So I just started playing 7th Dragon and I have a question

So I just started playing 7th Dragon and I have a question.

I've filled my starting party up with people, complete with edgelord rogue, but what exactly are those last 12 slots for?

I mean there aren't that many classes in the game, are there?

Other urls found in this thread:!XJERUL4b!RGfARnTVA_Lcn-90K4Q0H2ITYyi6JlK_TfY8OvnXg5Q

I mean, isn't this a little skimpy on classes?

Oh, and what does exhaustion do?

I dunno but I shall download it and play it now.

I hope it's better than EO3 because I dropped that one by the lava floor

They're just slots for extra party members.

Exhaust powers up an attack/skill and makes you act before everyone else. You can only restore exhaust points by sleeping or using some somewhat rare items.

Oh nice, you should. Emulates like a dream too.

That being said I don't know much about lava floors.

The game's fun, and I'm only baiting for answers on Sup Forums because finding a manual isn't as easy when there's no translation for the game.

Oh, thanks man, that's good to know.

>he's playing the 50% encounter rate version

There's an english patch? Where is it?!XJERUL4b!RGfARnTVA_Lcn-90K4Q0H2ITYyi6JlK_TfY8OvnXg5Q

That's the rom WITH the English patch.

>inb4 dolphin porn

It's not big enough to be my collection.

thanks. last night they wouldn't give it to me.

That's 2020, not the first one.

Fuck, you're right. Sorry about that.

Sorry breh. But his link is the correct one!


She's really good too.

Is there any reason to play this before the PSP game? Are the stories connected or anything like that?

I advise hooking your princess up with a knight. She can pass judgment on a target and have the knight fuck that target to shit.

I haven't played much of 2020, but there are some character references and music remixes even in the beginning. I think that there are more direct references to the past games in III, though.

Threadly reminder to 3DS piratefags to buy the game if it's good. Releases like this will never grace the west again if we don't vote with our wallets.

If you hated the damage tiles in EO then you're gonna have a real fun time with this one alright

Nah, the games are all pretty mediocre. Plus the developer went bankrupt lel

The game is comfy as fuck and you'll get a lot of fun out of it if you like turn-based affairs.

And like said, there are links between the 3.

The princess is amazing.


>but what exactly are those last 12 slots for?
For other characters.
>not knowing this already
You can also use them for extra pockets.

Is it up for pre-order yet?
I haven't checked.

>Alright guys, this is our last chanse to make some profit and feed our families

It's the piratefag mentality user. And they wonder why gaming is dying.

I'm currently playing 2020 and the translation seems really good so far! I'm thinking of buying it too.

Looks cool!

Different builds