What video games did you play today?
What video games did you play today?
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No man's sky, can't stop playing it.
Paul Ryan
you're mom
Terraria, always fun to play once in a while
what did he mean by this
I spent a few hours grinding on Sup Forumsscape and played a few games of the latest hearthstone tavern brawl.
I'm hopelessly addicted to skinner box style games and wish I could go back to enjoying real games. I even bought Stellaris and haven't touched it yet because I'm too glued to Sup Forums and shit games.
Played some BF4 because it's been a long time. Trolled some folks with my EOD Bot.
Then I got sucked into Sunset Overdrive for a good hour or two.
I think I might hop on Killing Floor.
Dota 2 and fallout 4
i am the cancer killing video games
and im ok with it
On a PC.
I got the game from my cousin and he works in Hello Games.
smt 4 just starting
beat the minotaur spammed bufu and mahabufu on his ass
My life
Fallout NV, RO2, Dota 2. First time with NV, seems fun so far
Ummmm Animal crossing daily stuff.
Smash daily stuff (do one fight to be in the poll thing)
Crash Bash and beat something I was stuck on.
Oh and got the Shiny Xerneas mystery gift today on my pokemon game.
Tropico 4.
Amazing jokes and absolutely absurd missions.
Sadly these fuckers put radio in options and it turned off by default.
Beat about 14 missions in classic campaign, can't wait to start modern one.
You've been busy lately
Do tell.
Also pics or it didn't happen
I literally cannot stop playing DS3, 280 hours now, send help.
I played uncharted 4 and ufc2
Both are pretty good. Ufc2 is fucking hard though.
Code of Princess. The English Dub is godawful, please someone tell me there is an Undub version
Gundam Breaker 3
Wrecking niggas with ERUPTING BURNING FINGER in the Sinanju all day erry day
None. But I got caught up on a bunch of work I had been putting off!
Goodnight Sup Forums, I hope you all have a great day, wherever you are.
Dokkan Battle.
Rocket League
To think four hours could fly by so fast.
Ace Combat 4
Finally checking out the games since people tell me good things about it and trying to S all of the missions for the X02 or whatever it's called.
Also, how do 5 and Zero compare? Planning on going through them next.
I thought it was the coolest shit when I first started playing and now I can only get an hour out of it before I get bored.
Still good for mindless fun though, one of those games I think I'll always play
Yeah, I don't think I'd get even half as much playtime out of it if I played it by myself. But with a friend or two to talk to while playing, it's great intuitive fun.
I'm still fairly new to the game (~60 h), so I'm definitely expecting the session length to decrease over time.
Morrowind and started System Shock 2.
uncharted 4.
I really like it. sucks that these kind of games have no replay value.
Cs:go and 8 bit armies
Did play some CSGO competitive and started my first game in Stellaris as a militaristic crab.
Would this count? I've been trying to use this BUT THE PIECE OF SHIT KEEPS CRASHING!
desire sensor is real
None since I have been busy trying to fix Shitty ass DS III on my PC for the last 3 days