Wonder what series normies will latch onto now.

>white youtube theme


What the fuck...why are the normies downvoting this video so much? Isn't Call of Duty their golden franchise?

Why do people hate this? It looks like another cod.

I might have to do with the fact that Activision is trying to inflate the sales by bundling it with a COD 4 remaster.

That's the part of the problem lol

They have been doing that since 2007 and now people decide to flip out. Also you know they will release the remaster 2 months later for 20$

>having shit eyes

I bet you use dark like my soul Sup Forums themes as well faggot


Oh boy, yet another Infinite Warfare shill thread.

>not using tomorrow
lmao what a pleb

No they haven't, Black Ops, WaW and the MW games are totally different games.

Not enough multiculutalism unlike BF1.
Shitlords got downvoted, enjoy!

Tomorrow is the comfiest theme you faggot.

lol rofl :DD

They've already moved onto fallout 4

They are literally not different enough from each other to be totally different games


>there are people RIGHT NOW not using the tomorrow theme

You know a franchise is fucking dead when even the millennial babies shit all over it.


>not using yesterday


So, when it comes out that EA is using poo-in-loos and bots to thumbs-down this video, how will they deflect the blame? I'm gonna say they'll blame gay-bashers again, even though they haven't put out anything that would draw their ire in over a year.

i'm not kissing you. i ain't no gay.

I don't know.
Who are we going to blame when it comes out that Activision is using poo-in-loos and bots to spam these threads about Infinite Warfare getting disliked when nobody gives a single fuck?

You're a millennial you fool!

Well that's because you're a casual.

The last 3 CODs are in essence the same game but they varied much more before that.

It's officially the fourth most disliked video in Youtube history, and it's highly likely it'll wind up dethroning the current #2 and #3 as well.

That's really good.


Whooly shit.

People will buy it anyways who cares?

Every 4 hours the same thread with these same posts.
At this point, I refuse to believe this isn't shills.

>post an image showing how much the world hates cod
>they all shills! They coming for all yo shekels!!

>new CoD trailer is more disliked than any other game trailer on youtube
That's good!
>new Battlefield trailer is more liked than any other game trailer on youtube
That's bad.

they already have mobas

Yes you are, this thread gets posted every few hours.
Who the hell gives a single fuck that Cowadoty #589731490817908412's trailer is getting disliked?

Bad publicity is still publicity, go take a course in marketing and see if you come out with the same views

2nd most downvoted of all time (Black Ops 2) sold 24 mil copies so yea

Bad or good, it's irrelevant, advertising is about making people talk about it.
Seems like Cowadooty shills have found something to force, and that is the trailer getting disliked, even though nobody gives even the tiniest of fucks.

>BF trailer being liked is bad
How is that bad?

>he thinks it won't sell a billion copies
people, come on.. the same shit that happens with wow, will happen with call of duty.

>comparing 60k dislikes to almost 2 fucking million

I don't really follow or play CoD at all, but isn't the usual criticism against CoD that the games are too similar? And now, when they're finally trying a new setting, people complain that it's too different?

>DICE Sweden
How is it not bad?

I don't see how a CG trailer with 1 second of gameplay being liked is a good thing.

>cod needing publicity

So what happens when you're already the most popular franchise in history and all you're receiving is bad press?

>marketing class

nice meme, take a sales course

>there are people right now who can't just leave well enough alone and view the website without having to dick around for several hours first.

Battlefield because it is le progressive.

I'm not the only one who had no idea what number 3 was right? Completely passed me by.

It's a guy destroying his 1 million subscriber plaque for whatever reason.

it's bad because it's obvious ea shilling. go back and look at black ops 3 and bf4 dislike/likes. they're not even close.

>So what happens when you're already the most popular franchise in history and all you're receiving is bad press?
people still buy it? seriously, how fucking stupid are you. this game is going to move millions in the first week, and this dislike shit will be in the past.

Fuckin A

>COd comes out
>Selling more than 20 million units

>Battlefield less than 10 million

Every time

>tripshit unironically takes part in the autistic BF vs COD fight
Not a surprise.
Back to the Youtube comments section with you, human garbage.

It's in engine with all game assets. That's not CG.

DICE LA and Sweden are working on it, not a bad thing.

EA has improved considerably as of late, so quit going off of shit that's irrelevant to today.

Origin isn't bad.

Frostbite has its ups and downs, but it's still a great engine for what it needs to do.

Battlelog is 100x better than in game forced matchmaking only.

Just Sup Forums being a bunch of whiny manchildren I see.

18 million views, and less than 2 million people cared enough to dislike it. yeah it sure is done, not like johnny fartknocker and friends will still buy it. i bet it will still outsell bf1

>1 credit has been deposited into you battlefront account

>EA has improved considerably as of late, so quit going off of shit that's irrelevant to today.
>Origin isn't bad.
This fuckin board man.

>Battlelog is 100x better than in game forced matchmaking only.
What about an ingame server browser? What makes that so difficult?


>1,865,097 dislikes

The trailer was a little underwhelming...

People are still going to buy this piece of shit because it's the only way they're going to be able to play their precious cod 4 again. Activision knows what they're doing, they've milked the cow many times.

wew casuals really are slow to realise something is shit

How about you two stop discussing the two most milked and cancerous franchises in the history of gaming?

it's a brazzilian minecraft youtuber that destroyed his 100 thousand subscriber plaque so that he could get "1 million" and be """"free"""" of the 100 thousand
basically it backfired as his fans thought that was an insult to them like """i don't want your shittys subscribes anymore""".
instead of getting 1 million subscribers,he got 1 million dislikes
i hope he's happy now

Oh boy, that refuted so much of my statement.

>What about in game browser?
I never understood this rampant form of autism. It's a server browser. It retains 100% of the functionality that any server browser in game or out of game has. If anything, it being out of game has a lot of new advantages such as not needing to boot the game up to see if your favourite servers are being played. Or if you have to wait in a queue when a server is full, you can just join the queue and do shit until the game pops up.

Typical Sup Forums manchildren parroting shit to "fit in" I guess. For guys who have a seething hatred of reddit, you guys sure exhibit a ton of hugboxing faggotry like that site.

>call of duty fags are angry that the series has been cod4 but prettier over and over for years
>now that they are actually literally doing cod4 but prettier that's when it's a problem that they also have to buy the new one to get it

Dude what

>EA pay some bots to dislike the video en masse
>idiots fall for this and bandwagon it

yay shilling and general idiocy

>bunch of people hate cod
>somehow it ends up making a ton of money and selling tons of copies

>several hours
>literally 1 second to click the button
wew lad

>The series has been CoD4
I fucking wish.

>Awful servers and no server browser, just forced matchmaking
>Either garbage p2p connections or connection quality so shit it might as well be p2p
>Killstreaks that bleed into more killstreaks
>Now player abilities that let you wrack up a bunch of kills for pressing a single button

Yeah, no. Only hitscan weapons and it being made from the Quake 3 engine are the only similarities.

that's because your statement is entirely your opinion.
opinion != fact
>original is shit
>ea is shit
>game browser is shit
>dice is shit
try to refute my opinions :^)

>1 out of every 9 people actually voting
That seems fishy. Since when have people ever bothered to vote for anything on youtube to that degree before?

Even that terrible new ghostbusters trailer has 1 vote for every 30 views.

>games set in the future with flying robots, jetpack suits, and "rape streaks"

This isn't the COD4 I remember, and loved.

the bubble has finally popped


>Black Ops
>Black Ops II
>every other company playing catch up and making a million modern military shooters for almost a decade
But a handful of future shooters later, and the franchise is dead?

Would another decade of boring brown and gritty modern shit be enough for you?

>Infinite warfare doesn't even come up in the search options.

Press F to pay respects


Go on youtube and do it retard

It's not about the theatre of war or the colour palette, retard. It's about the god damn gameplay.

people want it to hit a high number, its memeshit. the trailer is just as shit as the bf1 trailer

I actually think it'd be a good time for a reboot.

Keep in mind, Ghosts, Black Ops 3, Advanced Warfare, Black Ops 2 and now Infinite Warfare are all set in the future. It's getting old man.

Why doesn't it show up?

you dudes hate cod but you buy it anyway lol Sup Forums is so strupid

Watching streams

>he hates comfy themes

Overwatch, they are already fully attached


>Black Ops 2
I'll give you this because they go out of their way to make it seem futuristic with the aesthetic/music/etc but I wouldn't really call it futuristic.
>user-based advertising
>magnetic gloves
All this stuff actually exists, it's just very imperfect and expensive. There's no real futuristic tech like spaceships or robotic torsos or anything.
It took place at a future date, and there was five minutes in space, but aside from that it was basically MW4.

do you have statistics about their marketing costs ? I think mw2 was the first where they spent much

Nuh uh. I'm 40 years old and have spent my entire life playing and talking about video games, you loser.

>I'm 40 years old and have spent my entire life playing and talking about video games
>you loser
Very funny, but please: check my 3.

>Frostbite has its ups and downs
I can play BF4 60fps on high with a 280 and an FX6300. There's no downs. Runs better than the fuck ugly Red Orchestra 2 on Unreal Engine.

>It took place at a future date, and there was five minutes in space, but aside from that it was basically MW4.

That's fair. I think the fact that Activision is releasing this game with a cod4 remaster is admission of guilt.

>we know our games kinda suck now so here's something you love, you just have to eat shit and say thanks daddy.

MW2 was the second(GTA V was the first) most expensive game of all time costing a total of 250 millions to market.

Overwatch, Dark Souls and MOBAs.

>>MW2 was the second(GTA V was the first) most expensive game of all time costing a total of 250 millions to market.
The Old Republic cost $300 million and Destiny cost $500 million.

It's this. I told you faggots. I told you fucking
stupid ass nigtards that the ONLY way CoD is going down is if something even worse comes along and steals its thunder. And that's exactly what's happening.

Just wait until something bad enough to supplant MOBAs comes along. Holy shit.

What's so fucking different about cod4 compared to half the sequels that really makes all these autists out for blood? It's not 2007 anymore. You're not going to catch the dragon. BUTT MUH NOSTALGIA