What's the best Pokémon game, and why is it Sapphire?
What's the best Pokémon game, and why is it Sapphire?
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100% agreed
Alpha Sapphire.
Because it's Sapphire but with the physical/special split.
it is sapphire, but i havent played alpha sapphire to say if its better.
Nice try
>fps lag
>no gorgeous pixel art
no thanks
too much water
Heart Gold is best
1st one I played and still my favorite
Why not Emerald?
They could remove half the game and it would still be better holy FUCK I hate Pokemon pre-split. I think the only reason I could handle it before gen 4 was because I didn't realize there was a world where Sharpedo gets STAB moves that don't suck ass.
2nd Gen best gen.
Soul Silver best game.
why is everyone who prefers silver over gold such a massive fucking faggot?
crystal and platinum the best
They're super edgy.
They're all the same.
Platinum and Black 2/White 2 are far nore deserving than sapphire.
Plus sapphire isn't even the best hoenn game. And team Aqua are more stupid than magma.
Lugia > Ho-oh
Heart gold soul silver because they're the best versions of the best games,
no pokemon game will ever offer as big of a leap in quality and substance to the prior entry ever again.
Because Gold is obviously the better one, but then a small minority of autistic children had to be contrarian and pick the bald flying penis version because "dude it's better lmao"
>what is gen 5
Looking back at it now Gen 3 is when it all started going down hill for me
thats not soul silver/heart gold
>for me
No one cares about you. Literally no one.
>Ever implying otherwise
The region lock was fucking genius and it actually took the time to invest you in the world and people in it.
>muh battle frontier
its shit. gym re-matchers are more fun and you get to lvl. no rules holding you back.
a trainwreck?
I feel like I'm missing a joke here
Seriously though what's the biggest innovation in Pokemon's gameplay ever?
2 on 2 battles?
Fucking hell, what an awful series
>people literally play with these filters on
Anyone who agrees Platinum and Gen 4 in general, (includes HGSS) is the best, is 100% right.
The Gen 2 remakes in there self probably are the best pokemon games ever and to ever exist for a long time.
>no rematch with the protag from the first game
im still mad. he could have reached red status.
> Gen 3
> Not Superior Emerald
Get the fuck out.
There's a lot of minor changes, like hold items, natures, abilities.
The biggest change overall is the phy/spe split. It changed everything.
HG SS are definately the best
I tried playing through that, but everything about it was so fucking stupid. I hated the pokemon, the world was shit, and Hildass didn't help enough.
Every generation has introduced some mechanic that has drastically improved how the game is played.
To be fair, he's on a journey with Reshiram/Zekrom.
Or essentially dead in the Manga.
I think the reason why Hilbert/Hilda is not on PWT like it was planned is because of Reshiram/Zekrom not being allowed, but that's just my 2 cents
i liked Platinum. people loss their shit to much on the region. and the game could get pretty challenging at time. has the best elite four and champion.
Isn't the gen 2 protag, I can't remember his name, but isn't he the most powerful trainer ever? Since he goes on to beat Red?
but that faggot N is still around
Sup Forums was overrun by Pokemon threads.
Platinum's alright. I wouldn't say it's bad as far as pokemon games go, but you can only improve the worst region so much. In the end you're still stuck in Sinnoh.
Diamond and Pearl on the other hand, need to be erased from history. They are absolutely unforgivable.
fuck off faggot
Hidden Abilities which saved a lot of normally useless Pokemon.
Of course not. All of the Champions are at about equal strength.
N was only champion for all of about 10 minutes before the B/W Protag dethroned him.
nah man. he might be on the top ten but there better trainers out there.
>I hated the pokemon
Genwunners need to get the fuck out.
Idk mate mabye.
Emerald is better
I like gen 3's pokemon the best actually. And there were some good ones in Gen 5, just not enough, and the good ones were difficult to get.
/vp/ is a containment board for shitposters and furfags. At least here in Sup Forums we can have actual discussions of it.
>The world was shit
What. The layout was a bit odd but each of the towns and areas were really fleshed out and memorable.
I was talking mostly about the layout, but I only really remember the big city in the middle. And something with train tracks.
Granted, I stopped like right before I got to see the legendary for the first time I think.
i can see the other protags being stronger since they have access to stronger Pokemon. i think cynathia could beat red.
R/S/E are objectively the best (ORAS had a great story too despite the game being extremely easy)
B/W objectively the worst
Pokemon Glazed
I agree with you, objectively.
This is what we call trying too hard, kids.
Emerald is better.
Platinum is best.
heartgold soul silver
emerald, sapphire, and ruby are a tight second.
HGSS are the best Pokemon games.
B/W are so fucking bad I actually barely even associate them with the Pokemon series and can't help but subconsciously see them as a shitty romhack. No matter how much I know, logically, that they're mainline titles, they will always feel like shitty romhacks.
You'd have to be retarded or ignorant to think Sapphire is better than Emerald.
I have to ask when the last time you played either was seeing as a lot of people who cite the Johto remakes as the best are saying it based on nostalgic memory and not recent use. Having recently replayed it, HG/SS is D/P levels of painfully slow.
who is the best ace trainer and why is it gen V?
Gotta give it to Gen IV's for that fucking great jingle they have.
seems like you need to get some taste
im more of a veteran kind of guy.
Who cares? HGSS literally has more content than any entry prior to Gen6.
Not just talking about Kanto, either. It has a lot of stuff to do, plus your pokemon walks behind you. Why did they not keep that as a thing?
So that user was right.
>hgss has most content post gen 6
platinum and bw2 have something to say
Last time I played HGSS was the year they came out, so, it was a very long time ago. But despite multiple attempts I've never managed to finish B/W without losing motivation.
The best Pokémon game is whichever one you like the best :3
Platinum the best
It's a toss up between the Gen 2 and Gen 3 remakes
>People unironically think that everything pre-Gen 4 hasn't aged like milk
>they don't realise that the physical/special split was the best thing to happen to the franchise
Platinum, HG/SS and B2W2 are the best games in the entire series
>muh split
No one except autistic tourney fags care about this shit
Best mainline game is a 3 way tie between Platinum/HG/SS, followed closely by BW2.
The real best pokemon game is either Explorers of Sky or the new 3DS one I haven't played but everyone seems to love.
>And team Aqua are more stupid than magma.
which is why they make the best antagonists
>not Ruby
step up nigga
This is how you remake a game.
>tfw Gamestop only had SoulSilver so I bought it and had to tell my parents I'm gay
Could have been better.
>everyone liked Pokémon following you
>remove it in the next game
>include it in the NEXT game except with only one Pokémon in one area
>completely abandon it afterwards
What the fuck Gamefreak?
Why would they spend resources on adding such a useless gimmick?
Platinum and HGSS better than anything in Gen 3. Really no game without physical special split than contend for the top position.
Fuck off, Masuda.
Why tease it in the first place?
Sinnoh was great. Get out of here with your horrible opinions.
Gen 3 > Gen 4 > Gen 2 > Gen 6 > Gen 5 > Gen 1
Oh also, dragonflycave.com
All player characters and Champ's are at about the same level. Gold beating Red is because the plot demanded it.
It was basically a universal buff that made a lot of Pokemon viable. Expecially things like Sharpedo that just couldn't use their primary offensive stat before.
Christ, it let Gengar actually use his STAB moves.
>include it in the NEXT game except with only one Pokémon in one area
Explain. I recall nothing of the sort in BW2.
i'm too old for the pogeymen