Are you buying Overwatch™?
Are you buying Overwatch™?
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I don't know.
Can you repeat the question?
Fuck off with your shilling
probably not. not because I don't like the game or anything but because I don't need this game in my life when I already have a huge-ass backlog, a life to sort, and TF2.
Shill should be an autoban word.
Are you buying Activision Blizzard's new class based casual fps and ip, Overwatch™?
No because it's 40 fucking € for a TF2.
I might if it had fucking servers and deatmatch.
Also WoW is shit so fuck you blizzard
Basically every thread has been 50/50 on votes for yes/no on overwatch buying. im genuinely surprised. I cant tell if it is some sort of vote manipulation or 50% of Sup Forums actually IS getting overwatch, that's a staggering amount of people
I enjoyed open beta too much, so... yeah.
I had the way more fun with this than I have with any other game lately
Im building a PC for this
What did you expect, this board is full of waifufags and casuals pretending to be hardcore.
I'll buy Origin Edition with Amazon Prime that go for 48 bux.
>paying 8$ extra for skins
pro tip people play what they enjoy , no 1 fucking cares if a game is hardcore but boring or shit.
Polls on Sup Forums are usually really clearcut
Im just surprised that it's so 50/50 for overwatch. It's basically never been this way, which makes me think shilling/vote manipulation
As if that poll is even comparable, everyone fucking knows DaS2 is the worst
>Want the PC disc version
>Only comes as the Origins edition
>Don't want to pay them extra for fucking skins
I would pay a little extra for it on disc, but not $20 more holy jhit
Well I can tell you right now I know myself and 3 other guys with who I played on steam and they all bought Overwatch after the open beta.
I wanna play more Roadhog.
Yes or perhaps, maybe just maybe. I know this is crazy but stick with me here.
Maybe people enjoyed it?
I won't act like I've got thousands of hours on tf2 like some people around here do, but having played both games I really don't understand why people think they're just the same game.
Overwatch has
>smaller teams
>no unlockable weapons
>characters that do things tf2 characters don't (although there is some overlap and no spy character for example)
>multiple tanks and healers with different play styles compared to tf2's one heavy and one medic
>extra movement styles i.e. wall climbing, wall grinding, boosts, jump jets (which I guess are comparable to rocket jumping)
Anyway, you get my point. Whether or not all of this stuff is actually better is a matter of opinion but I don't see how people think they're the same.
>Missing the point that much.
Its also surprisingly populated on Consoles too, not so much as PC, but enough for a lsting player base, until the next shooter comes out I guess.
I'm buying it, but unless they raise the skill ceiling, it will not last long.
I don't care what faggots on Sup Forums think about this game. All I see is hate for it, yet every other topic is about the game. It's obviously well received by a lot of people. Either way, I don't really give a shit - the game got me to quit playing CS:GO and actually have fun playing video games again. I don't care if it's casual, or if it's "a TF2 clone" it's FUN.
They're rather similiar, but we've had already 9 years (5 years for free) to play TF2. I think it's time to move on.
Perfect, but can someone shoop dota 2 abilities over their heads in the second panel?
Excepting everything that could be good in Overwatch is either locked behind a cooldown or has an alternative making the actual method useless (rocket jump of pharrah). The skill ceiling is sadly very low individually compared to TF2. You can't be versatile at all in Overwatch, and there's no cool alternatives for a class. TF2 with the loadouts has many more possibilities than Overwatch. Playing with the shovel doing while rocketjumping has nothing to do with playing with the parachute and the liberty launcher, and is also different from playing with the vanilla rocket launcher or the Black box.
Every class has more than 3 meaningful combinations in TF2.
Fuck off Blizzard shill
Well, it may be true that TF2 has been out for 9 years but people have been playing Counter Strike much longer and people are still buying/playing games like Counter Strike.
I can see your point but I get the impression you would agree that the games are different, even if you don't like one of them.
It's not really like tf2 outside of there's a payload game mode and there's a ctf game mode and torb makes level 3 sentries
It's a dumb comparison to make.
TF2 is designed deliberately with fun and depth in mind, Overwatch was designed deliberately with no depth and fun in mind.
People see a soldier or demo fly out of the sky and kill them, moving 200 mph. It's discouraging.
Blizzard wants everyone to have fun from the start, Valve wants everyone to take the time to learn how to be that soldier.
NO should have been divided into 2 categories:
- No because I don't like it / don't care
- No because I am a poorfag
I am guessing those NO are coming mostly from pirate poorfags.
I don't dislike it. I just think it is going to get boring quite fast. It is going to be a game that will catch the casual and have LoL vibe. Mindless fun but getting old fast.
>he's not buying a Blizzard game
>he must be poor
When will this meme end?
>either not getting the joke, or being such a sad fuck that you just ignore it
ITT: It's casual because the controls are accessible to anyone
Smash and LOL are casual as fuck yet we have tourneys and events bigger than "hardcore" TF2 will ever have.
Give someone a simplistic "anything" and they can get really good at it.
Just check how this was done with just a bunch of shapes since Forza does not have a painintg tool.
It is very true that loadouts in TF2 add a lot of variety to the game, but it also adds a layer of uncertainty to the gameplay. When you see a spy in TF2 you have no god damned idea what his loadout is and what he could be doing. Is he using the dead ringer? Is he using your eternal reward? You have no idea, and there is no way to play around everything all at once. Some people like this concept, and having played well over 1000 hours of TF2 i certainly dont hate it, but it doesnt lend itself very well to a game thats trying to bill itself as competetive. On Overwatch when you see a McCree you know exactly what he can do and he knows exactly what you can do which at least puts both people on equal footing from a knowledge perspective.
Idk, i dont disagree with anything you said in your post really, but all the same i see value in characters being static.
Didn't even brought Blizzard to the conversation but whatever.
You need to hone those common sense skills though.
>No because im a poorfag
Noone would admit to that answer even if noone else can see their response
There's no reason to have 2 no responses and 1 yes response.
Maybe it would be ok if
>Yes, because tits and ass
>yes because game is fun
>no because i dont like it/dont care
>no because im poor
But it's unnecessary, considering the only metric we care about is if people are buying the game or not. We dont really care about what kinds of people are buying it, or what sorts arent buying it.
I bought it last night actually.
I thoroughly enjoyed it and missed it after the beta ended so I had no choice.
>Valve wants everyone to take the time to learn how to be that soldier.
no, valve made "Smash Melee: the shooter", a game that was designed to be as casual as casual can be but ended up having an accidentally high skill cap. The fact that valve took 9 years to add a ranked mode means they dont give a shit about you being that soldier, they never really inteded for anyone to be that soldier, it just sort of happened.
A lot of people are buying it for the tits and ass alone though. Should be valid as well.
There should be a "I'm waiting for a sale/More content" option
... but Overwatch is, in fact a Blizzard game.
And there are people out there with tons of money not buying it because it's a Blizzard game.
Being a fucking retard and trying to act smart isn't going to work out for you in the long run, friend. Use some fucking context clues you dumb fuck.
These threads are posted way too much. I dont see anything comedic about these threads
"lol cute but fat girl"
"lol whos buying this stupid game lmao"
Ive never seen more try hard shilling in my life. Blizzard really wants this game to sell. Bravo
It could be possible that the threads are being made by shills, but the ton of replies in each and every thread are certainly not. T
Overwatch seemed like one of those good but not great games. I had fun in the beta but nothing really grabbed me so I probably won't buy it.
Honestly I wanted to buy Battleborn because it looks like there is more content, but all my friends are going Overwatch. I am so conflicted because a game is always infintely better with friends, but Battleborn has itemization and pve content.
Though Overwatch seems to have better class characters in general. I guess I will probably buy it, mainly because of friends, and as much as I hate Blizzard these days, I know they usually release a crisp if not lacking in features content.
> TF2 is designed deliberately with fun and depth in mind, Overwatch was designed deliberately with no depth and fun in mind.
So basically Overwatch is fun at its core?
No wonder why it's successful.
Sounds good to me. What other reason is there to even play games?
how about
- No, because it's not worth 40 fucking dollars and if it was 20 dollars i might consider it and if it was 10 dollars i'd most likely buy it
would buy if it was $20, like most other people who voted no
Yeah but you're clearly making it look like I am somehow talking about Blizzard as a whole when the main focus of the topic is Overwatch.
Which is why I said for people that don't care / don't like it?
> Being a fucking retard and trying to act smart isn't going to work out for you in the long run, friend.
That's pretty ironic considering you somehow need context clues on a thread with an established topic.
Sure is fun to die against an aimbot instakill ult
Junkrat a cute!
yeah I preordered
show me a better team FPS
I might try some free FPS mobas like Paragon but I hate how long moba matches take and all the last hitting etc.
I'm going to play the shit out of it for a month, get bored, drop it, and either never touch it again or pick it back up in a couple months if they have more content and my pleb friends finally buy it.
Why do you want a disc these days?
I mean it was a valid arguement back when you had limited downloads and shit
But now?
>i'm a poorfag
Select a hero that has an aimbot instant kill?
I mean it's not like you don't have one to begin with.
You're making it sound like everyone but you has an ultimate.
But it's fun when you kill with an aimbot instakill ult, right?
Learn to win and lose, retard. You're the kind of faggot that gets salty when you lose but you mock the other team when you win.
Then the poorfag option is for you. Simple.
I've been trying to sell my steam account to buy this among other things, but every damn person that's shown interest is just a scammer.
So redpill me on this game, Sup Forums.
Is it worth the purchase right now, or should I wait?
You should have played the open beta and made a decision on it yourself.
It's a fun $20 game.
If you have the money and aren't a poorfag/ don't mind overpaying, go for it.
If you're poor/jewish then wait for the price to drop.
Thanks, user.
Not him. But Blizzard makes good boxes and high quality too.
I am spending the 60 on it because I really love the game so much. As a matter of fact I am buying 2 fucking boxed editions and gift one randomly to Sup Forums.
In case you didn't know, the boxed game comes with a code which you activate and you can download anywhere everywhere.
Should've played the beta bro. It was what sold me on it for sure.
It's just an all around fun shooter. Lots of personality and the diversity of the cast weapon/ability wise is addicting. If you get a good team any given game it's even better
I like the game but I really don't want to buy it because Blizzard is a fucking disgusting company and I don't want to give them my money.
I probably will, but I really, really don't want to.
Not that user but he's right.. The game was free to play for like a week you douche
Lol ults are incredibly easy to avoid if someone is using it sloppily against you on their own. When you run into a good team that synchronizes their ults then you have an excuse to die to them.
>lots of terrible cliches
Please tell me I just bit a hook.
I was busy with real life bro
Not him but you had a full week with all content unlocked and you still can't form your own opinions?
I will never understand how people can possibly think Dark Souls 1 is good. The only explanation I can possibly think of was that it was their first game.
>asks for advice
Just answer the question and stop being autistic you fucking queer.
People here constantly compare it to TF2, but i never enjoyed TF2, while overwatch was actually fun to play.
The skill ceiling is high enough that people don't realize that Bastion & Torbjorn are utterly useless & Mercy is currently the worst support in the game.
But somehow has the time to browse Sup Forums.
Also, what could possibly take an entire week of your life that you didn't have at least 20 minutes to try it?
Even with my busy schedule I was able to play 2 hours during that time.
Meh, like I said here I'll give it another month to see what happens with the game and the community
Nigger I'm talking about the character interactions and shit like that. If they were all just cut outs with nothing else I'd agree but I get a smile out of Winston and Reaper harassing eachother before a match. Maybe that's more enjoyable to me than you
You know what, fuck it, I'll just play FF6.
> Cowboys
> Terrible cliches
> What are opinions
> Cybernetic monk
> being a cliche at all
I'll take words that idiots like to spout wihtout knowing their meaning for 1000, Alex.
Dude give it a rest. Look at the stupid pseudo-smug shit you're typing. You're fucking obnoxious.
Should I buy Overwatch or Doom if I can only get one of them? Didn't get to try DOOM beta
Where's the "Only if CD-Key Shops have it for 20$/€" Option.
No. The novelty of it wore off really quickly and by the second day I realized I wasn't having fun anymore.
I can see that a lot of work went into it, which is a shame that it was wasted on such an ultimately shallow game. Should've put all that effort into HotS instead, since it's a much more fun game.
I already did.