The Winner of WW1 is not playable un BF 1 ? L.O.L
The Winner of WW1 is not playable un BF 1 ? L.O.L
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hon hon baguette
Why did you make a new thread, you fucking retard?
>muh reserved 50 overwatch slots
The Harlem Hellfighters fought under France, so France is the star of BF1.
>not russia
did you not see the frenchman on the box?
Russia lost WWI
Yeah Jews are mad underrepresented in games.
>surrenders within weeks
America saved you. Better be thankful for it.
russia lost hard
>American education system
desu senpai
The only winner of WW1 were the Jews, as usual.
They probably will be playable though.
Don't you know that WWI was a bunch of savage whites killing each other only to be saved by based black men and Muslim women.
That was wwii idiot
ridicule !
Someone post that pic with some questionnaire about how the perception has changed over the decades and how in the beginning most attributed the Russians with beating the Germans but by the end, the most recent, most said burgerclappers. It was a French one, the questionnaire. Hollywood is a hell of a drug for retards.
I have a question , where did that "hon hon hon" meme come from ? i've never heard any French laughing like that , that's the only stereotype i never got
It was for WW2
Yeah forgot to mention that.
It comes with the stereotype of condescing Frenchmen laughing at you lowly peasants.
fuck off with your harlem globetrotters my great grand father didnt lost all his friends in verdun for being mocked by swede cucks 100 years later
>Greatest military nation for decades
>surrenders in the face of complete destruction in WWII like several other countries
>somehow gets all the shit for all time
Contrary to popular myth France has always been on the Nazi side.
Nobody wants to play Battlefield: The surrender simulation
Black M au concert des 100 ans de Verdun, on en parle ?
you mean centuries? shut up and stop whining that's embarrassing
now where's the source for the french not being in the game?
Basically it's based off a speech pattern associated with a french actor named Maurice Chevalier who was very popular in America.
>2004 to 2015
>US goes down 4%, GB and USSR goes up 5%
Where did that extra % come from
Are you blind, bad at math or just retarded?
>War kickstarter revolution
>after which Russia makes hyper jump in technology, engineering and shit within smallest period of time
>Greatest military nation for decades
Did Britain disappear into a 5th-dimensional portal for those few decades?
Britain couldn't even muster 170k infantry troops in fighting condition when the war broke out...
Britbongs hid behind their navy for a reason.
At what price?
Only the wealthy won in that war.
>a fucking sea
Great military m8.
>daily reminder that France wanted to set up permanent defences in the Rhineland after the German surrender, which would have made the Fall of France two decades later quite unlikely, but Britain and US opposed it for no other reason than to fuck with France
>Reminder that France's butthurt and insistence to extract a pound of flesh was what caused WW2 in the first place.
American here
I love you greatest ally
That is exactly why they get shit. They had the ability to fight back and chose not to. Any lives lost by the british during the bombings and americans taking back france is on their heads because they chose not to fight.
Stay mad we had to bail your ass out you french fuck.
>France caused the great depression
>France caused the germans being butthurt about losing the war
Germany only paid about half of its war debt to France, moreover they destroyed all the French coal mines in their way while pulling out of French territories. It sure didn't help their case after they killed a million and eight hundred thousand French men and destroyed a chunk of France larger than Belgium..
If anything the Treaty of Versailles wasn't harsh enough.
France has lost everything they've involved themselves with since Napoleon was exiled to Elba. It's a worthless nation of pretentious morons whose only thing they value is those disgusting guttural noises they dare call a language. They've filled their own country and Europe with brownies imported from their colonies and beyond, and have ensured themselves becoming minorities in their own home. They're a disgusting subhuman apish kind, and their soon to be extinction will be well deserved. Fuck France and fuck the French.
Important reminder than French surrendering started as a meme only because pic related didn't want to use 9/11 as a pretense to fuck around in Irak. You're literally spreading Bush Jr. Propaganda.
Thr French also started invading Germany when they invaded Poland but UK made them come back to the maginot line.
>this fuddlore
They did fight, user. The Germans just came from the Ardennes unexpectantly (younger French generals feared this but the Old Guard fucks in charge did not) and the French got outmaneuvered. Many Frenchmen fought to allow the Brits get back home at Dunkirk. There were some heavy French/German casualties for how short the invasion was. They just lost their capital and were low on manpower.
If there's anything that proves how utterly stupid Americans are, it's this
None of the bars go up to 100% mate, some people must have said "other" or not answered
It doesn't mention who they surveyed for that shit tho
>chose not to
Fuck you and your ignorance. France lost no less than 60 000 soldiers in the may 40 offensive. It was a risky and unexpected coup from the germans which proved itself very rewarding.
France lost hard that's for sure, but saying they didn't find and just surrendered is just plain wrong
>trying to prove someone's wrong by showing how right he is.
except the french surrendering joke absolutely predates 9/11?
Friendly reminder that the Allies are 100% responsible for all the mass immigration the west is suffering today.
>after which Russia turns from European nation to forever shithole
Hitler liked Islam though and he said he would've imported it in Europe.
>Its totally okay when Denmark does it guise!
No he didn't. He said he respected Islam over Christianity because it glorifies the warrior. And you know for a fact that he would never have allowed mass immigration for racial reasons. The Allies are the core cause of modern mass immigration.
He could of bred any of those girls. All he needed was to say the word.
Hitler destroyed Europe you fucking mongrel. If Europe is in the state it is today it's a lot thanks to him you idiot.
He was probably impotent and couldn't get it hard, user
If it wasn't Thor hitler Europe would be u der Jewish communism. Inter racial breeding would be mandatory by now.
He was too busy fighting jews.
Anyway he was married to the White race. Just like Catholic priests are celibate because they are married to God.
Yeah yeah user. Right
Right, it's not at all the result of Allied propaganda, lying about the Holocaust and slavery and just history in general, to foster a sense of guilt in the Europeans making them accept unlimited mass immigration from low IQ stock that will permanently damage the European gene pool. No, go fuck yourself. All of it, 100% of it, is because of the Allies. Churchill and FDR should be dug up from their graves and thrown into the sea.
ironically, if the USA are a super power today it's also thanks to him.
And France still won WWII and continued to fight on.
Stop using the dead to justify your moral indignation of what can be criticized as a bad game for something other than just your feeling that this is in "bad taste." Plenty of games were considered in "bad taste" at the time. Doom, for example.
BF1, however, is shit for many other reasons because DEDICATED VEHICLE CLASSES HOLY SHIT WHAT A DISASTER.
Monty python
Well they certainly got a head start over everyone else, because after the war they had, like, two thirds of the world's gold supply. They'd become a superpower eventually either way, because of their strategic location and resources.
Not as a massive media campaign.
You are too young to remember the internet before and after the events and it shows. articles about how Bush used his media connection to handle the issue and get stuff like "French worms" published are probably still around, though. Prove you aren't a baby and go read some.
Yeah, it's not the whole war thing destroying everything and killing so many people that European nations had to borrow money from the US like fucking beggars, asserting their domination on the world, and forced to ask colonial manpower to come to help for the reconstruction.
No it must be the jews
Well, the soviets would have lost the war if not for the Lend-Lease program. They lost so many men thanks to Zerg rush in the first half.
And who is responsible for that war? Reminder, it was not Germany that declared war on the world. It was the world that declared war on Germany. Had the stubborn moronic Brits simply accepted Germany's numerous peace offerings, we'd all be significantly better off.
mais ferme la à tout jamais
I doubt it. without WWII the usa would stay a relatively cowardly country only foncusing on its own, and with the financial crisis it would have stayed stagnent for decades, while Europe continued to more or less pillage the rest of the world. pre WWII usa weren't the proud warriors they think they are today.
The economic/population inertia made it inevitable USA would eclipse the European powers, if it wasn't WW2 that propelled them to the forefront it would have been something else.
>Catholic priests are celibate because they are married to God
that's gay as fuck
WW1 had no winners
>isolationism is cowardly
You're a fucking moron.
Yeah, the Germans should have totally been allowed to continue to peacefully expand by peacefully invading countries.
>Reminder, it was not Germany that declared war on the world. It was the world that declared war on Germany
>annex Austria
>ok germany but that's the last one
>invade sudetes
>ok germany but this time its real
>invade Poland despite alliance with France and Britain
Wew lad
I'm not the same person, but, the Soviets also invaded Poland but the Brits never said anything to them. Hitler asked for Danzig, a historic german city, peacefully and the Poles refused,
>annex Austria
Was voted into. The Austrians voted to join the Reich. The vast majority of Austrians had wanted to be a part of Germany for the longest time because THEY ARE GERMAN. This point alone just shows that you have no idea what you're talking about. Kill yourself.
>The vast majority of Austrians had wanted to be a part of Germany for the longest time because THEY ARE GERMAN
Yeah which is why German had SEVERAL WARS with Austria.
>Danzig, a historic german city
Depends on how much time you go back, user. It was pole before it was german.
Soviets were secondary after Hitler, he was the bigger menace in central and western Europe, thing that France and Britain couldn't tolerate. That's politics
>les détesteurs détesteront
>not "Les haineux vont hennir"
>99% in the plebiscit AFTER the military ANNEXION
Sure is democracy at work. Who doesn't know what he's talking about ?
>and the Poles refused
Not only that. Hitler made numerous concessions, letting the Poles have plenty of territory saying that they can't expect to get everything. It was the Pole's immature and stubborn refusal to cooperate because they had an alliance with Britain and France that sparked the war.
Don't try to talk to him, there's no point
>Sup Forumsfags
It's almost funny until you realise they're serious
So I suppose USA should give the south of their territory to Mexico since it is historically Mexican and have a mostly Hispanic population ?
Keep going user it's hilarious
They let the Russians have all of eastern Europe, so they might as well.
>he thinks france and britain ever cared about poland
Ahahahahahahaha! That's why they let the Russians have it instead, amirite?!
>"hey how about you hand over your territories"
>"fuck off"
>"what the fuck how dare you fucking warmonger i asked peacefully this is self defense i declare war "
We don't.
You came to take all the glory when the Russian had already done all the work.
Fuck you pig.
You can't even win a war against fucking viet farmers.
Your education is shit.
Same for the culture.