End of LoL, Dota2 and TF2

What a time to be alive,

Overwatch kills TF2,
Paragon kills LoL and Dota2,

I can't wait, finally these outdated pleb games will eat shit and die.

Pre-Ordered Overwatch and will pre-order Paragon.

>but m-muh free to play!!!!

Hhahahahaha, stay salty Sup Forumsirgin losers, not my problem you don't have money. Your f2p cancer games are going to die soon, cya.

nice blog


That's a really bad bait.

have you even played Paragon?
it's worse than Smite, and Smite wasn't great.

>overwatch had no impact on dota 2
>literally who game should have impact on dota 2.
bait-kan plz, you can do better.

nice blog

I think only Valve themselves are capable of killing Dota 2 since Dota players tend to only play Dota and nothing else. They are really isolated

Killing TF is like saying something will kill Counter Strike and become #1 on Steam as the most played game.

How about we kill you instead?

you're not going to kill lol or dota since the average third worlder can't run this game

yeah, overwatch doesn't have any meme modes yet you're right

Paragon is god tier game, have you seen the graphics? shut up kid, you don't know shit about gaming.

Paragon makes over 5 billion dollars in a year?

Huh.. interesting.

Ok kid, what ever you say kid, thinks hate collector the simulator can match Paragon.

Paragon will revolutionize the moba genre, stay anal anguished kid.

>Overwatch kills TF2
Stopped reading cus bad bait

Stop sucking steams dick kid, steam ruined PC gaming.

When does this robot get porn?

we've come to the point in which there are Epic shills
think about that for a moment

Kid thinks spamming movement abilities with 0 cooldown to fast travel map like that makes the game good, it makes it easy mode nonsense designed to appeal to kids like you, no strategy involved, no balance, no cooldown, fuck off dota2 kid.

Paragon looks like shit and plays like shit, it won't be able to even scratch the surface of DOTA 2's player base lmfao!!!


But Paragon is F2P

Ok nice bait breh

>30 years old
>Never played a moba
>Called "dota 2 kid" by a Blizzcuck shilling his new Blizzcock

Said the kid with the trash pc forced to play dota2 while he wished he could play superior games.

Too bad kid, go get a job kid.

Is this guy for real?
I can't believe anyone over 18 would talk like this
Also I have never heard of Paragon so fat chance OP

I wonder if you've actually played Paragon or if you're just bored in class shitposting for fun

Okay some stupid shill is angry because someone hurt his feelings about his shitty little game, gonna call your mommy?

but he has a point you are posting something thats nothing that takes skill or is impressive.

>kills tf2
haha you can't kill a game that has already been dead for years.

>spamming movement abilities with 0 cooldown to fast travel map like that makes the game good, it makes it easy mode nonsense designed to appeal to kids like you, no strategy involved, no balance, no cooldown

So you never played TF2.

You are a retard if you think lol and dota players will stop playing their games because of paragon.

I'm not hating on your game Cliffy, I'm just saying that Dota 2 players probably aren't even aware of the existence of Paragon

>A dead game on release can't kill a dead game
I wonder how this'll work

It's not about the "skill" or being "impressive". It's about the options a game gives to the player. Take the grapple hook out of that vid and still you can't play the "roket jump" style in Overwatch as you can in TF2.

Are you serious kid? Paragon will be the direct cause for LoL and Dota2 going bankrupt, screenshot this and look at it 6 months post Paragon release. Do it fucking retarded kid.

I was mildly interested IN Paragon until I saw this thread.

If this is what they think will sell their game, count me out. Not really worth the effort.

What happened to the old and comfy thread starters like Now the dust settled? Why does modern Sup Forums have to be this aggressive?

Console game, this appeals to console players

no one plays this shit

next you'll post a webm of passtime

>implying those ASSFAGGOTS would be overshadowed by Overwatch and Paragon

I bet you bitch about bastion

I'm a console player..

I mean not exclusively, that's retarded. But I do generally play on my console more than my PC.

overwatch is fun but the movement system is so fucking boring

I...is this for real? Does shilling got out of hand??

I know this is bait, but Overwatch isn't going to kill anything.

People who play the games OP listed will keep playing their games that they've been playing for years even if they do pick up Overwatch and Paragon.

"slow as fuck" isn't really a movement system

it realy needs tf2's aircontrol

then there would be no reason to go back to tf2 other than making $$$ off particles

>wfw the TICKRATE

paragon doesn't stand a chance. as an assfaggots player myself for like 3 years now I can guarantee nobody will switch to that game. The characters are so fucking painfully generic, I literally dropped the game before even playing it


I've never seen a more generic artstyle in my life

>Epic Games

Oh, there we are.

im angry, angry about video games

except ASSFAGGOT fans are type of people who think it's the only game

Paragon will never get anywhere because of this

>Paragon will be the direct cause for LoL and Dota2 going bankrupt
More like Paragon going bankrupt due to people still playing LoL and Dota2. Please get better at baiting sir.

never even heard of paragon

Nice joke LMAO!!!!!!!!

>Smite unique enough to not be affected
>Doing better than ever now that it ported to consoles
Please tell me the age of Smite is upon us. It's so much fun

>It's so much fun


This so much. I wonder why they put these in.


overwatch is basically a broken new tf2 which won't even have a phase where it's good (way before F2P)
no idea what is paragon

also games are rarely outdated, despite what marketing teams would like you to think

in short, fuck off faggot

>have you seen the graphics?
Since when does that matter?

It's really fun indeed. I'm enjoying myself and I'm gonna talk to a group of my friends to join in as well since they're looking for fun games to play.

smite isnt good, im not even trying to troll, its league with a free cam.
and league is a gross shit fest.
i pray when paragon comes out it will be good. otherwise mobas will die.

Who do you main? I mostly play Loki, Hun Batz, and Bacchus.

I've never even heard of Paragon.


I really like Guan yu, Geb, raijin and I'm trying to get into Hun Batz

what the fuck is that terribly animated grappling hook? pathetic excuse for gardening even more so than the parachute

"Literally cant remember the name of the game you're shilling" game shill by day and Bernie shill by night? Is that why you are so upset my man?

> Outdated pleb games
> Still plays pleb game

>15 results
Come one now, stop falling for it.

Seriously who?

>Dropping a VIDEO GAME without actually PLAYING it
I thank god every day for not being as retarded as you.

I am back, had to go give my girlfriend the D.

lmfao, kid, you are trolling no? There is nothing generic about Paragon, Paragon is unique and has amazing characters, ORIGINAL characters, not like dota2 and LoL copying other games. You are fucking clueless kid, go drop your whore mother like she dropped you at birth kid.

But Overwatch is a worse TF2

And Paragon is already dead

Kid, not everyone is as as braindead as you, we true intelligent gamers like costumization and variety, go to LoL with 0 variety everyone builds same every game, lolkid.

Keep dreaming retarded kid, your days are numbered dotalol fags, Paragon will be king of moba genre.

so funny kid, pretending to not know Paragon, but I am smarter than you, I see through your deception kid, of course you have heard about Paragon, you wish your pc was good enough to play this next gen PC moba, stay retarded kid.

I know at least 3 people on my friends list who ONLY play Dota2, and maybe buy another game once every couple of years

Its annoying to me personally, but at least I never have too much trouble getting a party together

I love TF2 but Mannpower or whatever that game mode is called is awful.

The fuck is a paragon?

Fuck off retarded kid, this joke is not funny, Paragon is well known, fucking fagboy kid.

>mfw OP is serious
Jesus you're fucking stupid kid

Of course I am serious, why wouldn't I be? Have you seen the graphics kid? Have you seen the game play? Fucking stupid racist kid, fuck your racist picture kid.

why is it always the extremes with you people? paragon is fun but it's not a LoL or dota killer. it's also possible to enjoy all 3.

> kid
> kid
> kid
> kid
> kid
> etc...
speglord shill

It's Sup Forums, give it up fampai
But for real, I've never even heard of this game until this thread. The website alone makes it look kinda meh.

Paragon has zero hype. It's got pretty graphics but the designs themselves are all over the place, and the RNG card stuff is a massive turn-off. No idea how well it'll do but it doesn't feel like a massive hit to me.

I don't think its going to kill them but now would be a good time for valve to release TF3 pay to play without hats and competitive focused.

>uses "kid" as an insult
You know someone has no footing for argument when they resort to acting like they're your elder.

Overwatch is worse than TF2, despite having better everything. TF2 has a quirky sense of humor that's not too intrusive in gameplay, where Overwatch's characters ALWAYS SAY SOMETHING EVERY TIME THEY MOVE. Worst offender is that fucking samurai and his out of place Japanese. The fuck is he speaking Japanese for in a game full of English-speaking members? Does anyone even understand him?

I just watched a video of Paragon, and it made me sick. Is that a fucking third-person shooter with moba elements? That is such a shitty design, just like FPS with MMO elements (Destiny, Division, etc).

Genre mixing is terrible like this. Shooters and leveling with abilities just don't mix well.

*smacks Tracer ass*
*checks Mei thick ass*

people who play tf2/dota/cs play on min detail because of "muh performance"

they dont give a shit about gfx

>DOTA has existed since Warcraft 3
>thinks anything will kill it
you really don't understand how human beings work do you? if you've invested 14 years into something you're not just going to up and drop it for some shill product.

>tfw everytime I try to get into smite people go autistic because I'm not very good

Aight cool.

What kind of alternative reality do you live in, OP?

So much this, happened the same with lol and /lolg/ blasted his ass on me for posting my "foteigner" story

>pick lionguy because friend into the game says hes Op
>all I can do is throw spears
>throw spears
>everyone runs too fast or teleports
>how do?
>people just rages

And for lol was
>pick evil clown from spawn, chogrot or something
>read that ultimate ability increases my health
>kill people with it
>teammates tell me to stop feeding
>i try to explain them that my ultimate increases my health when i feed off of my enemies and kills make me stronger
>they just rage back

I feel so lost man....TF2 was the last multiplayer game in whic teammates congratulated me for anything...