Star Trek Online coming to Xbox One and PS4

Holy shit

Who /boldlygoing/ here?

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Not a big deal, honestly. The way the game is set up now with the C-Store is basically you have to pay out the nose for the good shit, or have to grind Dilithium for months just to afford one thing.

last bump

Enjoy the carcass of once decent game i guess?

Fuck perfect world

will they reduce the amount of pay2win involved?

If the C-Store is coming along with the rest of the game it'll be cancer Day 1.

>a mere escort

This always bothered me. The Akira in the movie/show canon is a dedicated warship/aircraft carrier, and it's one of the largest Federation ship classes. In the games it's always a small relatively weak ship.

Also pisses me off that my favorite Federation ship class, the Nebula, is only available from the store.

As a current player, I'm more hyped about the lighting and UI improvements that are coming with it than it actually being on consoles.
Especially considering the fact that they'll be on a seperate server so it means no improvement on queue times.

Still hyped as fuck for Agents of Yesterday though.

>Star Trek Online
How the hell is this thing even still alive, holy shit

There's an endgame carrier version now
Would be nice of the Nebula wasn't C-store only though, I agree.

somehow it's actually been making money

TOS expansion in a few months

Star Trek fans

I'm loving the look of the TOS era ships. They've really nailed that feel that the old TOS RPGs and databooks used to have with their original designs.
Hope the free versions look as good.

Good space combat.

Lots of dress up options for both characters and ships so people can play Space Barbie.

Star Trek actors reprising their roles pulling in more fans all the time.

And reusing aliens/plot-of-the-week to expand on the universe would probably be attractive to fans too.

Gorgeous 23rd century rendition of the NX refit

STO was never decent.

Taking bets on when they backport the casualized console controls to the PC version.

How is this going to work with pleb console controllers?

>A combination of radial menus and streamlining of some HUD elements created a game that is easily understood, instantly accessible, and incredibly fun to play.

I completely forgot this existed. I also get bored after playing for a few hours since I can never figure out how to do their equivalent of dungeons.

Can I have a cat waifu?

Caitians are a playable species, yes!

>be a male captain with an all-female bridge crew
>be a female captain with an all-male bridge crew

My sci-fi harem fantasies came true with STO.

We need mo suckas fo dem lockboxes

It's fucking fun dude

>not making the one true crew

Cool, can we fucking get Champions Online content patches now?

What about bringing that to Consoles like it was supposed to back in the day.

Seatbelts, everyone!

the only event ship I ever missed

just kill it and make a proper successor to CoH

Don't you have to play real money for the privilege, though?

i guess they have to force themselves to like the game since there really isnt anything outside of the star trek movies and tv shows.

they just gotta klingon to what they got

why do people still have consoles

$6, or if you grind ingame, about 26 days' grinding at current zen prices.

About 3 years too late.

600 Zen isn't too much to grind out once you get going.

If you just want a waifu though you can get cat officers without paying money/Zen.

What gun is this

Because games actually sell on consoles.

I only play this game a few months a year in the summer to collect eggs on Rysa. I have many alts with inventories full of eggs.

>current zen prices
Price has gone up like 10 dilithium per zen in the last day or two alone. Fucking expansions man.

Can I just be a human Captain with just female cats for my crew?

I stopped playing this a little while after the Romulans came out. I think I got to rank 50 with my Federation guy and then got bored for some reason, I can't remember why.

Is it worth picking up again?

This guy gets it.

Easily. You don't even need to pay money to get them, although you do need to wait until level 50 (level cap is 60).

There's been enough content released since then that you might as well, but you'll probably find it to be more of a grind than before.

>no wii u version

why doesn't nintendo get anything? fuck!

Tell me captain, can you play as a Cardassian?


The real question here is will I be able to transfer my existing account? I don't want to start from scratch.

Not officially, but I made one with the character creator and it turned out perfect. I don't have any screens of him on my phone otherwise I'd post one.

Can I have an Intrepid class ship?

Star Trek is the dustiest fucking shit

I need help

Yes, but they suck to be honest.


Yes, there's also two new refits

3538 hours and counting

Exactly what I did.

So for those who've played the game, can you have fun going completely F2P?

Or do you need to spend some dosh for the full experience?

Yes, but unfortunately you'll get it fairly early in the leveling process and then outgrow it (I think you get the choice after level 10 or maybe 20).

>3538 hours and counting

How? There isn't remotely enough content to warrant that kind of play time. Once you're up to date with the seasons and you've maxed out your character there isn't a whole lot to do except the p2p missions which get incredible tedious after a while.

Even at 504 I've done all that and maxed out my reputations.

You could play the entire game without needing to spend any more, of course spending the money on a nice shinny new ship is awesome but your experience is not hindered at all if you don't spend anything.

Source = I went 350 hours before I paid for my first ship.

No, there's a Tier 6 version as as well.

Maxxed out reputations on 5 toons so far, and working to max admiralty and doff schools on them all too. I'm one of those guys that needs one of each profession for each faction, so I've got a fed engineer, klingon engineer, romulan-fed engineer and romulan-kdf engineer maxxed so far. The other is my fed science.

Maybe my experience is different because I've had the game since the day it launched and have played off and on for years, but after it went f2p I haven't spent a dime. The game very literally throws pay to open loot boxes with special ships and shit in them at you constantly though. I've never opened any but I have hundreds from the different events sitting around in case I ever decide to spend a few bucks on them.

You can buy cash shop currency using in-game currency, so as long as you don't mind the grind for the in-game currency, you can go 100% F2P and still get cash shop ships.
The exchange rate is a little fucked at the moment though, since said in-game currency became stupidly easy to obtain and everyone is buying up cash shop dosh for the upcoming expansion.

Even without doing that, the game is still fun and you can clear everything if you're willing to put in the time to gear up properly.

In order to do well completely F2P, you need to either grind the ever-living fuck out of the game so you can convert in-game currency to pay currency and buy what you want (current rate is 340 dilithium per zen, 8k/day per character dilithium limit which means a month to get one single endgame ship if you're grinding all four of your free character slots every day) or log on during one of the major events because they hand out free ships during those.

You can still buy the t6 refit/retrofit/whateverfit and use the Intrepid skin though.

>Start rewatching DS9
>Hit Season 4 and begin loving it again
>Find out about this MMO
fuck yus

The game is tedious as hell to be honest

>Space battle
>Go to ship marker
>Suddenly enemies appear
>Cripple the boss
>Beam over
>Corridor shooting
>Defeat final guy
>Beam out

>Ground battle
>Go to marker
>scan this item or use terminal
>Wave of enemies appear
>Kill them
>Go to next market
>scan this itemor use terminal
>Final guy appears
>Beam out

My crew are lesbians, I won't have it any other way.

I personally never get sick of the ship combat, but yes there is a lot of repetition and grind in the structure of the game. At least ground combat is decent nowadays. It used to be awful back when it first came out and took years for them to change and fix it. In my opinion, it's the best MMO out there right now and a lot of the main quests are really fun and unique fitting the style and spirit of the show.

20% off certain cash shop boosts.

That's kinda cool actually.

I'd probably try it on PS4.

Will it run like shit for no reason on console, too?

>tfw you visit mirror Bajor for a good time and get raped by a changeling

>tfw no Mirror Universe Kira gf

Can you genocide Bajorans in this game?

Sadly no. You can only genocide the cool people like Jem'Hadar, you can't genocide any of the races that actually deserve to be like Bajorans, Talaxians and space zombies.

Why would you want to? They're pretty based people, remind me of the Jewish people.

Found Major Kira

No, but you can kill Admiral Leeta of the ISS Enterprise over and over again.

Is this good?



It's pretty good, one of the rare f2p games that doesn't basically force you to pay money in order to actually enjoy the game. I'm just worried that the game will play like garbage with a controller.

>tfw you'll never genocide O'Brien's wife

>tfw you will never have the punished existence that O'Brien had

>O'Brien's wife's son is technically the spawn of the two most unlikable women in the franchise
>he was loyal to that when he could've been tapping some lusty Cardie ass instead

>3500 hours
That's how much Trek I've watched since I started back in 2009.

Now that they're doing a TOS expansion, they should take some of Taldren's starship designs and bring them over to STO. Imagine cruising around in the behemoth Federation battleship or dedicated fighter carrier.


I'm not a Star Trek fan but I've always heard this game was great. What are some features? I was gonna play it on steam but nvm.

How does this game compare to eve online?

Why do people still have pcs?

They're not really similar at all. STO is more of a "theme park" MMO where you can instantly warp to where you need to be, and play in different instances.

it doesn't

For anyone playing, how is Miranda/Soyuz class ships? They are my favorite.

>where you can instantly warp to where you need to be,

Ha, I wish.

Miranda-class is the starter ship for Federation characters. There are no higher tier versions yet, I'm afraid.

Well... shit. Guess I'll pass then. They should add some kind of cloak thing that lets you cosmetically alter your ship to look like another class.