PS4: Revolutionary. Precise. Quality

Never have I been so proud to be a gamer like I am since owning a Playstation 4. The PS4 is the most solid console ever made and it's current library is already staggering. Every time I start it up, I feel like I'm about to partake on an epic journey.

Bloodborne, Street Fighter V and Uncharted 4 have really made me appreciate the Playstation 4, the system has grown out of its cross gen and remaster phase and truly has some amazing exclusives with a ton of longevity. Uncharted 4 showcases how much developers can get out of the Playstation 4 with visuals unparelled on any platform. And thats just scratching the surface, there's obviously a ton more and amazing digital games like Rocket League.

Greatness has arrived and it will only get better.

>Baiting this hard

You must be an absolute riot to be around

ps4 has literally 0 (zero) video games

I guess SFV isn't a video game then, fucknut?
Or Bloodborne?
Or Uncharted 4?
Or The Last of Us Remastered?
Or Batman Arkham Knight?
Or Assassins Creed Unity?
Or Dark Souls III?
Or The Witcher 3?
Or Rocket League?
Or Fallout 4?

I could go on. Eat a dick.


Hard to tell which one of you two is the bigger idiot.

Sony must be fucking up hardcore at E3 if they are already sending the damage control around

stop falseflagging
Sonyggers are pathetic, but you're way over the top

got my ps4 as a gift so i dont complain
came with gta v, which was console only at the time, which i enjoyed
also came with last of us, which was fun for the few days i didnt have internet or pc
got rocket league and diablo 3 for some couch co-op, enjoyable
picked up uncharted remaster because i never had a ps3, fun games
got bloodborne because i like souls series

not a bad console, but i'd take my pc over it any day. still, no idea why people seem to hate on it.
if you're not a poor fuck without a real job i'd definitely consider pc + ps4 the best combination. probably throw in a 3DS too if you like nintendo

Look at all of those two exclusives

>it's yet another false flag thread

Sup Forums - Video Games

Quality video game discussion, free, open and a heck of a lot of fun :)

They are all best played on PS4.

>Street Fighter V
hahaha this fucking gaffers have no shame

>street fighter 5 is still garbage
>it's equals to a long demo

Sup Forums - Bait


Remember when Sup Forums said the new Uncharted graphics would be revolutionary?

What's the point of this thread?

discount Souls
>Uncharted 4
nice polygons
>TLOU Remastered
>Batman Arkham Knight
>Assassin's Creed Unity
>Witcher 3
>Rocket League
>Fallout 4
all multiplats

OP's gathering (You)s for the winter.

That is a good question. Why don't you ask OP after he checks his paypal?



>we DS now


>PSN has been shut down


>E3 games are still better looking than Final


Jesus fucking Christ, this place really has become the worst imageboard. I sometimes just sit and wonder if any of the anons I talked to a decade ago on here remain with you 16-year-old failed abortions. I wish I could leave. ;_;


1000+ hours in arma 3 and I still regret buying that fucking game.

Also, that picture is stupid.