Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that these designs aren't bad at all?

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that these designs aren't bad at all?

They grow on you super fast
You cannot deny that

And I like all of them

They're actually really good; I liked 'em from the start.

Anybody else picking the water starter or am I alone on this one?

The cat needs a color change and the water puppy is retarded. I would like the owl if they didnt make him a borb.

There were always going to be people mad at the designs.

Hell, we have not seen the rest of the Pokémon but I can assure you that people are going to call them shit and lacking originality regardless of what they end up being

I liked them from the start.

Especially that cat. A cat is fine too.

I hear everyone loves the owl.

Seal seems to be the least popular?

Either you are the most annoying poster or all of you are the same hipster trash post the same way.

each gen just gets worse and worse holy shit

It's kind of been a tradition for me to pick the water starter cause it's more versatile than the others in term of typing and it can learn surf.

But there's an adorable owl this time and a fucking fire cat so I'm really conflicted

Here i can help. Owl can learn fly probably

I've been away for three fucking days and I come back to this? They all look stupid, at least the owl and the cat don't look terrible though.

I can agree for the cat and owl

Owl is good.

Cat is meh.

Seal a shit.

So overall, I'd say this generation's starters are a solid "Meh" so far.

no i fucking hate them. can't stand when they combine human apparel on animals. just disgusting. fuck those starters

wtf is that blue thing?

I'm sorry but poppio looks like shit
it's body just doesn't work together + the clown design, because mr.mime and mime jr. were such good ideas am I right?

You know i couldn't put my finger on why I hate the water one but this is it. That stupid nose and kneckthing look fucking retarded but for some reason i dont mind the bowtie thing on the owl that much.

Pooplio is shit, the rest is okay

owl and the penguin are good
the cat sucks fuckin dick

Ever noticed how all the new water starters have that white/blue look that makes them look too similar?

Piplup, oshawott and now this guy. Froakie was unique enough on his own so that's the only exception.



Are you retarded?

I adore the owl, the seal is alright I guess, but the cat is pretty boring

I don't mind them but I mean
>ow the edge: cat edition
>retarded oshawott in a scuba suit
>a dank owl

>not chosing the 3 of them

I'm talking about the water starter not the grass one

The owl is good
The cat is bland
The seal is an abomination unto god

None of them look like they belong together.

Nice bait


They're terrible as a line-up, but they're great individually.

I'm legit excited for the evolutions

Why didn't they just buy a handle for the paint roller?

>Red and black means "le edgy"


Yes? It's the instant EDGELORD colorization.


You wouldn't think they were starters at first glance which actually helps them stand out.

>red and black colouration
>yellow eyes
>pouty expression
>is a cat
The fire starter is the edge starter this time around.

>wasting a slot on fly

Why would you do that?

Owl is 10/10
Cat is a solid 7/10
Seal is maybe a 6/10

Am I the only one who thinks the cat just looks oddly flat in its artwork?

Like I don't have any particular issue with the actual design but the shading really needs to be played around with because it looks strangely stylistcally different than the other two.

Circus clown seal is going to evolve into a circus elephant seal, calling it now.

Looks like a return to more simplistic design

god i hope...

the sea lion kinda sucks though. It looks way better without the weird neck frill.

>cat starter looks like it hands bandages in its wrists
>forehead looks like a cliche anime fighting wound

Are you ready for another bipedal fire/fighting starter?

Still have to cut in near the ceiling but there is an attachment for painter poles for brushes so they're just being idiots.

The sea lion doesn't look like an animal to me. It looks like a rubber toy.
The cat is clearly a cat, the owl looks like a puffed up owl, but the sea lion just looks like some cheap plastic toy.

They're all pretty good even including the seal, but I have no Idea why the went with a clown theme for the seal when Mr.Mime gets shat on for being a clown and in general no one likes clowns aside from the Joker.

Clowns are a joke in themselves. People laugh at clowns for being pathetic, not at their antics. We laugh at their lives.
Nobody has a genuine like for clowns.

>forehead looks like a cliche anime fighting wound

its the brimstone mark you mongoloid

You need an HM Mule

None of these threads matter.
None of this discussion will matter until the full evo lines are released.

I have high hopes for the cat and the owl.
The most I can hope for the mong seal is that they pull a reverse Oshitwatt and it turns into something that doesn't make my eyes bleed. However, my gut tells me that it's going to keep the neck piece, so it's fucked.

>You need an HM Mule
Yeah, and something that's grass/flying certainly smells like one.


That thing will never surf, waterfall, rock climb, or rock smash

at first i wasnt sure

but they are growing on me very quickly, Im looking forward to pirating the game

Not that good.

I wasn't to keen on the seal at first, but after seeing some porn I quickly changed my mind.
Popplio is cute.

Gamefreak needs to pull their heads out of their ass and get rid of the "lol move deleter to get rid of HM moves". After they changed TMs to be permanent items instead of consumable, the idea of HMs being permanent items with permanent moves went out the window. The end result is that now we fly to a move deleter in x town to get rid of it instead of just doing the standard procedure of overwriting it with a different move.

Not as bad as the gen 2 or 5 starters, at least.
The owl is adorable, easily my pick for this gen. 9/10
Seal has awful 'generic cartoon' look. If you had shown it to me before I saw the trailer I would've guessed that it was a fakemon. It's probably gonna be the third water/ice seal pokemon too. 3/10
Cat is fine, until you see the 'generic cartoon' eyes. Hopefully it's evolutions are better. 6/10

Dat motherfucking Liger 0 legendary though, so hyped.

Cat is okay

Seal is beyond retarded and you probably wear socks with sandals if you like him

Owl is great

The fear is that you'll accidentally delete the move that got you in a location in the first place and you're stuck there forever.

>clown motif
>ever being good

Good luck with that.

Cat will be a fire/dark on last evo

Oh it sucks either way, but the version I MS Painted using a touchpad is still way better

None of them look good, the owl and the cat don't look bad but the seal looks fucking awful.

they are hit, sorry op, you must be 12 years old if you think they are ok

You ARE planning to maybe buy it though if it's good right?

I pirate the shit out of a lot of games, but I can't really make myself pirate stuff like main series Pokemon personally. So far, Sun and Moon least look promising, so based off what we see in the near future, I will likely either buy it day one or hold off until get more info.

They're unoriginal in base form. I'd have to see the evo line.

The cat's final evo has more potential to look cool than the rest.

The owl, while cute, is probably going to degenerate in it's evo line.

not him but pokemon is like the one thing i would feel fine about straight up pirating at this point. That and Fire Emblem; if they won't listen to me they might listen to the absence of my money. Pokemon is fucking awful now and they won't receive a cent from me until they get back on track.

Me. All of em are dope but popplio is amazing

>still using fly
>when you can summon latias/latios

So, expected typings?

Grass/Flying (unless it changes in a way where flying wouldn't be obvious)

>implying GF carries over innovations to the next game

I'm just wondering what new great thing they added last gen that they'll cut.

You can't seriously believe you'll ever be able to do that again, can you?


At least customization is confirmed to return

>they cut Mega Evolutions

That's not a pout dumbass, duckface is pouting.

Cat just looks bored and disinterested more than anything. Literally nothing edgy about it, the design makes sense.

I'm still picking the owl most likely, but I wanna see the evolutions before making a final decision

They're shit. They haven't grown on me at all and probably never will. Hopefully their secondary and final evolutions are okay.

>>they cut Mega Evolutions

>cutting a major money maker and a mechanic that makes older mons viable again

And yet I can see them doing that.

Wasnt hard for me, I never got why but I always hated circus related thing with a passion.

>bored and disinterested
>not the edgiest shit ever
Are you not familiar with Shadow the Edgehog or something?

so assuming they toss Serena into the garbage bin to make room for new girl who do you think they'll go with

I'm assuming either the pale one with black hair, or the caramel cutie with brown hair


Fly is good enough for in game, and the convenience is worth it. I always incorporate it into my team. Plus, flying types generally have shallow movepools, so you can run fly + aerial ace pretty guilt- free.

If HM uses are infinite and you can't drop them, then just make sure no area accessed by HMs leads to a PC where you could release a Pokemon.

Wouldn't that ensure you can always re-teach the move in order to escape?

I fucking love this cat, I love its flame whiskers, I love its sun colored eyes, I love how the top half of his head looks like a little helmet, I love how he has fireballs instead of hairballs, I love the little lava spikes that come up when he gets agitated. What a great fucking cat. So cute.

Grass starters are mostly green and fire ones all have orange. Theres nothing new there.

Seel looks the most fun so edgelords are trying to claim it as Oshawott2.0

Yeah, you're right. I was thinking about how in older gens, you can actually box HMs, so that argument is invalid now.


It'll only be Oshawott 2.0 if it has a kickass evo but then a stupid as shit final one

Started designs:

1 > 2 > 4 > 3 > 7 > 6 > 5

7 subject to change depending on the evolutions

Don't worry, I can see gf not doing it in case kiddies get confused that they're stuck on an island after replacing Surf with Bubble when their Squirtle levels up.

>He didn't like Samurott
confirmed faggot

Grass top tier
Fire kinda chinese bootleg-ish but better than almost half the fire starters
Water is Oshawott tier of "terrible but will probably grow on me"

All in all it's a decent trio.


>not ma boi

>3 > 4 > 2 > 1 >5 = 6 > 7

Except he's not even an otter and doesn't stand on two legs normally.