Japanese game

>Japanese game
>God is a cute little girl

>Western game
>God is a male

>god is another random player, often a loli or swamp monster

>mass effect 3
>"God" is a little boy
>there is no God

>western game
>god is three separate entities, but also not separate but the same dude because otherwise that'd be heresy

> japanese game
> God is 100-feet cute teenage girl

What's the rest of that pic look like? is that her father?

>god is a scientist who wanted to play god

>Japanese doujin
>stars Tom Cruise fucking her stepdaughter


>I accidentally the universe
Good ol' Xenoblade

>Japanese game
>Weapon of mass destruction is a cute little girl

>god is killed at the beginning of the game by the final boss

This faggot just teases me with this crop every couple of months and never delivers

You dumb newfriend don't deserve the source if you can't at the very least recognize the author.

Bruh, you must be new as fuck.

It's in OP's filename senpai.

>in a game where you can romance characters
>can't romance a god

What wrong with this?
If I was a god I would take that appearance as well.

>meeeeh meeeh
What did she mean by this?

Are you enjoying those (You)s?

>Japanese game
>God has blonde hair and blue eyes

>Dragon Ball Z
>Goku goes super saiyan into blonde hair and blue eyes

What is this?

They literally have the same face.

I guess that you can say that he "RUSTLEs your jimmies" eh

So, dear friends. What have you been reading lately?
I enjoyed [Yukino Yukikaze] and [Hidiri Rei].

That blondes/blueeyeswhitedragons are nothing but fantasy and don't actual exist?

Japan is ahead of the Europe game mang

artist is rustle. look it up

There's never enough (you)'s

id rather not go to jail

Hey, what's with that look on her face?

That new Asami Sekiya vanilla manga with a father and her daughter. Sadly scanlations stopped after a few chapters. It was getting interesting too, what a shame.

Have more, you hungry slut

I think the super saiyan thing was just style, but generally speaking they make exotic things look foreign, and foreign things usually just means blonde hair and blue eyes.

And also dressing like englishmen.

That girl is literally me



so you are a trap?

Lethal Crisis


Best kind of trope

>"God" is a little boy

I think that was just supposed to be his PTSD guilt

What are some games where this happens? I can't recall any recent ones, other than Rance IX and even in that ALICE is just one of the many gods, with the greatest of all being giant fucking space whale.

His PTSD guilt which somehow manfiested in the super duper mega special cannon of colourful beams, sure.

I fucking hated that PTSD shit even before the Crucible became a thing. Why not just make it your dead squad mate? Why some random fucking kid?

People care about random kids. Can't you see Bioware's writing genius?

Suguri (sort of)
QP Shu Dangerous

Suguri/QP have gods?

damn I need to play some more OJ games

>Not liking loli.


as it should ne

post /ss/ links. im on a brake from fapping but want to hoard material for the great cumback.

Alright, that's true. But I feel doujin games aren't the best thing to make point with, since they are niche releases made with very specific growd in mind.
If a new character in Touhou was a dude, that'd be way more of a surprise than any other kind of character ZUN could think of.

>Can't get off anymore unless it's to an underage-looking cartoon


With how much material there is for that fetish, I don't see the problem? Hell, lots of it is very high quality too.
You could be way worse off.

Do you live in Canada or Australia?

What the fuck is wrong with you people? Little kids for christ sake...

cute weapons are best weapons.

>"It's ok if it's not REAL little kids!"

i think its her stepfather, i haven't read it lately

fuck off back to where you come from

Agreed. Just like how fictional murder and rape are fine.

>think of the imaginary children

>shaming yourself for your sexuality
people don't chose what to get boners from,as long as they don't go outside to rape real children there is literally nothing wrong with it.
actually the world is a far better place thanks to loli porn.

I know somebody who can seemingly only get off to copyrighted male monsters. I dont know how he manages.

>copyrighted male monsters
...Is that really so important? What does character being copyrighted add to eroticism?

Now we're walking.

>Japanese game
>You can marry a character that looks like a little girl

They still represent real human beings. Sick...

I dont know. Weve known each other for a long while but I still dont get his tastes. It just seems like he isnt interested on anything but monsters that are both male and copyrighted, as in rule 34. And sometimes not even then. Very odd.

This thread is an example for why we need Trump in the office. He'll finally make it federal offense to watch lolicon shit and get pedophiles hammered down completely. Bush couldn't get it through because of the retarded Supreme Court system. But at least Trump will muscle it through all the branches to force it into effect.

>God is a cute little girl
Which game does this?

>Western game

>You can marry a character that looks like a goblin

Both of these had a pretty depressing ending.

>Japanese game
>only cowtits characters

Fuck off John, we recognized you.