Square Enix: FF7R, KH 3 and Neir Automata "Later 2017"


>Neither Kingdom Hearts 3 or Final Fantasy 7 Remake are scheduled to release during Square Enix's current financial year, ending March 31, 2016*, the publisher has confirmed.

>The publisher detailed its full list of "major titles" due for release during the financial year in an earnings presentation earlier today, reconfirming that World of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue and the PS4 version of Rise of the Tomb Raider are all scheduled to launch during 2016.

>Both Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Kingdom Hearts 3, however, are absent.

>NieR: Automata doesn't appear on the list, either, despite having previously been dated for 2016. Either Square doesn't consider the game "major" enough to be listed in its financials or it's been pushed back to the next financial year. We've contacted the publisher for further clarification.

Ready to wait some more, Sup Forums?

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>Buy a PS4 expecting ground breaking games to be released
>OF COURSE all of those games are delayed for some imaginary date in the distant future
Which is why pre-orders are still a scam unless they are placed the week of release.

They're being delayed so they can also release on NX.

World of Final Fantasy? Never heard of that.

>>NieR: Automata doesn't appear on the list, either, despite having previously been dated for 2016. Either Square doesn't consider the game "major" enough to be listed in its financials or it's been pushed back to the next financial year. We've contacted the publisher for further clarification.

More like they don't want Taro on the stage again. He already freaked everyone out last year.

Literally no one was expecting KH3 or the remake this year.

Nobody expected those games to be released this year (Nier Automata is coming first to Japan this year)

Nice shitpost though

I am completely fine with this.
Mainly because we are finally going to get fucking Final Fantasy 15.

Could you imagine if they had to delay 15, for another year.

anyone who thinks KH3 is coming out before 2018 is retarded

as is shown by the marketing and hype surrounding FFXV, when a major title is about to drop for square, they will fucking shove it everywhere, if you don't hear shit about KH3 its not coming out that year, if you do hear lots of shit about it, its probably coming out in 6-7 months

This, too soon anyway.

Shhhh user

Stop making sense

>Could you imagine if they had to delay 15, for another year.
If only they'd throw it all in the trash and give us a good game


That fw no ff14 news
It's dead Jim

Not surprising. All their financial resources have been going into XV for the most part, they want their money back from that first. They'll move more staff over to the bigger projects when they have games out and money coming in.

Can someone tell Nomura to stop being a lazy fuck and just finish KH3 and FF7R.

How hard can it be, Look at this emo faggot.
This is some notch tier bullshit.

Modern gaming is literally 100% waiting thanks to the internet anyway.

Before that you could walk into a store and be pleasantly surprised by new releases you had no idea about, or if you were lucky, read about in a magazine.

Now we know about every single game 3 years before it's released.

You could at least read the clarification, you shitposting retard.
>Update on NieR Automata: Square says not all titles for the year are listed on its slide.
Literally nothing to see here.


wonder if they'll still announce new project this year at E3, with 2018+ release dates. I mean, people are still OK with what htey did last year, namedropping shit and cinematics and play the waiting game so long a new system has been announced.

There's a live letter next week

*only on PS4K

> Ready to wait some more, Sup Forums?

And that's fine. All it means is that they aren't doing a shitty rush job like many other companies.

That's exactly what everyone has known/expected since announcement of both titles, to think otherwise is to not know anything about square enix and their other projects and to not have heard them literally say about kh3 that they had literally just started on the game, shit the first trailer we got confirmed there wasn't any working gameplay yet, they used a cg concept battle trailer to show us what the game could look like and that was in 2015

If you thought either game would be out in 2016 you are either: 10 years old, completely uninformed or just a false flagging PC fag

Pretty much. This year is all for FF15 (and WoFF, but who cares about that).

7R Part 1 might be Summer and KH3 will take Oct-Nov. But then where does that leave 2.8? This year?

Except they don't move the staff much. FFXV is handled by a separate division and its staff count is normal for a mainline FF (about 300 people) and they have another project already in pre-production. Nier is also partially developed by a whole different company.

WoFF might be better than FFXV though

I used to get some really bad anxiety from being so excited about a up and coming videogame that i felt like i was literally dying to play.

There were times i couldn't sleep for days when the Smash Dojo was out for Brawl for the game was released. Waiting for any little drop of news was fucking miserable.

I still can't tell what was a bigger disappointment in videogame history, Brawl or Brink.

>forgetting Deus Ex
And their presentation slide shows 2.8 as a 2016 title.

Also relevant is that the last fiscal year was Square Enix's best since the merger with great revenue in all three sectors

Interesting when people here were saying SE would go out of business after FFXV

nier can still come in 2016

>If you thought either game would be out in 2016 you are either: 10 years old, completely uninformed or just a false flagging PC fag

It's sad that even unprovoked, you still feel the need to come in a thread and insult literally everybody who don't own your system. Like, you didn't even use argument, you came and flung shit. Get help, really.

That's Eidos.

Not unless you're a completely delusional ATBfag.

>in all three sectors


Why do publishers even bother revealing games 2+ years ahead of it's planned release? I'm tired of just WAITING for everything. We used to make fun of the Wii U having only The Waiting Game but right now the xbone & Ps4 only has the The Waiting Game Redux.

Which SE owns. Do you also consider Uncharted to be completely unrelated to Sony or something?

>wait too long
Are they even DOING any games?
>show too soon
Why isn't it out NOW?

DE isn't internal SE. But yeah, guess I should've counted it (I legit forget that's even going to be a thing sometimes)

I prefer to be kept out of the dark with vague hints by developers only to be surprised by a games reveal a month before release rather than get spoonfed everything about the game in tidbits over the course of 2 years only for the game to come out and feel disappointed.

It's used to gauge the hype for a game.

If there is hype, the developers don't need to worry about QA as the game will sell anyway.

If there isn't hype, the developers don't need to worry about QA as the game won't sell anyway.

I would say KH3 will probably come out before 7R.

>Ready to wait some more, Sup Forums?
So what's the problem, exactly? How old are you? These games were announced with footage only in the past two years. Standard fare for big budget video games to make announcements a couple years prior to release. Been that way a long time.

Guess I'll have to put off my suicide desu. I was counting on NieR 2 coming out this year.

Doubt it. They showed real gameplay of 7R way faster than of KH3. And it's being developed in parts to release it faster.

I'm a bit iffed about Nier, but as long as it comes out within spring next year, I'm cool with it.

And whoever expected KH3 to come out before December 2017 is a stupid idiot. The same thing for VII remake before 2018.

KH3 was obviously going to be late 2017. We've seen so little compared to how upfront they are with FF15.

It might be because We already knows what happens in 7, but KH3 is new content.

Why ? Wasnt it only about 10% done at the last year"s E3?

Nier 2's release getting pushed to later 2017 means they will had 3 years of development time and has a chance of not looking like it was rushed in its later stages.

>mfw they announced nier 2 when they had nothing but some concept art

If you ask me I think KH3 will be out December 22, 2017 for JP and March 28, 2018 for NA like with KH2

>smartphone revenue $631 million
>HD game revenue $537 million
SE is hilariously huge now. They could cancel any of their biggest titles on the release day and they'd still post a profit for the financial year.

DQ11 when

they delayed KH3 and FF7r because the FFXV team is going to work on dissidia PS4 port and new FFXIV expansion

prepare to wait for q4 2017 or 2018 for kh3

>Lily Bergamo announced
>Wait a year
>Now it's "LET IT DIE", another horror-punk game

I'm a biased weeb though. I wish they never announced Lily.

Don't lose hope. Platinum Games knows how to rush through their work.

Sony really take their marketing seriously


>Kingdom Hearts 2.8

What the fuck stop buying this filler shit your only encouraging them to delay 3 even longer I fully don't expect it till 2018 at this rate

>will be

It's a dev difference. FFXV is just as new as KH3, but the XV team thinks that you should be as honest with your fans as possible (aside from hiding spoilers and such). Most Jap devs don't think so.

The XV team has another AAA game in the works. A new IP, it seems.


>waiting for KH3
What the fuck is wrong with you morons? The series is garbage. I'll forgive you for playing and liking the first 2, you were probably 8 years old, but really? I don't even follow this shit and the fact there are games called 2.5 and 2.8 just shows what a bunch of shit eating drones you are.


>Why do publishers even bother revealing games 2+ years ahead of it's planned release?
Because it motivates morons to buy consoles even when the game isn't out.

See every idiot who bought a PS3 for FF15, KH3 and TLG. See every idiot who ran out and bought a PS4 for FF7 last year.

>2.5 and 2.8
I don't see the problem with these. A lot of people didn't play the games because they were scattered like across handhelds and ps2 so they put them on the ps3


>I'm a sap who gives Square Enix money for anything

idiots ran out and bought a PS3 for FF7 because of the tech demo

>Later 2017

So 2018

WoFF looks better than XV tbqh

whatever you say man.

Honestly, I'm glad KH3, FF VII Remake and other will not come out any time soon because I have to many JRPGs to play right now. They are literally coming out every fucking month, it's insane, I just can't keep up with all this releases. From this year alone I already bought Trails of Cold Steel, Atelier Escha & Logy Plus, Megadimension Neptunia, Digimon, Ray Gigant, Trilion God of Destruction, Nights of Azure, The Witch and the Hundred Knight Revival, Final Fantasy IX, FF VII, and PS2 Classics on PS4 and I didn't managed to beat half of them let alone platinumed them. And the next couple of months if going to be crazy to with Atelier Sophie, Star Ocean, God Eater games, Setsuna etc. It's just fucking to much and anyone saying that they don't have anything to play are not true JRPG fans.

Fucking reveal Remake Tifa already you Japshits.

This exactly is what went wrong with Zelda U

>first said in 2013 that the game was in development
>revealed like a minute long trailer only showcasing the visuals and promising a 2015 release
>showcasing a shoddy off-TV gameplay demo at the beginning of 2015
>couple months later, game is announced to be delayed to 2016
>game not even shown E3 2015
>waiting... waiting... until finally some weeks ago they say the title was delayed to 2017

They've effectively killed all hype.

Game better be the second coming of Christ.

But what about Project Setsuna, that Chrono Trigger sequel-ish looking game?

how many of those actually rise above 'mediocre' though?


>expecting any other big game the year FFXV is getting released

I bet FFXV is 50% of SE's marketing budget alone for this year.

Eh, I'm okay with a Nier delay, whether one is happening or not. They can take as long as they want, I'd much rather have it polished than rushed.

Not all games coming this year were mentioned, see

It's more like they release one internal game every six years, if they blow all the load now they're stuck until 2021. Hell, we're getting pseudo FFXV because they didn't have a fucking FFXV to begin with.

No fuck you this is the THIRD time they've re-released games that are already out in a row instead of just working on 3 they keep delaying it with this bullshit. THEY ARE RE RELEASING A GAME THAT CAME OUT IN TWENTY FUCKINH TWELVE

That shit is not acceptable

Deus Ex, literally just one month before FFXV.

>Deus Ex
>big game

I'm excited for it to, but Dragon Quest Heroes probably sells as much as that will.

People didn't buy the 3DfuckingS so they are putting it on console. I bet you're one of those retards that think these games are filler

More like 2020.

>That shit is not acceptable
Why not? What is so offensive about them releasing a video game on another platform?

Are you five years old? Does it bother you this much that the game you want is something you'll have to wait a bit longer for?

You're a fucking adult (presumably). Stop being a whiny child. Kingdom Hearts III will come out eventually. And you'll complain because you overhyped it like the fucking child you're acting like, instead of just being reasonable and not expecting it to be literally perfect.

"Not acceptable" my fucking ass. You sound like a god damn baby.

With FFXV coming out this year, I kinda figured Remake would be 2017 and beyond. KH3 doesn't surprise me either with 2.8 still not out and not a lot of info on KH3 lately from any sources.

I'd be surprised if FF7R is before 2018. KH3 seems like a priority after XV though. It'll be 3 years since KH3 was announced this E3. SE would be wise not to keep people waiting longer.

Based yoko taro

Are there any other weeb games besides FF15 that I can get for PS4? Or am I going to hold off on buying on until next year.

KH3 obviously looked half baked. Hope they make better use of the engine, though, everyone thinks it looks like fucking shit.

>Which is why pre-orders are still a scam unless they are placed the week of release.
Because of preordering I get KH3 for 20 dollars cheaper than you

I thought everything we've seen was so far was still in alpha?

T-That's how they get you bro!

Try asking this question again but using a word that defines the kind of games you want properly, instead of a meaningless memeword like "weeb" that means fucking nothing.

Do you want JRPGs?
Do you want Japanese games in general?
What do you want? Articulate properly.

do you even know pain?

Don't even start.

sorry me a dum dum nigger that don't speak well