
Why do they always show us as the bad guys in games?

Well in TES elves are the bad guy, literally 1935 Germany
Hope that helped

there better be more of this
and it better end in rape

There is already a thread up on orcs.

In TES orcs are elves, friend.

That would ruin the point, fuck off degenerate.

Because humans are jealous of their giant orc dicks.

Because orcs are a bunch of savage barbarians with no culture besides covering themselves in shit and bestiality

>not wanting rape

Typically because Orcs are depicted as a war obsessed species. If you are the one picking the fight, simply to avoid boredom, then you are the bad guy.

ok but they sure aren't evil unlike those fucking Altmers

this is cute as fuck

Posting this before someone posts the terrible photoshopped edit

because orcs are used to depict niggers and sand niggers behaviors in fantasy and they are the bad guys

Post more pls

why pig orcs?

Surprised you fucking boogers have internet, hahaha.

In age of wonders any race can be any class and any alignment

I think k they're usually evil because in Tolkiens works they are literally nearly mindless killing machines made by and for some evil fucker, and everyone just used to able them off that

They don't look like niggers.

TES orc are pretty much elves in the same way Humans are monkeys.

Orsimer are probably the most chill race too. They're the only civilized race that actually has all their shit together, people only shit on them because muh mudhuts and muh literal patriarchy

because they represent middle easterners

They are silly.

Degenerate detected


Elves are a miracle of the universe!