Hi Sup Forums What are your decks for this week's hearthstone's brawl ?
I'm playing it with the warrior with the mechwarper & the Gorillabot A-3
Heartstone's Brawl Deck
Rogue with pit snake and evicerate. Lost only once to a priest using mind blast + the 5 hp heal 1 mana drop.
Iceblock + Fireball
Got my 5 wins early and left, knew that there'd be 1-2 viable decks and you'll run into them nonstop, for example Sapling/Roar druid
I found a Yogg-Saron + Inervate Druit, it was very fun to play against
Those shit are hard to win against, i lost against it too
coldlight naturalize
Hunter with Timber Wolf and Stonetusk Boar, kills most decks in 3-4 turns.
Target Dummy+Bolster Warrior is also a beast.
Innervate+Wisps of the Old Gods druid wrecks everything that doesn't play for extreme tempo.
o shit waddup
Mind Blast power world glory
>power world glory
How's that working out for you, considering how 90% of the dekcs are all spells.
Mana Wyrm + Arcane Missiles.
it beats mech spam BS
Innervape + Yogg is the best brawl
shit tier deck, won every time against it
tidecaller and tidehunter
Mech Warper + Gorilla/Shredder/Sensei
Iceblock + Fireball
Those should be the two best decks to win with.
Both are too slow, and with Iceblock you are entirely at the mercy of RNG.
>Too slow
Doesn't matter when you draw an extra turn until the end of time.
And against mill decks just fireball them down, they can't mill you fast enough.
Mill druid wins by turn 6-7 long before you come online.
there is no reason to play anything other than iceblock+fireball
yes its beatable but it will have a 90% winrate
Grimscale Oracle + Murloc Tidecaller
it can beat Mechwarper if I get to go 2nd, but still loses to iceblock/frost nova
Pit snake + eviscerate is hard coun ter to mill druid.
Have fun
Wyrm+missile is pretty good
Mill druid has a dead hand until turn 3 and has to spend most of his mana milling me for 2-6 a turn
Meanwhile I only need 5-6 fireballs, which he draws for me
He has to Naturalize his own Coldlights, so he can't afford to attack with them.
It's close, but I'm 4/5 or so for winning the race
Been running a shaman deck with evolve and wisps
It's pretty meh
The second you lose a coin toss, you're dead. You're burning through your hand, you can't Fireball until Turn 4, and can't do double Fireball until Turn 8. Most decks kill you by turn 3 or 4.
>Juggler + Forbidden Ritual
I'm going to hell and I completely deserve it.
Innervate + Coldlight
Interesting deck that can literally draw and play half its deck on turn 1.
Innervate/Astral Communion + Y'Shaarj
Innervate is much better than astral in this list.
Mechwarper + Gorilla Bot/Iron Sensei
You can dump your hand on turn 3, turn 2 if you have the coin. The Gorilla Bot list can be played in any class. Use it to grind EXP. Rogue has the Iron Sensei for buffs galore.
Murloc Tidecaller + Everyfin is Awesome!
Play murlocs and fucking buff them.
Young Dragonhawk + Mark of Y'Shaarj
Play dragoncocks and buff them and draw cards.
Naturalize + Coldlight
Counters minion decks and fatigues your opponent faster than you. Works against spell decks too, since you can naturalize your coldlights.
Ice Block + Fireball
Stall your opponent out and fireball their face.
Frost Bolt + Ice Lance
Burn them... by freezing them.
Innervate + Yogg Saron
Play this if you like fun, or if you like to lose.
Living Roots + Savage Roar/Power of the Wild
Play shit, savage roar.
Mind Blast + Flash Heal/Power Word: Glory
Blast their shit, heal yourself.
Innervate + Mana Wraith
A counter to minion decks.
I'm playing Magic Duels which is really mediocre but still thousand times better than fucking Hearthstone. Literally facebook game tier.
you're going to the dumpster too
>enemy plays spell dmg deck
>you sit there with a juggler or two and a board full of tentacles and do nothing while they shoot you down
iceblock & molten giant
murloc tidecaller & warleader
kezan mystic & secret eater just to shit on iceblock mages
Congrats on being able to do a whopping 9 damage a turn and turning your hand dead.
i'm 6 for 10 with my Cursed Blade + Heroic Strike combo.
Innervate + Auctioneer
I've been giving people their wins by suiciding on turn 2.
Yeah I ain't buying that.
lmao bullshit, that is so godawful you must be lying or running into pure retards
destroys mill decks, of which tehre were a lot yesterday
>Dealing 6 damage a turn
>Taking 4-12 damage a turn
2 turn 1, 6 turn 2 and 3, 10 turn 4, etc
the non meme version is upgrade+heroic strike
Rogue with Pirate Deckhand and Cannon
Curse of Rafaam + Forbidden Ritual.
Loses to any kind of aggro, but it beats all Ice Block shitters and stacks up pretty decently against mill druids.
I don't play casual games
shitdecks desu
ok, bros here it is, im rockin 3x Kuriboh, upstart goblin, magic cylinder
Mana Wyrm + Frost Nova
Lose out to spells but you can spot those pretty early and just auto concede.
The Gorillabot/Mechwarper deck is best in Priest or Warrior so you can counter some mages who don't draw enough Ice Blocks by healing up.
Yall scrubs doubt Yogg Innervate but it always finds a way