This is NOT a video game

I swear

Other urls found in this thread:

I promise it is actually a real life photo and not a video game

> dat LOD
> draw distance
> dat raw, shadowless edges on the stones right on the middle and beyond
> dat plain, non-existent texture on sands

what is this? Bethesda?
> flat, waxy textures
> 2016
> AAA game
> no parallax mapping

That doesn't even look remotely real, dude.

And yes, I'm on PS4 too.

we already know console has no games op

Are you even trying?

> dat 2008 sand textures
> dat 2D mock up foliage on the cliff, dat non-existent LOD on the furthest tree

OP please tell me this is sarcasm

yea OP is a piece of shit.
uncharted 4 looks great but it doesn't shine at outdoor environements.
indoor stuff and character models are great though.

Is this the PS Vita Uncharted?

Is this a photo of playdough?

Of course it is you asshat, it's shitposting. Report and move on.

Gonna be honest, vanilla GTAV looks better, not even baiting.

Nice Assassin's Creed Black Flag shots, user

Game is great

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU this looks almost like real life

Now that looks nice, I mean Uncharted looks good but it's not world changing.

have graphics gone too far?

I know you're shitposting but that drake model is pretty great.

>watch dogs 2


>This is NOT a video game
>because I can't play it

I know this thread is to shit on uncharted but the game actually looks fucking incredible. I'm impressed by something in it almost every 5 minutes

I even asked my roommate who is full mustard race to name a better looking game and all he could name was the ue4 demo

And no this isn't shilling because I'm not getting paid. Though it is technically viral

wish the game played at 60fps

People with low standards are easily impressed.

> what is Unreal Engine 4

Uncharted 4 does look good, for a console

That indoor scene looks average, I mean any Unreal Engine 4 games can beat that

Best outdoors on consoles
> UE4 - Vanishing of Ethan Carter
> CryEngine - Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
> Frostbite - SW: Battlefront

Really, what's with all these "graphical and technological masterpiece" hyped meme?

>Vanishing of Ethan Carter
Not even a game kid.


If it's on PC he probably wouldn't be impressed

But it's fact that it's on a console

yea i don't think you should compare the graphics of walking sims with games where you play and shit actually happens.

>This is NOT a video game

We know, it's a movie.


why not?

Walking sims are easier for the hardware to calculate than games with gameplay.


because stuff like AI, animations, character models etc. take up some of the available power and walking sims feature none of those thus in theory will always be the better looking game.
a game studio making 2 games, one normal video game and one walking sim.
in the walking sim they can put all their resources into environments and details.
in a videogame they have to create AI have to compensate for amount of characters on screen need more animations etc.etc.

Average Katana user

>uncharted 4
>"this is not a video game"

you're correct


I know you're shitposting and all, but it does look pretty great. Especially love all dem details in their games. Makes my heart all warm and fuzzy.

Gonna play some mp now.

You're right, it's an interactive movie

This is clearly not a video game

would be a shame if a lemonwhore happened to be in the vicinity

>name a better looking game

The majority of current multiplats look better though. I really don't get this collective hysteria over Uncharted 4 graphics


This is NOT a video game
This is a dud!?

actually looks pretty good if you turn down the brightness

True it's a tech demo

God bless Unreal Engine 4

That's true, UE4 still looks amazing

But it looks like one. The real world does not look like that user.

You got the "not a game" part right.

Looks like Ark on mid.

Can you do anything decent in UE4 without c++ knowledge?

I liked The Last of Us, have a PS4, and can't comprehend why people like Uncharted with those horrible characters, copy pasted Indiana Jones' setting but without the actual cool stuff, horrible platforming pieces and cringey as fuck cinematics. Uncharted 4 is whats wrong with Sony's vision.

>UE4 - Vanishing of Ethan Carter
I prefer the UE3 version

the game emphasized on using this wide angle, and devs tried to cram as much objects and details on the closest / and medium distance so much that it almost hugs the player model

they literally 'tricked' your eyes into focusing upon the the area where it looks the best

\__________/ furthest - shit
\ ..... X ..... / medium - looks good
\ ...... X......./ closest - looks best

it's almost like a fisheye effect, wrapping and closing up on the nearest / medium distance area around the player model, and showing as little of the furthest details as possible

and then they used a combination of clever pre-rendered stuff on the furthest distance

> basically what every other game does

> but they've done a better job, probably the best effort yet, using clever tricks and smart methods to get the best visual yet optimized, playable frame-rate (inb4 30fps)

Seriously, all the scenes are planned carefully to cram as much details around the closest distance, around the player - it's set up to look good

'X' is the player model, standing

Too many tricks for how mediocre the game looks

jesus i don't remember black flag looking that shitty

making assets or making a game?

>those copy/pasted rocks

Most people like Uncharted for the exact reasons you don't like it. The only thing you listed that really gets any ire is the braindead platforming and puzzle elements.

To just make a render like , not really, no. But you do have to understand basic light interaction and rendering engine architecture, which require a similar analytic approach.

You could also set up a scene using premade assets and materials, but it'd probably end up looking pretty generic and mediocre at best

I think the best way to explain this is with games like Dragon Age or Bethesda

They don't actually look that good, even shittier at times, BUT when the game gets close-up you can see all the details, or even the non-existent of it, around the player model.
Even on Witcher 3, given as good the game look even on close-up view, it still looked.... 'normal'

Barrels would be stacked together by the walls, sacks, brooms and stick, and on the other side just nothing.

In Uncharted they planned everything and every scene to look good, there has to be something on this angle, on this spot, of varying makes and textures.

Clever, neat tricks - that is all

love you, user

Ark was fun desu.

Don't see myself getting back into it though

awww fuck not another one of these shitposts.

Game has 0 gameplay value, only nice graphics. if that is what gaming is about nowadays i will kill myself

>i will kill myself
I wish you would, you fucking underaged faggot.


This is not a video games guys, I promise

pft running at 2fps I bet

>and then he looked at something other than the car


Nice crysis 1 screenshots. I though everyone already played it back in fuckin 2007, eh?


the indoor environments and caves look phenomenal in this game

what gaem

i know u guys are just shitposting about uncharted but the game looks decent not great not the hugest just decent and this is coming from a ps4 owner

Does this explain the posts below? What do they do differently that makes outdoors look like such shit?

the only thing that's off here are the curtains, they only light up like that if there are strong lights directly on it like a car in front, but it looks pretty so I guess it's okay.

In TLOU I had to walk around in the house in the beginning and just look at stuff, even on PS3 it looked damn good

It kept me up until 3am last night and I had to work at 7. It's been awhile since a game sunk its hooks into me enough to make me lose track of time. Haters can hate all they want, but it's an enjoyable game.

starxidia mas

>the sand gives it away

the simple fact is that while you're playing you're only going to be looking at stuff within 30 feet or so, if there's something further away then you will walk over there and look at it. So they have more aggressive LOD settings to make stuff near much more detailed at the expense of stuff that's further away.

eg in this image the stuff at the far right has been aggressively simplified but where the player will actually be looking is richly detailed

the shitty beach textures and bloom say otherwise tho

Nice antialiasing on your real life photo

To be fair, it looks better than most AAA games today. And that's coming from a PC player.

The water looked really good an you spent most of the game on a boat in the middle of the ocean.

Why do the colors in everything made in UE4 look so faded?

If you have a super cool pirate ship on screen then you can safely assume the player will be looking at that instead of the trees near the edge of the screen, so you make the trees less detailed.
Just apply that idea to the whole game.

under-saturation and HDR is this gen's brown and bloom.

watch dogs

>If you have a super cool pirate ship on screen

That's the actual final boss

I believe you user. I also believe that it looks amazing on PS4. But to call it innovation in technology is improportional bias and shilling amd should be mocked.

I also thought UC2 and UC3 looked amazing on PS3. But truly it is a result of my TV taking care of most of the work.

It's not technically amazing, it just has good art and setpieces.

naughty gods found a way

It's a movie!

What the fuck do developers have against making their games look good?

there are some cool technology moments in the game

GTA 4 taxi man modder is on roids

Are reflections fixed yet?