Endless shitposting about Uncharted's graphics

>endless shitposting about Uncharted's graphics
>"heh, consolefags think this is impressive"
>"fucking consoles holding back the progress of the glorious PC master race"
>Civ VI announced
>PC exclusive
>LITERALLY an iOS tier
>5+ Uncharted 4 shitposting threads still remain


I mean, I'd be pretty upset too if my gaming rig was only good for emulating PS1 games, half-finished Steam greenlight games and playing AAA multiplats like the Division and Fallout 4 but could you guys maybe tone it down a bit?

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Who gives a shit? Just play Crash Bandicoot and Civ4, both are better anyway than the shit coming out now.

>people point out that Uncharted doesn't look more impressive than most general multiplats coming out now
>go and shitpost a strategy game

Why? Seriously.

because graphics in shooters matters more than graphics in strategy games
source: dorf fort

Because you say so?

Because it's about gameplay OP.
Imagine Uncharted with no graphics. Just low poly textureless models. Would you play that? No you wouldn't because it's shit boring gameplay. On the other hand if game with good gameplay has shit grafix, it doesn't matter. Thus the sucess of all the old civs, MoM, MoO, DF, etc. But you wouldn't know this because you're a stupid kiddo who only cares about graphics.

>sonyponies spend six months spamming pic related and that 'the 4 best looking games...' shit multiple times a day
>people warn them it's stupid because the game won't actually look that good
>do it anyway
>game comes out and doesn't look that good

Just clucking hang yourself

Supreme Commander 2 was a fucking gem, right?

>graphics in shooters matters more than graphics in strategy games

Even if that were true (which is entirely subjective) it doesn't explain why Civ VI looks terrible.

>Why are you eating dogshit when there is chocolate pudding right there?
>Well, I don't NEED to have the chocolate pudding do I?
>No, but you can have the pudding if you want it.
>I'm quite happy eating my dogshit thanks

Has anyone really given a shit about Civ graphics? It looks worse but who the fuck cares as long as the mechanics are improved upon.

Uncharted and Sony games in general make the graphics a huge selling point, its not the case for Civ

Bullshit. It's just because there's nothing out there quite like Civ and nothing that can compete. That's why for us it's either keep playing the old version of the game till they fix it about five DLCs later or play the new one with shit tier graphics straight out of 2006

>endless shilling and sonygger shitposting how UC4 will have the best graphics ever
>it comes out and looks okay, they got btfo
Gee, I wonder why people shitpost about it

Look, we all know that Civ VI is probably dogshit in appearance and content.

The fact remains that strategy games are not fun if their gameplay is not. If you want eyecandy and MOBA tier gameplay, you can always try late Dawn of War series.

>it's a Sup Forums defends iOS graphics episode

Hope you preordered those GTX 1080s, this looks like it's going to need at least two of those.

>poop analogy

>Uncharted is a game supposedly praised for looking amazing.
>People point out that it doesn't, in fact, look amazing.
>Civ VI announced.
>It's clearly going for it's own unique art-style, not caring at all about photorealistic graphics or looking like a next gen triple A title.
>Somehow this makes PC gamers hypocrites.

The logic here is funny, because there is none.

Did you really wake up just to post this, Andre?

How are you not getting this?

The point is that PC players constantly shitpost about consoles holding them back and yet when an exclusive comes out it looks like dogshit


The aesthetic to look like a free to play mobile game.


>being someone who shitposts about console wars
>being able to play strategy games
Pick one

>The point is that PC players constantly shitpost about consoles holding them back

Source? I see this multiple times a day as a strawman and don't see anyone actually saying it

Civ is a game that doesn't need hyper realistic graphics. The draw of the game is strategy so as long as you're able to recognize the individual units then thats enough.
If anything the best way to describe Civ VI is "clean" and thats exactly how it should be.

Seriously what the fuck. This shit looks worse than Civ V tbhfam.

No you're the one who is not getting it here.

PC has so much POWER that developers need to be artistically appealling instead of just photorealistic to sell.

You either literally just started coming here or are in serious denial

If you'd just said those people were irrelevant shitposters I might be inclined to believe you

>simple graphics = bad graphics
Civ VI looks fine to me
in any case ease of use of the user interface is the really important graphical part of any strategy game

but yeah graphics matter in shooters waaaaaayy more than strategy games
in strategy games most of the gameplay information is presented as text and numbers in tooltips; charts etc. If the graphics are not up to par you can still understand what's going on provided the rest of the game has good production values

in shooters most of the gameplay information is presented as the animations going on around you in real time; if the graphics are not up to par you do not understand what is going on

A shit strategy game is decided on its gameplay and not its graphics
A shit shooter is decided on both because graphics are integral to its gameplay

>in a strategy game

For what purpose?

or its a bait thread and you are the one who is new

>implying the ps4 could compute ONE turn of civ VI without catching on fire
muh graphix

How does feel that a iOS game has more gameplay than Uncharted 4?

Civ V actually looked pretty impressive at the time, why does Civ 6 actually look worse?

strategy game players (especially turn-based and grand strategy) simply dont give a fuck about graphics. see: all the paradox grand strategy games which are just 2d maps with a gorillion of simple menus and stat screens.

its a completely different target demographic - console players (and AAA game players in general) care a LOT about graphics. you see it all the time, they whine and laugh and complain and gloat about graphics all the fucking time. you NEVER see strategy game players care about graphics at all.

all these pcfag tears

>g-graphix don't even matter guise

all this back pedaling is fucking hilarious

>PC players constantly shitpost about consoles holding them back

you realize that these are complaining about the pc version of multiplats being a shitheap compared to similar games that were made for pc only?

or do you seriously believe people go

Would you trade a better artstyle for a longer development period? I really really hope they are going simple to its easy to add things in, not just because fuck you

>you NEVER see strategy game players care about graphics
What a load of shite, plenty of people enjoy good graphics in their strategy games. The only difference is that strategy players dont care if it isnt pushing the boundaries of technology, since gameplay is the key element.

>people bitching about graphics in a strategy game

They do,in fact dont they cry when a multiplat doenst go to pc?

Even the whole "I ONLY CARE ABOUT GAMEPLAY" excuse doesn't work, this is just straight up bullshit honestly, it looks like a fucking cellphone game or a ps2 strategy game with shit graphics. This is insulting as fuck when you fucking KNOW they have a big budget on these games

Go away

>master race memers tote their pup around like the second coming
>still play indieshit

Give me one reason why a console of your choice + a low end PC isn't master race


>indian posters

America censored Liberty-chan, this is not a drill.


How the fuck is that even possible,

God you're a fucking idiot.


the only people who cry about shit like that are falseflaggers. how retarded can you be?