What is the best Resident Evil game and why is it 4?

What is the best Resident Evil game and why is it 4?

It revolutionized the series by getting rid of the shit tank controls and the bullshit puzzles.

>people actually had problems with the tank controls

> got rid of shit tank controls
what fucking game did you play

No one had problems with tank controls at the time. You know why? Because LEARNING how to play the game was part of the experience. Nowadays games are designed to be intuitive and you're bombarded with superfluous tutorials on top it. Did RE1 had a tutorial? Fuck no, it didn't. You learned as you went along. I bet played nowadays don't even try all the buttons to see what each does.

when is studiofow going to make a porno with ashley getting fucked and impregnated over and over to endlessly birth monsters

fuck my life

It still has tank controls. It's just over the shoulder and you can aim now. It's also slower. You can turn much faster in previous games.


Hey, you're preaching to the choir.

>4 is so fucking overrated
>resident evil 2 is best

It managed to make escort missions bearable.



man, I need to play re4 again

shit is tight

finished it 8 times now but I've only gotten most of the way through 1 otherwise in the series

shieeeeyt boi

so far I've played 4 and REmake

4 was fun but REmake is one of the best games I've ever played. Starting 2 later today

DAE remember REAL games? Guise???


There's a button combination to do a 180 though



How rude!

I'm talking about holding left or right for turning as well. You turn so slow in RE4. It's not like you need it to be faster because the game works either way but it still bothered me.

>tfw lisa trevor


if you can wait a few months, some guy is getting close to finishing an unbelievable hd mod for it.

shieeeeyt boi I don't need a hd mod

I need a mod that skips item text when you've already read it before and lets you assign weapons to the d-pad

shieeeyyt mang

>unofficial, fan-made bollocks

Literally laughing at your pleb taste.

Who here /buying for the 4th time/ here this fall?
Send help

>he doesn't have the ios version

I played the lite version if that counts

That already existed in RE3

pictures like this always remind me of how lonely I am and how much I long for contact to a woman