What did he mean by this?

The fire on his sword is burning him, it hurts, so now he's screaming in pain.

>pain, cause the fire is burning him
>he's lord of cinder
nah, don't believe you

Ludleth has nightmares about being on fire from linking the fire.

Onii-chan, another dogged contender desu.

is it wrong for siblings to just want to be together?

i dont think so

rise brother

Why are they Lords of Cinder if they never actually linked the fire?

Lothric is the Lord, Lorian isn't.

Really?! Aren't they just one soul?

They have a conjoined soul, hence why lorian is so fucked up now

Presumably this would make them both in some way a lord of cinder, similar to abyss watchers all being one

I doubt those two like each other like gay bros.

If you would

>this would make them both in some way a lord of cinder
But neither of them linked the fire.

How strong is their souls being bound together anyway?

Its not even a scream
its a muflled hhhhaaaaaa

For that is our curse

>"How could you do this to your own brother, Lothric?! How could you give your own big brother the ol' spicy sword?!"

Was he autistic?

>Oh dear, another dogged contender

Why is everybody in this game so white?

they're from irrythil

From is racist

Because they're going to link the fire.
Who decides this shit?

Oh funk can someone make an image of this? On my phone right now so I can't.

Was the Demon Prince Hellboy?

all that time and resources wasted to create those two things, absurd.

upsetting to say the least.


I'm pretty sure he's mute, so it would make sense if his voice is all fucked.