The gaming community will never be taken seriously

The gaming community will never be taken seriously

What the fuck are they mad about?

It got a 9 why are they upset?

Good. I want video games to go back to being for autistic losers so developers can make good interesting games instead of drivel to be shoved down normo and norminas throat.

They didn't give the game a 10/10.

when you see it...

nah kidding, whats going on?

Clearly they don't agree with IGNorants score of the game, stating that her opinion is objectively worse for being a female.

>Nobody hates women

Obviously that guy has never been here.

this is because of the women in that game kicking drake's isn't it?

op you're a faggot. get b&'d you imgur browsing homo.

It is shit, i sold my ps4 already
>Ask the guy who was going to buy my ps4 what he wants to play on it
>Mincraft with my friends was the answer
I feel bad for my ps4

IGN always gives 10 to Naughty Dog games, so a 9 means it's shit.

>will never be taken seriously

I hope it never is. All you get from that is normie appeal and politically correct bullshit. It's fucking video games, I don't want that.

This so much.

Gaming is probably in a worse state than in 1990.
Its more hated, more shitty, and spawns idiots all around the world

I just finished it, I think 9 might be a a touch generous but still a perfectly valid score. Not sure what their problem is.

>Sonyggers are misogynists

You guys act like this is news. Obviously the stupidest collection of fucking degenerates are going to be despicable people.

Because they're right?

Because it got a worse score than uncharted 2 even though the same criticisms in the 4 review apply even moreso to 2. What they fail to understand is that they were reviewed by two different people, and if the uncharted 4 reviewer had done 2, it probably would have gotten lower. Even if it was the same person, it's dumb to think a person's standards don't change in seven years.

Gamers are literally the best goyim. Just look at the tantrums they throw when reviewers don't tell them their overhyped piece of trash is a literal 10/10.


There's also a relative element here. I don't think Uncharted 4 now is quite as jaw dropping as Uncharted 2 could be in 2009.
Oh. You know what? I think I can understand where some of them are coming from now.

Both are paid reviews, so it's only natural.

The idea that any random comment in the Youtube comments section can be deemed representative of "the gaming community" is ridiculous.

"The gaming community" isn't some card-carrying organization, whereby all it's members are accountable to the whole. Neither is the "movie watching community" or the "comic book reading community".

Some people are just retards that enjoy acting like 12-year-olds in public forums under anonymity. Their chosen hobbies are purely incidental.

but cod ghosts is nothing like uncharted why compare the two?

its like comparing the review score of FIFA or madden to the witcher

If this game repeats the same mistakes than it made 7 years ago then the criticism should be even more harsh.

>Sonyggers are misogynists
How? They're the most normie fanbase


This proves why putting numbers on reviews is a bad thing.

The third act of UC4 is way more bloated then 2. The entire last third of the game is on the same island, there's almost no new environments until you get to Avery's mansion and that's in the last few chapters.

UC4 is a lot of fun, but IGN is right. You could have cut entire chapters from the back-half of the game and no-one would have noticed.

Because Ghosts was a generous 6/10 that barely worked half the time and had an embarrassingly bad PS360 version. I get what you're saying but I think CoD and Uncharted are at least in the same vague ballpark compared to Fifa and The Witcher.
Also this.

Saw one of them last night attacking her for not giving the game a 10/10. But then in another comment thread I saw the same guy attack her for being too lenient with the game and raising the score just to appease fans.

DESU women don't understand Umcharted 4. It's a tale of brotherly bonds, and forsaking all you have for more.

It's not a 10/10 but I can see why the fans are upset

>The gaming community will never be taken seriously

Is this a concern to you?

Just because PS4 is the most popular console, doesn't mean that the same old rampant fanboys still exist. They're literally calling for this woman's head because she didn't give the latest PS exclusive a 10/10. I bet if a man did this review then they'd be pissed at IGN as a whole instead of just this one woman.

hi zoe
how's the super awesome indie game coming along?

pick 2

don't still exist*

>complaining about uncharted fans complaing about a woman
>is on Sup Forums

You might get answers on tumblr, senpai

Pretty based tbqh

Not sure where you got the idea that I in any way like shitty indie "games" or make them.



I fucking hate that fat fuck

>buying a console and paying a monthly subscription to play a mediocre port of an FPS PC game on a controller with extra microtransactions
who would do this to themselves

IGN themselves really hit the nail on the head.

So much of the criticism toward the review is really unjustified.

>thats why she gave 8.8..

Normies are the biggest "misygonists" tho


No uncharted game has ever deserved more than a 6.

I'm tired of this "8-9 is average for an AAA game" meme.

>look mom i posted it again

When I think "misogynist" I automatically think /r9k/


But no, I don't give a shit if ''gaming'' is taken seriously. It was better before ''artists'' and ''journalists'' tried to legitimize it.

Basically this.

Who the fuck said that? Uncharted 3 was the most disappointing of the series. 1 was a worse game but didn't have the expectations after 2 and was a launch title.


Greg Miller I think was his name. He sold me on the franchise with those reviews, and then it became one of the worst 2 games (didn't even get to UC3) I played on my PS3

cause like a good goy you listened to kotaku telling you gamers are racists for playing gil characters, when you think the whole #keepingmyman hashtag is empowering when it's just proud of being a slave.
good goy

No outsider has ever taken the gaming community seriously.

>people that care about review scores
>thinking this much

Fucking christ is Sup Forums ever wrong about anything ever?

He was the resident PS3 fanboy if I recall. I completely get hating the first, but why did 2 rub you the wrong way?

THE CRITICISM IS BECAUSE THE IDIOT DID A 'REVIEW IN PROGRESS' instead of giving it a final score the day they decided to fucking release a review for the game.

Everyone already knew what the final score would be, but they decided to do a 'in progress' review anyway for publicity, so fuck them.

>I know nothing about you, but you listen to x and think y
Do you post on /r9k/? Did I hit a nerve?

I was planning to buy Uncharted 4 until I heard you have to grind to unlock more powerful weapons in MP. I really enjoyed UC2 MP when it was just shitty perks and cosmetics to unlock. Leave weapon unlocks for co-op and not competitive, it just makes faggots focus on K/D for every mode.

I miss Uncharted 2 MP. I feel like I should've bought the remastered collection.

Nobody remembers this meme desu

I really liked U3, not as much as two, but it was brought down by worse shooting and final boss. 4's QTE boss is at least entertaining but fighting Talbot was lame. He doesn't even do magic tricks and it's never explained how he survives get shot by cutter like 6 times.

1 kind of dragged until the last third, then it got fun. Honestly not sure if I like 4 more than 3 though

Sonybronies are awful people

This isn't news

Shooting segments were a bore, repetitive and extremely predictable, with bullet sponge enemies that don't even stop to reload. I was also getting tired of "press forward to climb these conveniently placed color-coded wood planks" for 2 hours.
Beautiful graphics though, which is why I somehow managed to finish it in a day, but it was a slow, painful day.

Remastered was singleplayer only. They did an excellent job, though.

Wait a second so she didn't even finish the game? I hate the Uncharted games but come on they don't take that long to finish.

This seems like something almost exclusive to Naughty Dog fanboys

The only other times I've seen fans throw this big of a tantrum over their game getting less than a perfect score was with GTA fanboys and when Zelda got an 8.8

There isn't one 'gaming community', so that's okay I guess

That's all of them, though an thank you for echoing my exact sentiments ahead of the ravenous Uncharted fanboys that seem to have infested this board as of late for a series that is not even talked about on here normally let alone praised.

Ironic how nd fans love to accuse people who don't like Uncharted/TLOU of not having played the games, then go batshit over review scores for games they haven't actually played.

I thought Uncharted fanboys on Sup Forums were nothing but temporal shitposters.
I remember shitting on Uncharted 5 years ago and most agreed with me

3 felt like the team literally ran out of money. The entire third act clearly has entire chunks of narrative taken out.

>Evil Helen Mirren keeps saying a bunch of cryptic shit throughout the story about Drake's past that goes nowhere

>Talbot's thematic mirror to Drake goes nowhere, in fact that entire character goes nowhere including his weirdly personal relationship to Evil Helen Mirren which is never explained

>final MacGuffin is another chemical weapon like El Dorado but with even less explanation, basically an afterthought

>Evil Helen Mirren's death is the narrative equivalent of slipping on a banana peel and breaking her neck, also an afterthought

There much have been some serious behind-the-scenes fuckery, everything about the story for UC3 screams "unfinished."

that's disappointing and UC4 MP looks disappointing

I am playing Uncharted 4 as we speak and love every second of it. Nothing some autists that have horrible taste in vidya (i.e. Sup Forums) can change.

There will never be a more overrated developer in the history of video games than ND. The next runner up, Valve looks underrated compared to them.

>some autists that have horrible taste in vidya
pot calling the kettle a nigger

He's not wrong. Watch Nintendo do it for the NX.

>He's not wrong that Microsoft is responsible for Sony's online paywall and not Sony deciding to charge for online

>Naughty Dog fatboys

I always figured the real reason behind the paywall is to combat used game sales, hence why Sony stopped with the online pass Judaism at the same time they launched the PS4. Nintendo consoles have historically had a much better attach rate than the others, this is evidenced by the much higher prices for used copies of Nintendo games. Not saying they couldn't get away with charging for online (especially given their legion of fanboys who will pay for anything) but that they might not even think of it.

>Speaking about tastes for a lowest common denominator pandering movie simulator

MS made millions off gullible morons and got away with it. Sony saw what was happening and did the same but sweetened the pill with subsidized games and discounts. Nintendo will be looking at both and asking why it didn't do it earlier. It's not difficult, Xfag.

>game reviews aren't actually reviews
>they are psychological enforcers of the idea that you didn't waste your money

This is why people think gamers are children.

It's not like he just lost to hillary the old fashioned way or anything. Why is everything always a conspiracy?

Naughty Dog is the messiah of their Sony religion. Heretics must be punished.

They're right you know.

>B-b-but #GAMERGATE doesn't harass wimen!

This so much oh my god

It's dudebro's fault we have to pay for online, since they are vast majority of XBOX/PS4 user base and most of them buy like 2 two per year, their annual shooter and sport game release. Sony and MS can't make money on that sort of fan base so they force paid online for all of us.

>casual ass "emotional" "cinematic" experenice 3rd person shooty shooty bang bang game
>has anything to do with gamers

funny iphone faggots are deeply misogynistic when you attack there shitty angry bird rip offs

Gamers get triggered over the dumbest fucking shit when it comes to review scores. Just play what you like, jesus.

It's all fucking insecure dudebros and normies fault , they are triggered by fucking everything. I miss the days when gaming was only for nerds and we didn't have this kind of garbage community like today.

Both autists and normies can be misogynists


>living things

Is there a medical term for the type of autism Jonathon McIntosh has?


>it's a "getting angry at review scores" episode

anybody who does this in the year of our lord two-oh-one-six should be gassed

*the youtube community will never be taken seriously