>two weeks till release
Who /HYPE/ here?
Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator
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Did you pay for that patreon pics? Share it
I wonder if this guy is a hobbyist or an industry veteran
What does it had?
Someone get this poor lady some clothes she must be cold
Judging by his speed and quality he has fulltime work as 3d specialist. This is just his money from the side.
Why should I buy it over Sign?
Do you not understand how fighting game releases work?
Yes, but as someone who mainly plays solo and barely even touch online versus for more than 30 minutes in fighting games, I'm wondering if it's really worth it if I don't play online.
I really want to buy it but don't anime games die in like a month?
Maybe even sooner since I am in Europe
>visible vagina bones
My dick!
>vagina bones
Those are pelvic bones. Vaginas don't have bones dude.
>This model exists
>It won't be released for free use with SFM and MMD
spooky butt
They fucked up and it's going to bomb
>shit characters
>full price
>literal movie mode
>dead online unless you live in Japan
>vagina bones
>See this thread
>Remember the demo and go to grab it
>Pic related
What the fuck is this shit?
This is the future, you need to buy demos now
the demo is the entire game other than online and the main storymode so they won't give it away. The demo is just early access so people can have tournaments with it.
the demo still available with preorder? whats included in the demo? vs mode? training?
Come on OP post more of LeslyZeroSix art. I wanted to buy a pack for this char but i'm out of money.
Episode (Jam doesn't have one)
Is that a westerm artist?
I'm always a bit put off by the delay between the arcade and console versions of Arcsys's games. I've been watching Revelator all the time since the arcade release, so there won't be as fun to dive into it once the console version comes out. For that reason I'm not as hyped as I could be. There's also the fact that they haven't added any of the character I used to play in past games.
Well that's shit, I just want to try out Johnny.
It's even more painful since the author has already gone through the effort of making nudes:
All these years on and I still have no idea who drew this.
you gain acces to the demo bei preordering revelator
Erection rising
>Check to see what else he's done
>No works tab at the top, no tags on his posts
>Constant reposts and uploads of stupid unrelated shit
God, I fucking hate tumblr.
that figurine is disgusting
Baiken when
>tumblr was the epitome of hatred
>now its a good thing again
Yeah I really don't fucking get it anymore
PC version?
People excuse tumblr because a bunch of artists use it as a dumping ground despite it having an atrocious UI that is not sorted for art dumps whatsoever.
i'll be back...
>linking to tumblr
Degenerate fucks like you should be tarred, feathered, marched through street, castrated, then drawn and quartered by pickup trucks.
>arcsys wanted to add a new old man but Kliff is the least popular character in the series
>they put a little Korean girl inside the old man to make him more popular
Arcsys knows how to solve problems
Not to mention that half of them don't care whether or not anything is organised. It's a nightmare trying to find someone's earlier work.
So why complain about it?
Why not complain about it? Why get complacent with people using a godawful site when there are better alternatives available?
Because the people who aren't artists (and also the people who are) are completely retarded and obnoxious.
Reminds me, it seems to be the popular now for them to make private tumblrs and not allow access until you can't take the payment back.
Tolerance, Patience, etc...
This just makes me even more disappointed about SF5s horrible lobbies.
he does sculpts in zbrush. these models are not optimized to be rigged and animated
So you can abandon it a week later and go back to your Dark Souls and mechanical keyboards?
Rammy is cute but I think I'm going to play Jam
Yes because every person you've come across are all the same.
I get that your desire for having a PC is just a fantasy because Sony has their cock so far up your ass that you won't look at the alternatives but other people have and would be willing to pay to play.
I'm sorry you think you live in a time where muh sekret video games don't exist anymore but you should appreciate that because it means more titles in the series.
I own a PC and own SIGN on it, goober.
Jesus you are salty, he is completely right cause Xrd died stupidly quick on the pc despite how much it was hyped up
I'm still playing it almost daily.
You don't own shit.
Telling someone to fuck off with their shitposting is hardly salty.
Xrd died on pc quick because a month later Arksys announced Rev and everyone knew Rev was close.
Now that Rev is real close and no word on PC, PC players want to know what's up. How hard is that to grasp? Or is everyone salty because you say so?
GG set the precident for what online lobbies should be, playing any fighter with friends after xrd's lobbies just feels like I'm playing something outdated
It was I, DIO
>Telling someone to fuck off with their shitposting is hardly salty.
Can you not see the salt pouring out of you? Even if it was a shitpost you are still salty, in fact if you are crying on teh internet going fuck off then you most likely are salty
>Xrd died on pc quick because a month later Arksys announced Rev and everyone knew Rev was close.
You realise there are next to no balance changes so you can just keep playing who you were playing? Plus even if there were it was still months back so you still had time to play, It seems idiotic to drop something you like playing cause a version that is 99% the same is coming in a few months
>PC players want to know what's up.
You drop the game at the drop of a hat so you aren't seen as worth anything
>Angel with breastmilk
Angel's actually a MILF?
i wanna sniff her so bad
>crying on the internet
Alright, thanks for the discussion.
Here's your (you)
I wish they would release PC versions in a timely manner. As it is I buy the games on PS3 and then buy them again on PC and at that point the next version isn't far off. Fucking Arcsys jews, they're most likely intentionally delaying their PC versions to get people to double-dip and buy it twice.
What the fuck is going on with her right foot?
Wow you really have nothing? Can't even admit you didn't even know there were next to no balance changes so you could just have kept playing for these past few months?
Stay salty
>buying it on a living community then buying it again on a dead one
GG so far is the most alive in the West, and EU gets it a week after US (or before I forget)
When it comes to online play both versions seem equally dead where I live.
Epic meme.
She's got fighting feet
Sing's lobbies were shit. BB and Arena have way better lobbies.
I'll wait for the superior PC version. You'd have to be retarded to get it now when the PC version is already confirmed.
but did you finish your math homework
>no PC version in sight
>no PC-PS4 crossplay in sight
Living is suffering
If Sign is anything to go by the PC version is probably not coming out any time soon unfortunately. I'm guessing Revelator will appear on Steam at the end of the year if we're lucky. It took a full year before Sign got a PC release so Revelator will probably not be much better.
I mean the tourney scene isn't bad for it and that's only reason I'm going to pick it up.
Why would PCucks leeching off the superior PS community be good? PS3+PS4 crossplay exits :)
I wouldn't mind if you could turn it off like in SF. My friend doesn't have a PS4 so if I want to play with him it has to be local which is a pain in the ass compared to just online play.
>Make Sign for PS3 and PS4
>Rev coming out
>might as well squeeze out some last minute money with a quick cheap port of scraps to the starving Africans
>Until Rev will be replaced, PS3+PS4 only
This is the best thing for the games, devs, and the community honestly.
>Guilty Gear thread
>Immediately invaded by platform-/console war fags
The bane of every single thread about video games that were once console exclusive and got ported to PC later.
Without PCxPS crossplay PC version will only hurt Xrd. That's what happened with Sign in my country.
>Xrd is super alive
>you can found matches almost any time
>regular online tournaments
>PC release
>community is split between consoles and PC
>PC scene dies
>console scene dies
>you can found 3-4 people max at evenings
Sure, some are rolled to SFV, some now learning Revelator but the impact of PC version was huge and mostly negative.
This is the worst. Sometimes it's almost better to keep a fighting game exclusive to one platform to focus the small community into one pool.
THIS. PC is cancer.
That is a shame. I never compared my region before and after the PC release, but I've heard others say the same. Arcsys obviously aren't interested in investing anything significant into their PC ports, so I don't think we can expect PSN/Steam cross-play. How common is that kind of cross-play anyways? I know SFV has it, but I haven't really heard of it before.
>live in Japan
>play on PS4
>always people playing during prime time
Feels good.
the porn artists have been migrating to tumblr for years
I know that crossplay requires devs to run their own servers. So technically something like MGSV can go cross-play but games on Steamworks/PSN can't go crossplay. Capcom had to make their own server for SFV to make crossplay work. And they barely managed to get it to work. Whereas AWS will probably continue to rely on PSN/Steamworks.
Makes me wonder if Japan has any notable community playing the PC version.
It sucks that worldwide releases include PC. Can't you and your fellow japanese protest all these publishers and developers to stop porting?
Sure, what does it matter if your fighting game doesn't get a broader exposure.
Just let it rot on the sony consoles.
It's not so much the platform but the community that kills it. I really like it as a platform for the versatility, emulation and easy piracy but godamn, every time I have to deal with PC fags be it in online games or on discussion forums I want to see it burn. I blame steam for this shit.
There's also the fact that a PC version for niche historically bound to a platform series seriously diminishes the value of a game and a serie as whole. Good luck topping Xrd sales now that the series came to le ebin master race pc and the community got poisoned.
That's not the case for any other part of the world, why would it be in japan.
>PC games which are not porn