilities.


I don't need reviews, but them not being permitted is a good enough clue as to whats going on.

You mean, just like Fallout 4, Evil Within, Wolfenstein & Dishonored? All had an embargo on their reviews that didn't expire until the day of release.

>upgrades and rune perks
pass that by me again