>last novel you read
>last game you played
the developer of the game is now making a vidya adaptation. how fucked is it?
>last novel you read
>last game you played
the developer of the game is now making a vidya adaptation. how fucked is it?
>Pokemon Pinball R/S
mite b cool
The Adolescent by Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol
Oddworld Abe's Oddyssee.
It'll be interesting, to say the least.
inb4 some shitpost about Sup Forums being too dumb to read or something
Wolfenstein: NWO
3001: A Space Odyssey
Great, FPS Dead Space with nazis controlling the monoliths
>tips fedora
how is his post 'tips fedora'?
>last novel I read was part of the witcher series
>Goodnight Saigon
>The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
>Gawain and the Green Knight
I've no idea what it would even play like.
Maybe an Adventure game ala Telltale's stuff?
well what some other shit studio is remaking the game?
>Roadside Picnic
couldn't be better
>Jurassic Park
>Dark Souls 3
Sounds good actually.
The whole "Tips fedora" thing in relation to my post seems a little weird. It's supposed to be an insult towards mid-twenties redditers who fully enforce athiesm at every chance they get, and yet Dostoyevsky is probably one of the most religious and spiritual writers, who deeply advocates the acceptance of God and virtue in many of his works.
tl;dr, he was trying to insult me but he actually made himself look retarded.
>Dresden Files
OP you're my nigga. Which one is that anyway? I can't remember off the top of my head.
Also go read Codex Alera and Cinder Spires if you haven't already.
>The Dark Tower
It's fucked. You can't accurately capture the scale of that world, and open-world would just fuck everything up anyway. Although a bullet-time sort of thing for combat as Roland would be fucking sweet though.
Fear and Trembling developed by IPL. It'll be an okay walking simulator with obtuse puzzles, I guess.
>The portrait of an artist as a young man
>Tales of
I'm not sure
Is Cinder Spires new? Never heard of it, what's it about?
>Kafka On The Shore
>Fallout 4
>Explore the inevitability of fate and prophecy in a shallow open world of some town in rural Japan
>No Country for Old Men
No, no, nooooooooo not by Blizzard
>À rebours
>The Void
Yes please
>Pedro Páramo
>Bayonetta 2
Character action game where you beat the shit out of malevolent ghosts in a rural Mexican town? Sign me up.
It's almost like this board is a cesspool of adoloscent meme spouters who perpetuate tired jokes from 5 years ago.
>The Dark Tower
> Bloodborne
So Western Souls? Mite b cool
rise and fall of the third riech
wargame red dragon
>3 Kingdoms
>It already exists
>The Dark Tower Wizard and Glass
>Rainbow Six Siege
Idris Elba voices Roland in the most diverse movie tie in game of current year.
What the fuck am I still in grade school or something? Who the fuck reads.
>American Psycho
>JumpJet Rex
>playing as an Anton character
if only blizzard wasn't invovled
>game based on The portrait of an artist as a young man
If it's anything like the source material, it will make me want to kill myself.
The Big Sleep
Started Eternal Darkness
>Creative Assembly
>The Sound of the Mountain by Kawabata
From the developers of Alien Isolation, experience Alzheimer's disease as a Japanese man with a raging boner for a his daughter-in-law!
>Stormlight Archives
Maybe some 4X game in the setting? Dunno if Paradox does actual RPGs.
>Kafkas The Castle
>Telltale games
I'm ok with this
Idris Elba literally plays Roland in the movie coming
edgy teen detected
Everyone who isn't stupid?
>last novel you read
The Golden Age by Michal Ajvaz
>last game you played
It does not matter what developer handless the material: the material is so utterly and absolutely unsuitable to be made into a game it's not even funny. There would be no point, no purpose for interaction: at the absolute best, it would make for a passive walking sim and exploration game. And that is no fun to play.
>At the mountains of madness by Lovecraft
>Dark Souls 3
So it's bloodborne 2
Fuck I didn't read the second part
>last game I played was Ace Attorney
>"No, Duke Igdorf, it was not an Archgriffin that killed your uncle... It was YOU!"
Endurance: Shackleton's incredible arctic voyage
Uncharted 4
naughty dog doing a arctic shipwreck survival game sounds pretty neat.
>Gravity's Rainbow
Well shit... poor Kojima. You'll be forced to make a Kickstarter so you can budget part 2. And then comes the shit-eating BDSM scene not so long after the main character's fucked up hallucinations, make sure you get your buddy Del Toro to direct those mo-caps.
It's gonna be a ride.
>The notebook
>World of Warcraft
It's been years i had to read something, but that shit? It's Fetish the msorpg
Well it wasn't a novel but
>Amazing Spiderman (comics)
>From Software
No idea how that'd turn out. Mite b gud
>The Sound and the Fury
>Dwar Fortress
i'm not even able to conceptualize how that could POTENTIALLY turn out
-Hundred years of loneliness
-JoJo Allstars
Yep, it's new. Only one book in it so far. As much as it pains me to say it, it's set in a Steampunk Fantasy world that involves airships, piracy, and all that shit. The surface of the world is covered in clouds and everyone lives in giant stone towers that rise from the surface. It's a bit slow at the start since all the made-up terminology needs to be introduced, but it's more or less what I've come to expect from Butcher. Good stuff.
The talking cat is the best character.
Good ass fucking book. Good taste user. Faulkner's other three big ones, Absalom, Absalom, Light and August and As I Lay Dying are fuckwin too.
>Ready Player One
>Dark Souls
Would be pretty fucking cool imo.
Reading is literally in every "edgy enlightened euphoric teen's" starter kit.
What's the latest Dean Koontz book you've read, atheist?
>the Wolf in the White Van by John Darnielle
>Fallout: New Vegas
>book is about a post apoc roleplaying game
It's already perfect
Not sure how this would work.
What the fuck? Who is Dean Koontz?
I'm currently reading the Greeks you stupid cunt
I used to read so many novels now I can't even finish reading 1 chapter without my mind wandering to other things.
I'll read one sentence and reread it 3 times because I wasn't really playing attention.
Anybody else got this problem?
The guys who made Until Dawn making a House of Leaves game?
Anyone who reads anything besides trashy genre fiction is a fedora tipper, of course.
That could actually work out as a shitty fighting game where all the characters have the same name. There'd be lots of ghosts, psychic powers and execution shootings
>R6 Siege
Need for Speed : Carbon
Notes from Underground
Seems weird saying it outloud
the last wish
witcher 3
It would be utter shit
>Lord of the Rings
Huh. I don't know.
Italo Calvino's If On a Winter's Night a Traveler
Baldur's Gate 2
>You sit down at your desk, a mug of fresh coffee already steaming
>You've spent over an hour reinstalling outdated mods, eager to squeeze a few more drops of new content out of a game you've revisited more times than you can count
>But what's this? It seems somehow your .exe has been replaced with Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines
>It is not an unpleasant surprise, rather, you find you quite enjoy it. But it isn't what you had in mind.
>not A Void with The Void
Fantastic taste user
Dath Bane: The rule of two
Tripwire interactive
Pls no. Game will release with 10% the promised content and lose support a month later.
>it was just a prank
>the poem
>Rebel Galaxy
Could be ok I guess?
Reading is not as engaging as visual forms of entertainment.
Jesus christ Sup Forums, read proper literature, not YA and/or science fiction garbage.
Currently reading The Day of the Jackal and finished before that Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth.
Last game played: Transformers: Devastation
So either super assassin simulator or another Shadow of Mordor?
I tried reading the first one of Dresden but it's so fucking shite
It's exactly the kind of crap that a 14 year old would come up with in a creative writing class, I couldn't even bring myself to finish it
>South of the Border, West of the Sun
well... shit...
you mean a book?
retard detected
novel implies the book is fiction.
can't make a fucking game out of an auto repair manual or textbook
No, a book can be about anything, while a novel is specifically a story.
Borderlands 2
BL2 is p shit
Stoner is incredible
t. pleb
>Canterbury Tales
>Dark Souls 3
I fully expect the Wife of Bath to wield some absurd weapon that sends you flying.
I have no idea how it would turn out but probably would be good, it at least seems like a good match.
>Science fiction is unacceptable
>The world as it is by Voltaire
uh ...
All genre fiction is trash.
why not read a bit of everything
Man you guys are sure plebeian motherfuckers, no wonder you play video games
>Rebel by Bernard Cornwell
>Relic entertainment
shit sux
>Dang it Grandpa: Electric Boogaloo
>Sherlock Holmes (A Study in Scarlet)
Since Sherlock Holmes is in public domain, I can expect new moderately designed cases, but I can also expect dumb endings and teenagers at Scotland Yard.
not sure if want.jpg
All generalizations are trash.
>>not A Void with The Void
>Fantastic taste user
Thanks user, likewise!
Sadly, I don't read French very well yet so I'm reading a translation
One day, though.
Inherent Vice - Thomas Pynchon
Doc Sportello's life is about to get a hell of a lot harder.
And Bloodborne
Aww shiiiiiet. This is gonna be a ride.
>Dark Tower
>Persona 3
make it happen Atlus
Fuck off.
Your 'literary fiction' about getting high and coming out of the closet is fucking bland and tasteless.
>Crusader Kings 2
>Wolf Hall
So the same game but you can play as chancellor, I guess?
indeed, i for one think it is that not a single person here is reading infinite jest or gravity's rainbow.
how absolutely barbaric
t. r/literature
Honestly curious, how many people here have read the Dresden Files? Whenever a thread like this pops up it always uses the first page of Blood Rites.
The first book was a little lame. What makes them good is that Butcher is good at world-building, good at his rules for how magic works, and has really great bad-ends for everyone. You can see him getting better as a writer as the books go, too, but they're always gonna be cheesy noir pulp with wizards.
>The Martian
>Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
Guess it's never getting made.