Post your meme machines.
Case is 750D, cooler is H110i GTX, RAM is TridentZ DDR4-3000, PSU is SuperNOVA 850W 80+ Platinum
Post your meme machines.
Case is 750D, cooler is H110i GTX, RAM is TridentZ DDR4-3000, PSU is SuperNOVA 850W 80+ Platinum
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>tfw cpu fan & gpu fan both start crapping out and spinning at random speeds well below normal
Time for new ones?
I prioritized the CPU and slapped the card at the last moment with what was left of my budget. At first I regreted it but now I'm happy I didn't spend more because PC has become a meme platform with nothing interesting on it coming out worth a $300 card.
I can play recent multiplats with satisfying graphical settings at 30 fps fine and in any case I build it mostly for emulation, which works flawlessly.
Though if the 10XX series turns out to be worth it I may consider the 1060 model.
What do I win?
>EVGA 980 Ti
Classified brethren?
Can't wait for a GTX 1080 TI
using a stock heatsink fan, wanna upgrade it. anything i can safely upgrade with these specs with out full out buying a new pc? cpu/gpu ect.
>that cpu
>that gpu
>that monitor
>all with 16GB of RAM
What sort of abomination is this. Just build a brand new PC already.
>Athalon X4
>750 Ti
>16 GB of Ram
I am really confused about this.
loving the bottleneck
Check my strange speecy
Is this some sort of advanced nigger build Jean-Pierre?
an i3 with a 970??? i thought i had a bad bottleneck lmao
confused how? cause i need help and suggestions
Getting a 6700k and 1080 next month.
I'm waiting for june to get my 4790k
And bottleneck is frustrating
How much did this build cost you?
Here's my machine.
Not upgrading anything until next year at the earliest.
nintendo is garbage and has no fucking games
both vita and ps4 has great games
About 1200 europoor bucks, or ~35 000 Czech povertycrowns.
nintendo is garbage and has no fucking games
both vita and ps4 has great games
forgot fucking pic
on a budget, so what can i improve with out having to throw everything out
still playing games smoothly on this thing
god bless phenom
Now obsolete
>that hdd heat
what gpu is that user?
that's normal for it
I just bought a laptop so I can start playing LAN games at my friends' houses. It should also be nice for playing emulated games and Civ while on the train. It's the first laptop I've ever owned; I used to think they were garbage but this one is pretty nippy now that I've removed all the bloatware.
My main rig has an 4670k, GTX 980Ti and two 1440p monitors, the main one being 144Hz.
Then you also buying new MB & ram too as the 6700k are 1151 sockets & ddr4 ram buddy
got it for $100 2 years ago
Are you guys even trying? I thought the whole point of these speccy threads was who has the stupidest build.
I dont know ... I never overclocked the CPU and I should get another fan, but that require a new case, so in the end ... I dont care
nice 390's, what's your power supply?
how much do you pay for electricity per month?
im pretty sure they dont use much if any power if u dont activate crossfire
Up until recently I was using an AMD FX8350, which was bottlenecking my PC MASSIVELY. I'd be getting 40fps on high settings on GTA V 1080p, with both 970's in SLI.
>those idle temps
>using windows 7 in 2016
Step your game up, senpai.
Like I said, new fan and I absolutely dont know whats wrong with 7, as long as it still gets the support, I will stay with it, not because Im scared of 10 spying on my midget porn google already knows, but because Im to lazy to save my stuff
> 970 SLI
kill urself
I got them both for less price than a single 970, and they run games as good as my friends 980Ti.
Nowt wrong with 970 sli.
And this is news to me how?
i74790k + gtx770
I know what you think about me and my life choices user
and i'd expect they would use power if you activate crossfire, otherwise whats the point of having them?
EVGA SuperNOVA G2 1600w X1. They are MSI 390X's btw
it draws 1500w under full load from the wall
>144hz monitors
lol nothing
I am one of the "top pci-e slot never worked since I bought new mobo" so I just stuck the card down and left it there.
Due to a coincidence I could have testing (whether it's cpu-related) and eventual reflow for the pci-e slot for free. Should I risk it or there's no reason to? Is the 960 bottlenecked at x4 2.0?
>muh overpriced manchildren toys
>look i can get over 144fps in this FPS full of kids xD
When are you going to stop playing games aimed for teenagers and start to do more mature things, like watching sports, participate in History forums, studying Philosophy, watching Anime etc.?
You people are pathetic.
There's a fishing thread elsewhere
falling for the nvidia meme, jesus christ how old are you faggots? 15?
great gfx card, shit processor
holy shit nigger i'm jelly as fuck
Laptop Spec.
my motherboard used to be cool average in 40-45 idk what happened to it now under heavy load it can reach 70+ C.
any idea what's wrong with it?
>AMD is for mature gentlemen like me
But AMD will go bankrupt within 4 years.
>any idea what's wrong with it?
like, thats not even a question, open the back and try to clean it
or you just put in on a table without ventilation
I already said it before, I was going for a second hand 270x when I found a flash deal on amazon for a 960 at 123€ shipped. You would never find a better card for that price, not new and not at all period.
what's the alternative? giving money to the apple of the gfx card industry?
just normal people. nvidia is for teenage edgelords though.
inexcusable. we will all gather round and throw rocks at you and then you'll burn in the marbles of hell for all eternity.
please no bully about temps
it's hot where i live
I dont know, I went with Nvidia for years, bought a Radeon (around 2004) which ran like ass, switched to Nvidia, tried SLi which ran like ass aswell, got the 760GTX and just recently got the 280 for cheap
>less companies is a good thing
>Being a brand loyalist
>to fucking Nvidia of all companies
I will never, ever understand brand loyalty or Nvidia fanboyism.
No dude I opened the laptop there was no dusts.
and I have it on a cooler all the time so air cooling is not a problem.
I do hear faint strange sounds coming from the laptop that I didn't hear before.
How does one get speccy like soft that's not infested with malware?
Indeed. Although I'll admit I too will miss Richard and Roy and their sweet lies.
Holyshit what kind of cooling do use. those degrees are ridiculous.
Jumping to conclusions much?
I'm not a fanboy of either, I just see it as it is. And frankly, AMD has a much worse trackrecord than Nvidia, it just targets it marketing smartly at rather dimwitted people, hence the cult-like following it has.
All the w7 fags clinging to the past for their lives...
Both Nvidia and AMD fanboys are stupid, it's almost as bad as Android vs Apple fags. "I bought this product from this company so I'm better than you"
Of course we are better! You have to be completely demented/retarded to fall for Apple meme
>being spied on by microshit
I'd rather install OS X.
I have three hdd, the newest one having 500 gb free.
Can I just install w10 on it without formatting shit? Do I forcedly have to partition?
>implying i care about microshit looking at my weird weeb porn
As if Apple won't spy on you, naive user.
>implying i care about you caring and am not just shitposting
mostly use it to encode videos
frankly, i'd be surprised if anyone at apple even knew how to use anything besides photoshop
Sorry man, you will have to Google that shit. I just updated windows normally, and for the love of Jesus, I think (but not entirely sure anymore) this time ms didn't fuck my boot loader right up, and I was still able to load Linux without extra effort
Being this strongly against a company is just as bad as being a fanboy for a company
Then they would spy on you through photoshop. Because when y there are money involved jew corporations always find a way, and apple is top notch jew
What would you change in this build?
>60hz scrublord tears
That's a dumb statement and you know it
If my ancient gtx 660 pushes out 60 fps - I'm happy. surprisingly it did pretty well until recently
dam might as well go to /G for actual computer help, this is another nividia hate thread again
K processor
while the cpu cooller is great it's really expensive and you could get by with other ones for 30$
30$ cheaper mobo if possible, just check the features you need and pick a mother board appropriate
either you can shave $ off the build or put more money in parts you want like 500gb ssd, etc
>installing a useless program
>doesn't remember what components are in the PC
>doesn't know how to cmd dxdiag
I don't see why it wouldnt do well
It's fine playing on medium settings you know
This is s speccy dick measurement thread. Why would you expect help?
But I am trying to max things out, and it usually works well. Although I have to note, I'm playing on an even older 720p projector (I love them comfy couch paying) so reduced resolution helped. But now even at 720p latest game make it choke at max settings.
Time to get new career and new projector I guess, but want to wait for independent benchmarks on Pascal/Polaris
my pc is screaming when im browsing