Warping and jittering has been removed. Now PS1 games look great in HD. It's WIP, and is getting updates. Silent Hill glitches have recently been fixed.

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Who would win in a fight between Pepsi and Halo?

I like the jittering though.

>I like shit in my mouth

No one asked you, Helen

>finally got the ability to emulate 20 year old games instead of just buying a fucking playstation for like $5



What's the best ps1 emu software?

>graphical glitches
>audio glitches
no thanks. i'll stick to playing my pirated games on a console

>paying to get the low-res with jittering and warping
Okay dokay.

It's not "saved". It never really needed saving. This shit just an addition to a solid foundation that has already existed for years. It's inauthentic, anyways.

*emulate 20 year old games with at a higher quality and with more control over them

>finally got the ability to emulate 20 year old games in HD, without the 3D errors of the original console

That's more like it. IT's the original console, ENHANCED plus free piracy. A nice package.

I tried silent hill and Harry's face was still warping all over the fucking place. Is this just supposed to fix textures?

I don't know what you mean by jittering. Anyone made a side by side comparision video?

>playing the objectively worse version of NFS Porsche Unleashed

Also, didn't PCSXR get the anti-jitter feature fucking years ago?

>Not knowing about the PS1's Z-buffer issue

>play PS1 game at 1080p
>still 30fps locked and physically hurts your fucking eyes after a while, input delay out the ying yang

Current build. ONLY works in pcsxr. Anyone want to test Silent Hill with it? Previous builds caused bugs.

Send feedback bugs to:

Fuck authenticity when the original console was shit anyway. It'd only matter if it were Saturn or something.

Every thread, there are cucks like you. Kill yourself

>warping and jittering has been removed
>open the vagrant story video
>warping and jittering
Yeah no

>I tried silent hill and Harry's face was still warping all over the fucking place. Is this just supposed to fix textures?

Yes. Are you using pcsxr? Grab this build from here This is what Silent Hill should look like. The bugs relate to a box around characters, but otherwize it works:

>no pepsiman video

Also Spyro would look pretty great if it weren't for all the seams

PS3 emulator when?

I still have to play GOW3 and Killzone.

MASSIVE reduction. And the jittering seems to mostly come from the pre-made camera movements, which seem to be low precision.

>using something other than Mednafen

What are you talking about?

That Vagrant Story is jittering and crackling all over the place.

Halo because his friends Mount'en Dew and Doritos would help.



Fuck your shit emulators. Here's how you choose an emulator for certain systems.

1. Go to
2. Look at the list of systems mednafen emulates
3. Is the system you want to emulate on that list? If so, MEDNAFEN IS YOUR BEST CHOICE.

End of goddamn story.

Mednafen is a great base.

But it has no Hardware rendering. No HD capabilities. And it can't use these neat new features as well. It needs those to really compete.

SD PS1 can only look good on a CRT. Guess what? No one has those anymore. If you're on an LCD HD upscaling is the way to go.

>I tried silent hill and Harry's face was still warping all over the fucking place. Is this just supposed to fix textures?

Yes. Other than the few bugs, it should work.

>those faces
I didn't know furries were a thing in 90's Japan.

>It needs those to really compete.
Mednafen can play games without requiring a shitton of hacks just to load a game in the first place. Other emulators need to catch up.

user, furries have always been a thing.

Those faces do look like he's getting fucked.

That isnt actually warping.
In Silent Hill 1 Henry's face was put under a spell by dahlia gillespie and turned into a screen saver

But, how well does it run Jumping Flash 2? In particular the underwater level (I always had trouble getting it to run on ePSXe)

Grow up, child. 18 and over only on Sup Forums.

Oh God. I'm definitely playing this on my PSP.

PS1 on an SD TV? Great.

PS1 on an LCD? Shit.

LCDs just can't display low resolution content well. It has to scale it by nearest or bilinear. Pixilated or blurry: take your pic.

HD content for HD screens.

the graphics of vagrant story look like some indie game people would make in 2016

>>removes jitter
>>adds shitty widescreen hack that under-estimates drop-off for rendering polygons around the edge of the screen, resulting in polygons disappearing entirely when they should still be in view.

One step forward, two steps back. Yay! Now I can pretend every level in Crash Team Racing is crumbling to pieces behind me.

You don't have to use the widescreen patch, though.

I wish. Indie games are primitve pixel art or even more primitive 3D.

You can not use the widescreen user. It really shouldn't be used for PS1 anyways since it's a weak console and cut corners often by just rendering what is displayed on screen.

Last update: 2013

The guy who made these videos should've done them without it, the hack seems very poorly made.

It was always pixelated blurry shit, even on SDTVs. Pull your head out of your ass and take off your rose-tinted goggles.

"AITCH DEE" is such a fucking overused shit concept that it's not even worth discussing any more. Love how my fucking 70" "HD"TV and fuckhuge "HD" monitor displays plain goddamn DVDs and other "shit" content just fine because I'm not dumb enough to put my eyes 1" from the screen and obsess over pixels.

Remember how textures in PS1 games had a tendancy to shake depending on the angle and how close you were? That's the Z buffer issue.

I know Colony Wars had it when you neared one of those massive space stations.

>Kings Field is fucked
>Megaman Legends is fucked
PS1 emulation is dead, pack it up fellas

Most racing games in cockpit view made me feel queasy because of this.

Hey senpai do you have a fucking guide how to use fucking Mednafen? I tried to use it a few times in the past and always had some problems, never could make it run 100%.

>graphical glitches

Work in progress and being improved all the time. When it works, it's gorgeous. Straight lines finally in a PS1 game.

>audio glitches

The guy is playing this in pcsxr, which doesn't have the best sync ever, on a shitty 3rd world PC. It can't really handle it. A better PC won't have those audio problems.

i use the newest ePSXe + PeteOGL2 plugin and every game that i played worked fine.

Holy shit, I wish I was even half that good at Crash racing

shit i meant to ask

The warping and jittering never bothered me.

Odd and unusual? Sure. But I guess it never bothered me.

Also, how did it take this long? Wasn't it a texture rendering issue that was never properly addressed on the PS1?

Mednafen is a bitchy little mistress that only likes 3 Bios, and only likes games in bin/cue format.

Ensure the cuesheet matches the game files. Sometimes shitty rips don't double check that, or have absolute file values (c:/files/etc/mygame.bin).

Next use these bios:

You can use a GUI frontend for Mednafen, or use RetroArch, which includes a port of Mednafen with some minor new features

It's funny since he likely plays CTR a lot. It's mostly about keeping a boost at all times. He is terrible in any of the other games.

The PS1 isn't a true 3D system, and takes short cuts. the n64 is the first console to do 3D the correct way.

>Also, how did it take this long?

PS1 emulation has been pretty shit until recently. The "King of PS1 emulation" was epxe, a closed source mediocre emulator. It was "good enough" so people didn't bother using something else or making soemthing better. It stiffled development for years.

Furries have been a thing since the 50s in Japan, at least.

I've been using ePSXe for years. What's a better alternative?

>ctrl + xebra
>0 results

ah i see, Sup Forums is full of idiots as usual

xebra is all you need for almost perfect PSX emulation

epsxe is okay, but nothing special. It mostly plays catch up with other emulators.

mednafen has nice accuracy, but zero enhancements.

The libretro port of Mednafen for RetroArch has software upscaling, cpu over clocking (less slowdowns, more fps) and few other features.

PCSXR now has this texture correction feature.

There's no one KING of emulation now. Ideally, the best one would be to take Mednafen, or an emulator of similar accuracy, create a Hardware rendering for it, and add all the other features of other PS1 emulators in one package.

wow man Vagrant's story's graphics still hold up really well.

It's decent, but mednafen psx is a bit more accurate and developed. And it has typical closed source japware GUI which is annoying.

>Learn the course
>Boost as much as possible according to the track

You can do it, fampai.

>doesnt even mention xebra


>wow man Vagrant's story's graphics still hold up really well.

It was a late PS1 game. I would have LOVED to have seen it delayed and pushed to PS2.

What does Xebra do that others don't?

This. holy shit are PCucks the most pathetic people on the planet or what?

Mednafen is open source and gets more udpates than Xebra.

I wonder, can something be done with fog?
Mostly talking about N64 here.

>almost completely avoids all wumpa fruit until the end of lap 2
It's like he doesn't even want to go fast.

You'd have to hack the games for that directly.

In that case, it just makes more sense to make a new engine and rebuild the game in that. They recently did that with Turok the Dino Hunter Remaster. It has option to remove fog entirely.

This fixed his face from being all wonky. It looks really good now, thanks.

>This fixed his face from being all wonky. It looks really good now, thanks.

Feel free to post screenshots.

wow nice plugin

Does it work on ePSXe? If not then into the trash it goes.

>Does it work on ePSXe?

No. Epsxe has its own implimentation of these features, and these are actually superior to it.

>If not then into the trash it goes.

Don't support closed source profit-ware. It's not good for the health of the emulation community.

>Using closed-source shit
Fuck off.

Nice to see you Sup Forums hippies over here.

Closed soruce jew ware only stiffles emulation development. It was the reason in part why N64 and PS1 emulation was medicore for so long. PS1 and N64 are only now starting to get out of the dark ages.

Almost as pathetic as consolecucks who get ass ravanged over emulation

Have you tested any of the games confirmed to work with it? It could be either a setup issue, or the plugin doesn't work with Crash.

Can't we all just... get along?

no crash = it's trash

Just tested it on a random crash 1 ISO I had on my hard drive, seems to work fine for me.

link to emu?

It's just pcsxr (use a new build) and this plugin:

It does look kinda better but there's still a decent amount of warping and shit

before & after

>h-help meeeeeeee

>finally got the ability to emulate 20 year old games instead of just buying a fucking playstation for like $5
No see it from this direction, when your consoles die their games will be still playable on a single platform, no need to care for taking care of old hardware, cds, protection against scalpers who sell their old games for abnormal prices.

Heaps better

That's a lot better than I've seen.

There's progress on the N64 front now? What's happening?

But Mount-en Dew and Doritos are owned by Pepsi man.

>try KF on ePSXe
Is it just me or does it run WAY too fast?
Like the console version has slowdown that makes it more manageable to play

GTE Accuracy was for vertices, not textures.
This is for textures.

Retro game emulation is the valkyrie of the vidya world.
Without it, amazing old games would just be distant memories; with it, einherjar can rise again, stronger and more beautiful than ever.

This doesn't justify skipping buying a console and experiencing the game first hand when it comes out, it's part of the fun. But the ability to emulate them is great.

Now i just wish i could emulate PS2 games on a portable console. Fuck i need Shadow Hearts in my life again.

>Warpless and Jitterless LSD